Research Design: By: Sonali Kshirsagar

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By: Sonali Kshirsagar

Research Design

The research design is the conceptual

structure within which the research is
conducted. It constitutes a blueprint for
collection, measurement and analysis of

The designing decisions
should be in respect of:
1. What is the study about?
2. Why is the study being made?
3. Where will the study be carried out?
4. What type of data is required?
5. Where can be the required data be found?
6. What period of time will the study include?
7. What will be the sample design?
8. What techniques of data collection will be
9. How will the data be analyzed?

Research Design
One may split the overall research design into
following parts:
1. Sampling design.
2. Observational design.
3. Statistical design.
4. Operational design.

Features of a research Design
1. It is plan that specifies the sources and
types of information relevant to the
research problem.
2. It is the strategy specifying which
approach will be used for gathering and
analyzing the data.
3. It includes the time and cost budget
since most of the studies are done
under these two constraints.

In brief the research design
must at least contain:

a) A clear statement of research problem.

b) Procedures and techniques used for
gathering the data.
c) The population to be studied.
d) Methods to be used in processing and
analyzing data.

Significance of research design
1) Smooth and efficient sailing (set boundaries
and prevent blind search).
2) Yields maximum information (avoids collection
of irrelevant data).
3) Reduces costs in terms of time, money and
4) Maximizes reliability of results.
5) Avoids misleading conclusions and thoughtless
futile exercise.
6) Helps organizing one’s ideas.

7) Gives chance to foresee flaws &
inadequacies (anticipates problem).
8) Like a successful journey.
 Broadens your mind.
 Gives fascinating & exiting experience.
 Provide opportunities to meet people.
 Gives fun and reward.

Types of Research Design
1. Explorative research
2. Descriptive research & Diagnostic
3. Experimental research

Explorative research
Explorative research is that which is
done for the first time, to go in depth splitting
the subject, penetrating in each aspect without
any specific end objective.

Research is explorative when, a too

little is known and when you use no earlier
model as a basis of your study.

Exploratory research
 Features:
1. A problem is formulated more precisely.
2. Go in depth and splitting the subject,
penetrating in each aspect.
3. Major emphasis is on discovery of
4. Study is flexible enough for considering
many aspect of a problem.

Methods in explorative design
 Generally this design involves 3
methods to formulate a research
problem and a hypothesis:
1. Survey of literature: Hypothesis stated
by the earlier research workers. Study
of relevant books, journals and different
bulletins, etc may be reviewed.
Use: Helps to clarify concepts which
ultimately helps to formulate the
problem and a hypothesis for it.

2. The experience survey:

 Consists of getting experience and

information from people who have some
experience and knowledge about the subjects
which are concerned with research.
 It is often considered desirable to send a
copy of questions to be discussed, to the
respondents well in advance. This will give an
opportunity for doing some advance thinking, so
that the respondents can contribute more
Use: Helps to clarify concepts which ultimately helps
to formulate the problem and a hypothesis for it.

3. Analysis of insight
 If the available literature does not serve
the purpose then the researcher, on the
basis of inner state of mind, tries to
formulate a problem and hypothesis for
 In this the reactions of people from
various fields are taken.
Use: Helps to clarify concepts which
ultimately helps to formulate the problem
and a hypothesis for it.

Descriptive research
 Descriptive research design are those
studies which are concerned with
describing the characteristics of a
individual or a group.
 Descriptive research describes the
current status or situation of people,
attitude and progress.

Descriptive research
 Features:
 It aims to obtain complete and accurate
 It has no control over variables.
 It can just describe the state of affairs
as it exists at present.
 Mainly based on surveys.

The Descriptive Research Design
follows the rigid procedure:
 Formulating the objective. (what is the
study about & why it is being made).
 Designing the data collection methods.
(what techniques of data collection will be
 Selecting the sample. (how much sample
will be required).
 Collecting the data. (where can be the
required data found and what time period).
Experimental research
 Experimental research studies relies on
daily experiences or observations alone
often neglecting the theories or systems.
 In this study the researcher provides
himself with a working hypothesis and
works accordingly to prove or disprove
his formulated hypothesis.
 This study is also known as Hypothesis
testing research studies.

Features of a good design
A good research design is often characterized by
objectives like flexible, appropriate, efficient and
1. Design which gives a smallest experimental error
is supposed to be best in many investigations.
2. If the research study happens to an exploratory,
wherein the major emphasis is on discovery of
ideas, the research design most appropriate
must be flexible enough to permit the
consideration of many aspects of a phenomenon.

Features of a good design
3. But when the purpose of study is
accurate description of a situation and
a research design which minimizes
bias and maximizes the reliability of the
evidence collected is considered as a
good design.


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