Shikha Sharma Assistant Professor Maims

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Assistant Professor
Marketing Environment
 The marketing environment consists of actors and forces
outside the organization that affect management’s ability to
build and maintain relationships with target customers.
 Environment offers both opportunities and threats.
 Marketing intelligence and research serve to collect
information about the environment.
Marketing Environment

 Includes:
 Microenvironment: actors close to the company that
affect its ability to serve its customers.
 Macroenvironment: larger societal forces that affect the
 Considered to be beyond the control of the organization.
Actors in the Microenvironment
The Company’s Microenvironment

 Suppliers:
 Provide resources
needed to produce
goods and services.
 Important link in the
“value delivery system.”
 Most marketers treat
suppliers like partners.
The Company’s Microenvironment

 Marketing Intermediaries:
 Help the company to promote, sell, and distribute its goods
to final buyers
 Resellers
 Physical distribution firms
 Marketing services agencies
 Financial intermediaries
Partnering With Intermediaries

Coca-Cola provides
Wendy’s with much
more than just soft
drinks. It also pledges
powerful marketing
The Company’s Microenvironment

 Customers:
 Several types of markets
that purchase a
company’s goods and
 Customer vs consumer
The Company’s Microenvironment
 Competitors:
 Those who serve a target market with products and services
that are viewed by consumers as being reasonable substitutes
 Company must gain strategic advantage against these
 Publics:
 Group that has an interest in or impact on an organization's
ability to achieve its objectives
The Macroenvironment
 The company and all of the other actors operate in a
larger macroenvironment of forces that shape
opportunities and pose threats to the company.
 PESTE analysis (PEST? STEEP? STEP?...)
The Company’s Macroenvironment
The Company’s Macroenvironment

 Demographic:
 The study of human populations in terms of size, density,
location, age, gender, race, occupation, and other statistics.
 Marketers track changing age (aging population, family life
cycle) and family structures (singles...), educational
characteristics (better educated people, more white-collar
people), and population diversity (gay and lesbian
consumers, people with disabilities).
Diversity-Based Advertising

Based on careful study of cultural differences, Bank of America has

developed targeted advertising messages for different cultural
subgroups, here Asians and Hispanics.
Income Distribution

Walt Disney markets two distinct Pooh bears to match its two-
tiered market.
Natural Environment
 Involves the natural
resources that are needed as
inputs by marketers or that
are affected by marketing
Environmental Responsibility

McDonald’s has made a substantial commitment to the so-called

“green movement.”
Technological Environment
 Most dramatic force now
shaping our destiny.
 Changes rapidly.
 Creates new markets and
 Challenge is to make
practical, affordable
 Safety regulations result in
higher research costs and
longer time between
conceptualization and
introduction of product.
Political Environment
Includes Laws,
Increasing Legislation
Agencies, and
Pressure Groups
Changing Government
that Influence or Agency Enforcement
Limit Various
Organizations and
Individuals In a Increased Emphasis on Ethics
Given Society. & Socially Responsible Actions
Cultural Environment
 The institutions and other
forces that affect a society’s
basic values, perceptions,
preference, and behaviors.
 Core beliefs and values are
passed on from parents to
children and are reinforced
by schools, churches,
business, and government.
 Secondary beliefs and values
are more open to change.

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