Cdi Set B

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01. Criminal investigation is not a
science; it is not governed by rigid
rules or laws, but most often, it is
governed by. .
a. Intuition
b. Felicity of Inspiration
c. Chance
d. All of them
02. It is one, which induces the
criminal to act and need not be
shown in order to obtain conviction
b.b. Intent
c.Modus Operandi
d. Background Investigation
03. It is the accomplishment of the act, and
which must be proved where it is an element
of the offense charged
c.Modus Operandi
d. Background Investigation
04. What is the Latin term for
criminal intent
a.Mens Rea
b.Flagrante Delicto
d. Magna Culpa
05. Illegal acts committed by business and
professional people with high social status
while earning their living are classified as
a. Blue-collar crimes
b.White-collar crimes
c. Crime mala in se
d. Crime mala prohibita
06. A crime that is evil in nature and
is mostly accepted as heinous is also
a. Crime malum in se
b. Crime malum prohibitum
c. Organized Crime
d. Syndicated Crime
07. This is not against public policy but rather
admissible in evidence because the
investigator does not incite or participate in
the commission of the crime although may
agree with the plan of perpetrating the crime
a.Inducement b. Entrapment
c. Investigation d. Demeanor
08. Crime usually is associated with
intent to gain are
a. Crime against property
b. Crime against Persons
c. Crimes against Interest
d. Crimes against National Security
09. Among the following, who is regarded
as the founder of Criminal Identification
a. Allen Pinkerton
b. Alphonse Bertillion
c. William Talbot
d. Robert Peel
10. Who among the following is the founder of
the national detective organization AKA “bow
street runners” of England (Scotland Yard) in
a. Jonathan Wild b. Henry Fielding
c. Sir Richard Henry d. Sir Robert Peel
11. Englishman who first introduced the concept
of setting a thief to catch another thief in the
field of criminal investigation was
a. Francis Galton b. Jonathan Wild
c. Eugene Vidoqc d. Teodulo Natividad
12. It means that the original of a document or writing
is the best evidence of such document or writing and
must be produced unless the original is lost, destroyed
or unavailable or otherwise unobtainable is
a.Secondary Rule b. Privileged Communication
b.Best Evidence Rule d. Questioned Document Rule
13. Caasi found a one hundred peso bills while
walking along the road. He used the money to
buy food since he was very hungry. What crime
did Caasi commit
a. Swindling
b. Theft
c. Malicious mischief
d. None of the above
14. It is not an element of the crime in
investigation, however, it must be
established to infer identity of the
perpetrator because of their desire is
a. Criminal Intent b. Opportunity
c. Alibi d. Motive
15. A deduction such as a suspect could have
been in the vicinity of the crime, knowledge of
the criminal objectives and absent of alibi is
known as
a. Motive b. Opportunity
c. Criminal Intent d. Evidence
16. In legal parlance, it refers to the ultimate
facts sought to be established is
a. Factum Probandum
b. Evidentiary Value
c. Factum Probans
d. Criminal Intent
e. Motive
17. A showing to the effects that there exists a
certain state of facts which form the basis of
criminal act charged and the existence of a
criminal agency which causes the states of fact
to exist is
a. Intent b. Corpus Delicti
c. Motive d. Element of the crime
18. The sworn written statement accusing
somebody with an offense that is filed by
the victim at the prosecutor’s office is
legally called
a. Affidavit b. Alibi
c. Complaint d. Information document
19. Both impression and striation marks are important traces
left by the criminal at the scene of the crime. Investigators
have generally found striations to be
a. Of less significance
b. Better recorded on wood surfaces
c. Best collected and preserve by the use of a light film of
d. None of the above
20. Suspecting foul play, the detective arranged to have the package placed
under the heliometers to see if any bombs were contained therein. His
suspicions not being verified, he then arranged to have the hydroscopic
test applied to the box hoping to detect any latent fingerprint on it. It was
only after this that he had the document contained in the box removed and
examined with ultra-violet radiation if there are any alterations in it. The
arrangements made by the detective would not have helped him discover
what he wanted.
a. Only in so far as the contents of the box were concerned
b. Except in testing for latent fingerprint
c. In examining the documents
d. In examining the box for its contents and for latent fingerprints
e. In that the use of the ultra-violet radiation would have seriously
affected any material contained in the package
21. In which one of the following ways generally is it most
advisable to conduct a criminal investigation?
