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Zinc Phosphate

“Most Commonly Used Corrosion Inhibitor” 2

Ryan Mazur, Chemical Engineering, Rochester Institute of
Introduction Corrosion Inhibitor Efficiency Study
Synthesis and Design
 Zinc Phosphate (Zn3(PO4)2 is an inorganic • Zinc phosphate is known for its inhibition efficiency as an anticorrosive pigment. The efficiency of •Zinc phosphate was first produced by
compound that has many industrial uses and zinc phosphate is directly related to the following properties: purity, solubility, morphology, pigment- treating zinc oxide with phosphoric acid in an
is also predominantly found being used in polymer interactions, pigment volume concentration, the surrounding environment, and the aqueous solution at 70-80℃ in the presence
dental restorations. Zinc phosphate is the substrate. For some applications, zinc phosphate pigments are modified increasing the coating of metallic zinc and then separating out the
oldest of the luting cements and serves as a weight as well as protection by altering the above properties. zinc phosphate. Product yield was 98% for
standard for newer cements to be compared • A study was conducted to identify and simplify criteria for the selection of anticorrosive pigments for this process.
a given application (steel substrate) •It is crucial that the metallic zinc added to
to. Zinc phosphate is commonly used as
the process must be in an amount from 1-
pretreatment over galvanized and ferrous • 1 gram of each pigment was leached in 500 ml of 0.5 M NaCl for 24 hours. After the 24 hour
10% by weight of zinc oxide. If metallic zinc
substrates providing corrosion resistance and period, the mixtures were filtered and pH and conductivity readings were taken. Substrates were
submerged for sixteen hours. Polarization experiments were conducted to develop plots of is not 1-10% by weight od zinc oxide, the
better adhesion for powder coating. Zinc
electrode potential vs. current density. product will not have adequate protective
phosphate pretreatment can provide 750 and physico-mechanical properties for use.
hours of corrosion protection over raw steel •Zinc phosphate is produced in bulk to
and 1,000 hours of protection over galvanized ensure that the end product when used will
steel. As a non-toxic white, stable pigment, show no signs of corrosion when applied on
zinc phosphate features corrosion protection a surface. 438 grams of zinc oxide and four
grams of metallic zinc (powder) are
and adhesion capabilities that are highly
grounded by wet grinding in presence of 500
demanded in industrial and dental settings. g of water in a ball mill. 1,000 g of additional
water is added and the slurry is heated to
70℃. Under continuous stirring, 350 g of
phosphoric acid is added to the slurry. After
Physical and Chemical Properties forty-five minutes, the slurry is filtered and
Table 1: Data for Corrosion Efficiency on Cold Rolled Steel (CRS) Figure 1: Labeled Schematic for 700 g of zinc phosphate is recovered once
Experimental Design of Study
Physical Chemical Figure 2: Cathodic Polarization Plot for dried.
Reference Samples on CRS
Properties: Properties: Results
• Low Thermal • Insoluble in Modified Zinc Phosphate (P7) had the greatest percent inhibition efficiency on CRS with 95%.
Conductivity water Polarization plot at the cathode site of the substrate shows that modified zinc phosphate had the
• Low Crushing • Anti-Corrosion greatest electrode potential with the most least current density. Therefore, the best pigment for the
Strength inhibition of steel is modified zinc phosphate.
• Opaque
Anticorrosive Behavior at Microscopic Level
• Adhesion
• Lightweight
Figure 5: Process Flow Diagram for bulk production of
Coating (15-100 zinc phosphate
• http://www.halox.com/events/files/Abrafati%202007.pdf
Figure 3: Fundamental reactions for the hydrolysis of zinc • http://patft.uspto.gov/netacgi/nph-
phosphate and the formation of the undissolved complex Parser?d=PALL&p=1&u=%2Fnetahtml%2FPTO%2Fsrchnum.ht
Hazards phosphate product m&r=1&f=G&l=50&s1=4207301.PN.&OS=PN/4207301&RS=PN/
• Zinc phosphate is considered extremely toxic to 4207301
aquatic life and has long lasting effects. Zinc • http://www.sncz.com/images/upload/sds-phosphate-de-
phosphate should not be released into public zinc_1.pdf
Figure 4: Zinc Phosphating application
• J. Wang, D. Li, J. Liu, X. Yang, J. He and Y. Lu, "One-Step Preparation and
stretches of water and waste should only be on a substrate at a microscopic level
Characterization of Zinc Phosphate Nanocrystals with Modified
released into a waste water management facility. Surface," Soft Nanoscience Letters,Vol. 1 No. 3, 2011, pp. 81-85.
Zinc phosphate is non-flammable. doi: 10.4236/snl.2011.13015.
• Menke, Joseph T. "Zinc Phosphate Coatings on NonFerrous Substrates
-- Part I". PFOnline. Retrieved 2006-08-07.

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