Another stereotypical thing for horror films is that women are the most
frequent targets in horror movies. They're constantly in grave danger. In our
film our female characters are strong, independent and are a countertype for
this genre.
ours will be different due to the use of the POV shot throughout of the film.
This will allow the audience to see exactly what the actors are seeing first
hand. Another reason in which it will, be different to other horror films as the
characters split up and have to experiences by themselves and with the
villain. What this shows is two stories in one. For the viewer, it is showing
perspectives from each of the characters telling a similar story but from
different character backgrounds.
Unions that we have considered…
BBFC - Age rating would be 15 years and over because
our short film will have some elements of violence but
not strong brutal violence also they may be strong
language and weapons such as knives might be also
shown. We need to be careful in what we put into our
film to ensure that it meets the ratings allowed. However
from reviewing films such as the Saw Series, we will not
use anywhere near the gore that is use in them films. The
only issue that we may have is the setting of the film
being protected through copyrights or using music and
sound effects that are copyrighted. To ensure this doesn’t
happen, we will use clips off of YouTube that are free and
accessible for premier pro.
Crew roles
Director: Sam Watling. The director is in charge of everything he
decides what music is chosen and where the camera is placed etc.
Producer: Zak White. The producer is someone who makes sure that
everyone is in there right places and they're in charge of the paper
Cinematographer : Sam Watling. A cinematographer is the director of
the camera and light crews working on a film and is responsible for
making artistic and technical decisions related to the image.
Editor: Zak White: The film editor works with the raw footage,
selecting shots and combines them into sequences which create a
finished motion picture.
Camera Operator: Sam Watling: A camera operator, sometimes
informally called a cameraman, is a professional operator of a film or
video camera.
Permission for filming
For our video we will be filming in a member of the groups
house. For this reason, it will be easily accessible to get
permission to film there. The other location that we will be
filming is the road that the house sits on. What this means for
the location scout is that they may have to ask for permission
from local authority. Also we will be asking people around the
area to see if we are allowed to film in front of their houses
due to the fact that a small minority maybe seen through the
short running clips near the end of the film
“Before filming on a public road you must contact the local
police and the Highways Department of the local authority.
Both will need to make sure that your plans are safe and pose
no threat to road users.”- British film commission