a. Begin by considering the alternatives possibility
carefully, forming a definite option in order that the
inquiry will not be a purposeless grouping in the dark
b. Refrain from forming an opinion until all the facts of
the case have been conclusively proven
c. Form a definite conclusion at the earliest time that
available evidence will permit, using all resources to
prove the conclusion
d. All of them
22. The collection of photographs of
criminals taken by the police for
identification purposes is technically
a.Cartographic Files
b. Mug Files
c. Portrait Parle
d. Criminal Record
23. The investigator who wants to
minimize/eliminate the power of suggestion when
he is using an eyewitness to identify the actual
perpetuator, should employ
a. Cartography c. Cryptography
b. Portrait Parle d. Modus Operandi File
e. Police Line-up
24. Covert observation of persons, things and
places to collect information about the
identities and activities of criminal is called
a. Surveillance b. Intelligence
c. Instrumentation d. Police Operations
25. A subject under surveillance
maybe aware of this solution, thus, he
employs a person to guard him and
usually positions himself at the
subject’s rear is
a. Security guard b. Back-up Man
c. Convoy d. Shadowers
26. One method of surveillance covered by
the provisions of RA #4200 is
a. Tape recorder
b. Concealed microphones
c. Wire Tapping
d. Under cover assignments
27. A form of investigation in which the
investigator assumes a different and unofficial
identity in order to obtain information is
a. Under Cover Assignment or Roping
b. Surveillance of Places
c. Shadowing or Tailing
d. All of them
•28. The father of Criminalistics who said that
the ultimate goal of criminal investigation is
the search for truth
a. Rudolph Russ
b. Hans Gross
c. Richard Henry
d. Edmond Locard
29. Bertillon introduced Anthropometry, while Fingerprinting
as means of personal identification was introduced by
a. John Fielding c. Sir Richard Edward Henry
b. Jonathan Wild d. Sir Robert Feel
30. The conceited character of the
criminal resulting to self-betrayal
is called
a. Deductive b. Negligence
c. Vanity d. Bad Luck
31. The collection of photographs of
criminals taken by the police for
identification purposes is technically called
a.Cartographic Files
b. Mug Files
c. Portrait Parle
d. Criminal Record
32. The systematic procedure of verbally
describing a person after a short period of
visual observation is termed as
a. Composite Illustration c. Rogues Gallery
b. Portrait Analysis d. Portrait Parle
33. The investigator who wants to
minimize/eliminate the power of suggestion when
he is using an eyewitness to identify the actual
perpetuator, should employ
a. Cartography c. Cryptography
b. Portrait Parle d. Modus Operandi File
e. Police Line-up
34. An investigative procedure of identifying a
suspect/person through selecting among several
photographs is termed as
a. Composite Illustration c. Rouge’s Gallery
b. Portrait Parle d. Modus Operandi File
35.Its identification is established directly by proving other
facts or circumstances from which, either alone or in
connection with other facts, the identity of the offender can
be inferred
a. Sufficient, strong and convincing evidence
b. Circumstantial Evidence
c. Physical Evidence
d. Testimony of a witness
36. The suspected criminal constantly
observed. Hence, the investigators are
a. Speedily Surveillance
b. Contact Surveillance
c. Continuous Surveillance
d. Fixed Surveillance
37.Consensual electronic surveillance
is also called
b. Bugging
c. Participative Monitoring
d. Audio Surveillance
38. If the observation paused is located
indoor, the type of fixed Surveillance being
conducted is
a. Stake out
b. Contact Surveillance
c. Casing
d. Tailing
39. Covert observation of persons, things and places to
collect information about the identities and activities of
criminal is called
a. Surveillance b. Intelligence
c. Instrumentation d. Police Operations
40. A subject under surveillance maybe aware
of this solution, thus, he employs a person to
guard him and usually positions himself at the
subject’s rear is
a. Security guard
b. Back-up Man
c. Convoy
d. Shadowers
41. One method of surveillance covered by the
provisions of RA #4200 is
a. Tape recorder
b. Wire Tapping
c. Concealed microphones
d. Under cover assignments
42. A form of investigation in which the
investigator assumes a different and unofficial
identity in order to obtain information is
