Ideology of Pakistan

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Ideology of

Subject: Pak Affairs-CSS
By: Imran Zahoor
M. Phil-International Relations
M.A Political Science
M.A Diplomacy and Strategic Studies
Diploma in US History
[email protected]
Past Papers Questions

 Discuss the ideological foundations of the Two Nations

Theory with reference to the contributions of Dr. Iqbal and the
Quaid-i-Azam. (CSS-2003)

 Elucidate Ideology of Pakistan. What are the reasons which

contributed for the development of two-nation-theory? Is
two-nation-theory relevant after the fall of Dacca? Discuss.
Ideology-Building Concept

 The ideology of any nation reflects following:

 Ideals and ambition of its people
 Religion and cultural shape
 Collective thinking
 System of beliefs
 Institutions Foundations
 Set of knowledge.
Ideology-Building Concept

 Ideologies tend to arise:

 In the times of crises
 Social stress
 Without ideology: No Roadmap of solution in Crisis.
 According to Reo M. Christenson, An ideology
emerges when:
 People are being mistreated
 Culture and religion are threatened
 Changes occurring in society
 Prevailing ideology no longer satisfies them
Ideology of Pakistan

 The ideology of Pakistan:

 An evolutionary process
 Historical experience provided the base line
 Allama Iqbal gave it a philosophical explanation
 Quaid-i-Azam translated it into a political reality
 Objectives Resolution gave it legal status
 Realization of the Muslims of South Asia:
 Democratic India‟ dominated by Hindu majority
 Unsafe minorities
 Solution is independent Muslim state.
Ideology of Pakistan

 The Muslims of India believed:

 Islam and Hinduism are not only two religions
 Two social orders makes two distinct cultures
 No compatibility between the two Hindus and Muslims
 Combine them- clash of two social orders
 The basis of the Muslim nationhood was neither territorial nor
racial or linguistic or ethnic
 They belonged to the same faith of Islam.
 They demanded a sovereign state
 where they could live in accordance with the teachings of Holy
Quran and Sunnah.
Two Nation Theory-Foundation of Pakistan

 The Two Nation Theory:

 Basis of the struggle for creation of Pakistan
 Hindus and Muslims are two separate Nations.
 They in spite of living together for centuries could not
forget their individual cultures and civilization.
Five meaningful Ground of Ideology of Pakistan

 Ideology of Pakistan is actually implementation of Islamic

 To maintain and arouse the national dignity and struggles for
unity among Muslim Ummah and Islamic rule is in fact Ideology
of Pakistan.
 Two-Nation Theory on the basis of Islamic Philosophy in
political and cultural background of Sub-continent is called
ideology of Pakistan.
 Ideology of Pakistan is actually Islamic ideology.
 The idea of Muslims, attaining Pakistan was infact Ideology of
Quaid-i-Azam and Ideology of Pakistan

 Muhammad Ali Jinnah as a Leader:

 A history-making leader
 Changed the course of history.
 A visionary leader
 Ability to mobilize politically.
 A Charismatic Leader
 Jinnah played a decisive role in
articulating the Muslim demands
Initially, Quaid-e-Azam  Faced strong opposition from the Hindus
believed joint struggle for and the British.
the independence of the
Quaid-i-Azam and Ideology of Pakistan

 Lucknow Pact 1916

 Hindus accepted separate electorate
 Ambassador of Peace
 Nehru Report 1928
 accepted Muslim rights were ignored.
 Jinnah retaliated forcefully against it.
 Jinnah14 Points in 1929
 defined Muslim identity
 mobilized Muslims with reference to Islam
 Muslims are different from the Hindus
 Islamic principles, concepts and symbols
surfaced in his speeches and statements
Quaid-i-Azam and Ideology of Pakistan

 Keen to safeguard the socio-political rights and Islamic identity

of the Muslims.

 Jinnah used the term NATION for the Muslims of India in Feb
1935 (Legislative Assembly).

 He argued that religion, culture, race, and arts make Muslims a


 In March 1936 Bombay:

 He stated that the Muslims could arrive at a settlement with
Hindus as TWO Nations.
Quaid-i-Azam and Ideology of Pakistan

 Jinnah believed in the force of Islam:

 Islam is a dynamic force.
 It can unite the Muslims.
 It can help to overcome the present crisis.
 A source of inspiration and guidance providing ethical
 A framework, social order and civilization
Quaid-i-Azam and Ideology of Pakistan

 Guidance & inspiration for constitution-making

and Governance
 He also talked of the modern notions of state
 Balanced Constitution, Civil and political rights and democracy.
 He assured that constitution of Pakistan would be framed
by the elected assembly.
 Modern democratic and Islamic State
 He gave assurance of equality and rights of all citizens
 Freedom to religious minorities in the new state.
Allama Iqbal and Ideology of Pakistan
 Iqbal Vision and Thought
 At initial stages Dr Iqbal was a nationalist by ideas
 His poetry contained verses like Tarana-i- Hind

 Being educated from Europe, he knew weak

aspects of the Western culture.

 He criticized capitalism, materialism and lack of

spiritualism in Western societies.

 Against the modern Western concept of

territorial, racial or linguistic nationalism.
Allama Iqbal and Ideology of Pakistan
 He was against the western democracy : rule of majority

 Conscious of significance of Islam in lives of the Muslims.

 Address to the Muslim League Session, Allahabad,

December 1930
 The climax of Iqbal‟s political career.
 He boldly stated the Muslim demand for creation of a separate
Muslim state within India.
 He prepared the ground for Mr. Jinnah
 Jinnah finally led the Muslims to the goal of Pakistan.
Allama Iqbal and Ideology of Pakistan
 He knew about constitutional
problems facing India.
 Iqbal believed that Separate state
 To preserve the socio- political,
religious and cultural identity of
the Muslims

Elucidate Ideology of Pakistan.

What are the reasons which
contributed for the development
of two-nation-theory? Discuss
Submit in next class
How to Attempt the Question?
 Elucidate Ideology of Pakistan. What are the reasons which
contributed for the development of two-nation-theory? Discuss.

1. Ideology-Basic Concept
2. What is Ideology of Pakistan?
3. Two Nation Theory-A Broad Meaning
 Reasons which contributed for the development of two-nation-

 Religious Differences
 Cultural Divergence
 Hindu Nationalism
 Mode of life
 General Attitude
 Language & Literature
 Economic Difference
 Political Difference
 Hindi Urdu Controversy
 Congress Attitude
 Partition of Bengal
 Conclusion/Analysis
Chill Now

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