A Descriptive Study at The Tenth Grade of The SMK PGRI Cikoneng

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(A Descriptive Study at the Tenth Grade of the SMK PGRI Cikoneng)

Mega Devega Arviany
The Outlines
01 Background of the Study
02 Research Questions
03 Purpose of the Study
04 Review of Literature
05 Research Design
06 Research Site and Participants
07 Data Collection
08 Data Analysis
09 Bibliography
Background of the Study
Background of the Study

According to Kocol and Dordevic (2017), this competence is somehow closely

connected to intercultural communication which is referred to as
communication between people with different cultural backgrounds.

According to Cheng (2007) interactive drama are a language learning activity

in which each student in the class takes a distinct role with specific goals and
interacts with other students in the class to build alliances and complete
common goals.
Research Question
Research Question

How do the process of What are the students’

RQ drama performance RQ perceptions on drama
1 promote the students’ 2 performance of
intercultural competence intercultural competence
in speaking class? in speaking class?
Purpose of the Study
Purpose of the Study

1 To find out the process of 2 To find out the students’

drama performance perceptions on drama
promote the students’ performance of
intercultural competence in intercultural competence
speaking class. in speaking class.
Review of Literature
Performing Drama

“According to Kelly (2000), drama provides a perfect opportunity for working on language
generally, and pronunciation in particular careful study on the script (if one is used) is
necessary before performance of it, and in particular, the ways in which stress placement
contributes to the meaning of the lines, clearly it makes sense to combine this with the study
of particular grammatical structures and lexical areas”.
Learning Drama

“According to Elisa (2010), when we use drama, and take away the emphasis from linguistic
accuracy and focus on creating meaning, solving dramatic problems, etc., we actually find th
at this leads to language improvement.”
Benefit of Using Drama

According to Wessels (1987), we can sum up the benefits of drama in

language teaching as follows:
a. The acquisition of meaningful, fluent interaction in the target language.
b. The assimilation of a whole range of pronunciation and prosodic features in
a fully contextualized and interactional manner.
c. The fully contextualized acquisition of new vocabulary and structure.
d. An improved sense of confidence in the student in his or her ability to learn
the target language.”
Approaches to Culture in Foreign Language Teaching
and Learning

Liddicoat et al., (2003) mentioned four approaches to culture in foreign language

teaching and learning as follows.
a. High culture
b. Area studies
c. Culture as societal norms
d. Culture as practice
Concept of Intercultural Competence and
Intercultural Learning

Deardorff (2006, p.194) defined intercultural competence as “the ability to commu-

nicate effectively and appropriately in intercultural situations based on one’s inter-
cultural knowledge, skills and attitudes”
Definition of Speaking

According to Oxford Learner’s Dictionary of Current English (2000), speaking is

producing sound to give response back to understand each other what they want
to express with a word.
Research Design
Research Design
The research design that will be used is descriptive study.

Ary et.al (2010, p.322) explained descriptive research method is

used to obtain information about existing conditions and have been
widely used in educational research.
Research Site and Participants
Research Site and Participants

The research site will be at SMK PGRI Cikoneng, Ciamis

The participants will be the Tenth Grade Students of Vacation High School
(SMK) PGRI Cikoneng. The number of them are 28 person.
Data Collection
Data Collection
01 • Non-participant observation
• Recording Section

02 • Close-ended questionnaire

03 Documentation
Data Analysis
Data Analysis
Thematic analysis will be used for analyzing the data:
- data collection
- generating initial codes
- developing concepts
- defining categories
- generating the tentative themes
- revising the tentative themes
- finalizing the themes of study

Close-ended Questionnaire
According to Hatch and Lazarton (1991, p.136) , The data from close-ended questions
will be analyze by using close items on questionnaire and the percentage computation:
Percentage = number of x x 100%
total number

To analyze qualitative data, the researcher will reads the students’ answers
to the questions in the questionnaire then views to the video recording of
the process and then transcribe it.
Thank you
Ary, Donald. (1985). Introduction to Research in Education: third edition. New York: CBS College Publishing.

Cheng, Michael. (2007). Student Perceptions of Interactive Drama Activities. Journal of Interactive Drama.Vol. 2,
No. 3.

Chi, R. (2017). What is Intercultural Communication?. The SISU Intercultural Institute Intercultural Communicatio
n Future Learn Course Reading. Retrieved on November 25, 2018, from http://www.futurelearn.com/cours

Deardorff, Darla K. (2006). The Identification and Assessment of Intercultural Competence as a Student Outcom
e of Internationalization at Institutions of Higher Education in the United States. Journal of Studies in Intern
ational Education, Vol.1, No.10, pp.241-266.

Elisa, Laura. (2010). Why use drama in the English classroom? Act & Learn: Teaching English Through Drama.
Retrieved on December 20th 2018, from: http://actnlearnenglish.blogspot.com/2010/05/why-use-drama-in-

Frankel, Jack R. and Wallen. (2006). How to Design and Evaluate Research in Education. New York: Metu
Hadley, A.O. (1993). Teaching Language in Context. Boston: Heinle and Heinle Publishers.

Harmer, Jeremy. (2001). The Practice of English Language Teaching. London: Longman.

Heighman, Junnita and Robert A. Crooker. (2009). Qualitative Research in Applied Linguistics. United Kingdom: Palgrave M

Kocoł, A. S., & Đorđević, D. (2017). Intercultural Competence of ESP Students. The Journal of Teaching English for Specific
and Academic Purposes ,Vol. 5, No.2, pp. 367-377

Kral, Thomas. (1994). Plays for Reading Materials Development and Review Branch. U.S: English Language Programs Divi

Laakso, Erkki. (1994). Ilmaisukasvatuksen Lähtökohdista (Expression Education Starting Points), in Grönholm, pp. 11-30.

Liddicoat, Anthony J., Papademetre, L., Scarino, A., Kohler, M. (2003). Report On Intercultural Language Learning. Commo
nwealth Department of Education, Science and Training under the National Asian Languages and Studies in Australi
an Schools (NALSAS) Strategy. Canberra: Research Centre for Languages and Cultures Education at the University
of South Australia.
Lodico, Marguerite. (2006). Methods in Educational Research: From Theory to Practice. San Fransisco: Jossey-

Said, Iskhak, and Teams, (2017). Buku Pedoman Pembimbingan Skripsi & Kegiatan Bimbingan Penelitian & Pen
ulisan Skripsi Program Sarjana (S1), Ciamis: Prodi B.Inggris Universitas Galuh.

San, İ. (1996). Educational Creative Drama: A Method Developing Creativity and a Discipline Educating a Creativ
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Strasheim, Lorraine A. (1981). Establishing a Professional Agenda for Integrating Culture into K‐12 Foreign Lang
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Sugiyono. (2008). Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif Kualitatif dan R&D. Bandung: Alfabeta.

Thornbury, Scott. (2005). How To Teach Speaking. Harlow: Pearson Education Limited.

Valdes, J.M. (1988). Culture Bound: Bridging the Cultural Gap in Language Teaching. Cambridge: Cambridge Un
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