a. Under Cover Assignment or Roping
b. Surveillance of Places
c. Shadowing or Tailing
d. All of them
43. He is an ideal investigator and
actor who possesses a good
background temperament and
intellect in his Surveillance activities
a. Criminal Investigator c. Convoy
b. Under Cover Agent d. All of them
44. The facts or evidences that establish or form the
substance of the crime refer to the:
a. mens rea
b. habeas corpus
c. evidence
d. corpus delicti
45. The listing of individual and their specific
offenses based on methods or manner of
committing the offense is known as
a.Rogue Gallery
b. Fingerprint Classification
c. Modus Operandi
d. Recidivist
46. The covert observation of places,
persons and vehicles for the purpose
of obtaining information covering
their activities and identities is
a. Infiltration b. Surveillance
c. Entrapment d. All of the above
47. A Surveillant who has been
uncovered is said to be
a. Lost b. Tailed
c. Made d. Conveyed
48. That field dealing with the application
of natural and physical sciences in matters
of law is
a. Instrumentation b. Forensic Medicine
c. Forensic Chemistry
d. Forensic Science e. Forensic Education
49. Scientific identification method that
uses the Landsteiner classification is
a. Dactyloscopy or Fingerprinting
b. DNA Fingerprinting
c. Cryptography
d. Blood Typing
e. Graphology
50. The scientific examination contributes to the total
investigative effort
a. Because it is based on Physical and Chemical Laws
b. Because it provides information in all criminal
c. When it uncovers otherwise undetected evidence
d. All of them
51. Tool markings are said to be important evidence
a. Because they identify the specific type of tool
that left the marking
b. If the striation are visible to naked eye or easily
c. If they reproduced the characteristic of a tool
found in the possession of a suspect
d. None of the above
52. Tool markings are generally classified as
striations and impressions, these are most
likely to be found
a. On a window frame or sill
b. On the hinge plate of a door
c. On a brass striker plate of a lock
d. None of the above
53. Striations are fine parallel grooves on a
surface with characteristics of irregularities
marked by the tools. These marks are most
likely to be found on
a. The hinge plate of a door
b. The striker plate of a lock
c. The severed telephone line
d. All of the above
54. Both impression and striation marks are
important traces left by the criminal at the
scene of the crime. Investigators have
generally found striations to be
a. Of less significance
b. Better recorded on wood surfaces
c. Best collected and preserve by the use of a
light film of oil
d. None of the above
55. Suspecting foul play, the detective arranged to have the package
placed under the heliometers to see if any bombs were contained therein.
His suspicions not being verified, he then arranged to have the
hydroscopic test applied to the box hoping to detect any latent fingerprint
on it. It was only after this that he had the document contained in the box
removed and examined with ultra-violet radiation if there are any
alterations in it. The arrangements made by the detective would not have
helped him discover what he wanted.
a. Only in so far as the contents of the box were concerned
b. Except in testing for latent fingerprint
c. In examining the documents
d. In examining the box for its contents and for latent fingerprints
e. In that the use of the ultra-violet radiation would have seriously
affected any material contained in the package
56. The medullar index (relation
between the diameters of the
medulla and the whole hair) is
greater in hair from the
a. Armpit b. Eyelashes
c. Eyebrow d. Genitals
e. Neck
57. An examination of a piece of hair found at
the scene of a crime reveals that in the cross
section, the hair is triangular with concave
sides. Although somewhat variable, it would
be expected that this hair came from the
a. Beard b. Chest c. Head
d. Legs e. Pubic Area
58. Of the following, the most reliable single
criterion in judging the authenticity of paper
money is the
a. Color of the scene
b. Reserve letter in relation to the area in which the
money is circulating
c. Quality of the engraving
d. Wet strength of the paper
e. Arrangement of the red and blue threads in the
59. One measure of the extent to which scientific detecting is
aiding in the solution of crimes is its ability to analyze and draw
significant conclusions from relatively few specimens of matter.
