Divisibility 2 5 10 Review

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Divisibility rules for 2, 5 and 10

to find common factors

Divisibility rule for 2
All even nos. are divisible by 2
Divisibility rule for 5

Numbers ending in 0 and 5 are

divisible by 5
Divisibility rule for 10

Numbers ending in 0 are

divisible by 10
Write on the blank before each
item whether the given number is
divisible by 2, 5 and 10
1. 16 _______
2. 125 ______
3. 30 _______
5, 10, 2
4. 344 ______
5. 650 ______
5, 10, 2
Using the divisibility rule, encircle the numbers whose
factors are the given number before each item.

5 = 55 455 360 82 85
2 1. 88 470 90 294

5 2. 5000 7528 6015 844

10 3. 370 952 840 536

10 4. 456 352 3455 140

5 5. 470 835 522 458

Divisibility rules for 2, 5 and 10
Put a check under the correct column applying the
rules for divisibility.

2 5 10
4000 / / /
4124 /
875 /
726 /
Using Divisibility rules for 3, 6
and 9 to find common factors

Divisible by 3:

Sum of digits of the number

is divisible by 3.

1. 345
3+4+5= 12
12 is divisible by 3
345 is divisible by 3
2. 549
5+4+9= 18
18 is divisible by 3
549 is divisible by 3
3. 6942
6+9+4+2= 21
21 is divisible by 3

6942 is divisible by 3
Divisible by 6:
number is divisible by both 2 and 3
1. 345
345 is not an even number
345 is not divisible by 6
2. 6942
6942 is an even number

6+9+4+2= 21
21 is divisible by 3
6942 divisible by 6
3. 7342
7342 is an even number

7+3+4+2= 16
16 is not divisible by 3
6942 is not divisible by 6
4. 96
96 is an even number

9+6 = 15
15 is divisible by 3
96 is divisible by 6
Divisible by 9:
sum of the digits of the number is
divisible by 9
1. 234
2+3+4= 9
234 is divisible by 9
2. 5670

5+6+7+0= 18

18 is divisible by 9

5670 is divisible by 9
Group Activity:
Group 1. Check the numbers that are divisible by
3 or has 3 as their factor.

_____1. 282 _______2. 464 ______3. 243

Group 2. Check the numbers that are

divisible by 6 or has 6 as their factor.

______1. 162 ______2. 924 ______ 3. 426

Group Activity:
Group 3. Check the numbers that are
divisible by 9 or has 9 as their factor.

______1. 315 _____2. 422 _____3. 271

Group 4. Check the numbers that are

divisible by 3 or has 3 as their factor.
_______1. 123 _________2. 232 _______3. 540
Group Activity:
Group 1. Check the numbers that are divisible by
3 or has 3 as their factor.

_____1. 282 _______2. 464 ______3. 243

Group 2. Check the numbers that are

divisible by 6 or has 6 as their factor.

______1. 162 ______2. 924 ______ 3. 426

Group Activity:
Group 3. Check the numbers that are
divisible by 9 or has 9 as their factor.

______1. 315 _____2. 422 _____3. 271

Group 4. Check the numbers that are

divisible by 3 or has 3 as their factor.
_______1. 123 _________2. 232 _______3. 540
Put a check under the correct column applying the
rules for divisibility.

3 6 9
4110 / /
423 / /
846 / / /
630 / / /
Divisibility Rules by 4, and 8.
Divisible by 4: If the number
formed by the last 2 digits of the
number is divisible by 4.
1. 324 = 24
24 is divisible by 4
324 is divisible by 4.
2. 536 = 36
36 is divisible by 4
536 is divisible by 4

3. 895 = 95
95 is not divisible by 4
895 is not divisible by 4
Divisible by 8: If the number formed
by the last 3 digits of the number
is divisible by 8.
1. 2048 = 048
048 is divisible by 8
2048 is divisible by 8.
2. 1888 = 888
888 is divisible by 8
1888 is divisible by 8.
3. 3457 = 457
457 is not divisible by 8
457 is not divisible by 8.
Exercises: Tell whether the given
number is divisible by 4, 8 .
1. 300
2. 1160
3. 336
4. 1020
5. 568
1. 300 = 4
2. 1160 = 8 and 4
3. 336 = 4 and 8
4. 1020 = 4
5. 568 = 4 and 8.

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