In so far as the human body is concerned, one of the following
which is probably the least likely to be determined on the basis
of the evidence presented is the
a.Identity of an individual from some bones
b.Relative size of an individual from some bones
c.Presence of an abnormality in the lower limbs from the step
d.Type of a weapon used by the deformation of the hair struck
e.Profession of an individual by marks on his fingerprints
60. The primary reason that tissues of the human
body are frequently destroyed even by a relatively
small fire is because of the
a. High phosphorus content of the body
b. High fat content of the body wall
c. Low mineral content of the body
d. High water content of the body tissue
e. High content of organic gasses
61. One means of tracing the owner of an article such as a
towel, or handkerchief is by means of laundry marks. An
invisible laundry mark can best be read with the help of
a. Infra-red lights b. Ultra-violet light
c. Iodine fuming
d. Fluorescent reaction e. Spectrograph
62. A useful method of identifying or
comparing certain substances, such as small
glass participles found in connection with a
hit-and-run case, is to measure the relative
velocity of light through the substance. The
instrument for doing this is the
a. Refract meter b. Microtone
c. X-ray diffraction camera
d. Spectrophometer e. Pycnometer
63. Of the following, usually the best method of
chemical analysis of every minutiae quantities
of inorganic substance is analysis by
a. Reagents b. Electron microscope
c. Spectographs
d. Flouroscope e. Homolyzation
64. In investigation of rape cases, use of ultra violet light is a useful
method to
a.Both to locate stains, but not to establish whether they are semen
b.Locate stains, but not to establish whether they are semen stains
c.Only to establish whether certain stains are semen, after they
have been located by some other method
d.Neither for finding stains not for .determining their nature
65. With which of the following bomb
materials is the hazard of poisoning most
a. Of the valerian preparation
b. Asafetida
c. Hydrogen Sulfide
d. Butyric Acid
66. A decolorizing time of 30 seconds
in an intoximeter test is generally
taken as an indication that the
intoxication of the subject is
a.Undoubted b. Probable
c. Possible d. Negligible
67. In comparison with other methods of analysis used in the
police lab, the unique advantage of the spectrograph is that
a. Minutiae traces of substances can be analyzed
b. Its portability lends itself to field determination
c. The samples is not destroyed in the analytical process
d. It produces a permanent record of the analysis
e. It is relatively inexpensive to acquire and operate
68. In connection with the analysis of questioned
documents, which of the following is least likely to
be successful?
a. Restitution of erased or eradicated writing
b. Determination of ink type
c. Establishment of the age of ink
d. Determination of make and age of typewriter
e. Distinguishing between lead and indelible
69. Though the Benzedrine test, it is usually
regarded as not specific for blood because fresh
fruit and milk will give similar results, some
technicians believe that blood may be specifically
identified by this test on a basis of
a. Depth of collar
b. Time of reaction
c. Persistence of color
d. Luminescence under ultra-violet light
70. The direction from which a blunt object has
broken a piece of glass may be determined by
examination of the fractured cross-sectional surface
of the glass. In this case, the direction of the blow is
indicated by
a. The pattern of curved lines
b. The position of plucking or chipping on the
c. The level angle of the fracture
d. Convexity or concavity of the fractured service
71. When a Lie Detector examination is administered, 2 tests
consisting of the same questions are usually asked. There is a time
interval between the two tests, if the responses are usually
accentuated on the' second test, as on the first, this is ordinarily an
indication of
a. Truthful subjects b. Untruthful subjects
c. Either a and b d. Need to re-administer the test
72. The known case on personal identification
that caused the total damaged of
anthropometry is
a. Best Case
b. State of America vs. Jennings
c. Dellinger Case
d. West Case
73. The "whom" ,the "where" or "which"
information are derived and developed refers
to the
a. Traces of Information
b. Testimony
c. Evidence
d. Sources of information
74. Thomas Byrnes, a New York Chief
of Detectives, introduced the
b. Rogues Gallery
c. Modus Operandi
d. Trade protection policy
75. If a building is used for treatment or care of persons
suffering from physical or mental illness; disease or
infirmity, care of infants. . . and for penal; or correctional
purposes, such building is under
a. Educational Occupancy
b. Institutional Occupancy
c. Place of Assembly
d. Mercantile Occupancy
76. Which of the following facial
characteristics of human being varies from
person to person to the greatest extent,
therefore, making it the single best feature
to use for identification?
a. Eye b. Ear c. Nose
d. Mouth e. Chin
77. The Bertillion Identification classification of
woman criminals includes the measurements of
a. The Head b. The Elbow
c. The Left Foot d. None of the above
78. A follow-up officer's tool consisting of data about
the pattern of the criminal activities of criminals.
This data often give leads to investigators about
the identity and criminal operation of suspect/s
a. Modus Operandi
b. Modus Operandi File
c. Booking Records
d. Criminal Records File
e. d. Police Blotter File
79. This method 'of identification is done through
the medium of intelligently identifying from a
group of five (5) to ten persons of almost the
same height, hair, color and clothing is
a. Artist's assistance
b. Police Line – up
c. Verbal description
d. Rogues’s Gallery/Photographic Files
80. Evidences illegally obtained during unreasonable
searches and seizures are inadmissible in evidence,
this guarantee is provided for under the principle
known as
a. Inadmissibility Rule b. Exclusionary Rule
c. Self-incriminating Rule d. Justifying Rule
81. Here are three types of shadowing
employed during surveillance, one of them is
a. Loose tail b. Rough Shadowing
c. Open tail d. Close tail
82. In Crime Reconstruction reasoning from
specific to general is known as
a. Deductive reasoning
b. Specific Reasoning
c. Inductive reasoning
d. Positive reasoning
83.The crime scene and the items within it that
are evidently valuable to the investigation is
graphically portrayed by
a. Field Notes
b. Personal Photography
c. Crime Scene Sketch
d. Crime Scene Search
84. A police officer must arrive at the crime
scene quickly as possible because
a. It is the source of the most productive
b. The principal suspect were there or may still
be present
c. Some Physical evidence may
d. All of the Above
85. The fundamental responsibility of the officer
protecting the crime scene is
a. Interrogation of witness
b. Removal of evidence which might prove importance to
the case
c. Searching the adjacent area or tire or foot imprints
d. Preserving the site of the crime in the same physical
condition as it was left by the suspect/perpetrator
86. The primary reason for conducting a search
in the crime scene area is to
a. Determine the crimina1's method of
b. Uncover hidden fingerprints
c. Ascertain the reasons for the crime
d. Obtain obvious physical evidence
87. The primary duty of the first police officer at the
scene of the crime of a reported homicide is to:
a. Administer first aid and call for medical assistance
if the victim is still alive
b. Pursue the fleeing suspect
c. Protect the crime scene
d. Obtain information from witnesses
88. In the investigation of crime, a member of
the force shall prevent _______ persons
from entering upon scene of the crime until
the arrival of a member of the Investigation
a. Suspicious b. Accidental
b. c. Alleged d. Disputed
e. Curious
89. The first duty of a police investigator upon
arriving at the scene of an alleged fatal accident
should be to:
a. Determine the cause of death
b. Determine the time of death
c. Verify that the victim is dead
d. Identify the victim
90. All of the following are generally accepted rules of
behavior that should be followed by Policeman first
Arriving at the scene of a Murder committed indoors
a. Try to keep the witness separated
b. Record the time of discovery of the crime
c. Discuss the crime within persons who witnessed the
d. Notify superior officers as quickly as possible but do not
leave the scene unguarded while doing so
91. A citizen who operates a motel reports on 8-10-48, that a
Graflex camera, serial number XY2J was stolen from his living
quarters on 8-8-48 at 9 p.m. He can furnish no clues who the
thief might be and state that the camera was insured against
theft. There is no evidence of force entry. Of the following,
which would be the first action for the officers investigating the
a.Report the loss to the insurance company
b.Check the guest register of the model for 8-8-48
c.Report the loss with serial number to the manufacturer of the
d.Question the citizen's story
e.Check the records of local pawnshop
92. Is the act an investigator does at the
crime scene by systematically searching
and locating physical evidence?
a. Searching b. Crime Scene
c. Crime Scene Search d. All of them
93. Basically, the investigator must be-guided
that his investigation must be to look upon
evidence to establish one or more of the
a. Corpus Delicti or the fact that a crime was
b. Methods of operation
c. Identify of the guilty party
d. All of the Above
94. If the area to be searched is limited like
indoors with few content or any other situation
which will preclude a systematic search, this
standard procedure of search is recommended
a. Strip method
b. Double strip or Grid Method
c. Spiral Method
d. Zone Method
e. All of them
95. The investigator can draw conclusion of what
happened through the physical appearance of the
crime scene and from the description of the
witnesses, this process is term as
a. Physical Reconstruction
b. Mental Reconstruction
c. Crime Scene Investigation
d. All of them
96. Known in criminal investigation as the best and
simplest method of documenting a crime scene
because the exact location and measurements of
instrumental physical evidence to the crime is
presented is
a. Recording with measurements
b. Diagrams/Drawing
c. Sketching
d. Notes taking
97. The scene of crime and the items
within it that are of evidentiary value
or of interest to the investigation is
graphically portrayed by
a. Notes b. Sketches
c. Photograph d. Crime Scene Search
98. Physical evidence is generally given weight
by the courts because
a. It cannot lie
b. It is not affected by emotion
c. It speaks for itself
d. All of the above
99. The fact that no physical evidence was found at the crime
scene will most likely mean that
a. The victim cleaned up before the police arrived
b. The suspect was a professional
c. The suspect was juvenile
d. The police probably did not conduct a complete search
for evidence
100. Physical evidence plays an important role in
crimina1prosecution because
a. It can place the suspect at the scene of the crime
b. Its credibility can never be questioned
c. It requires no testimony to link a suspect to a crime
d. It can not be contaminated

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