Techniques in Organizing Information

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It is a process of generating creative
ideas and solution through intensive
and freewheeling group discussion.
Ideas are gathered and listed from the
input of every member
Strategies Under Brainstorming
1. Cubing
2. Free Writing
-Set a time limit and number of words and pages.
Just write.
3. Listing
Just list the topics and make a sublist of things you
could write about each topic. At this point, do not
outline yet, outline will limit your creativity.
With cubing, like with other brainstorming methods, you start with one topic,
challenge or issue. Then, you apply six points of view (like the six sides of a
cube) to the issue.

You should move quickly through each side of the cube, spending only 3-5
minutes on each side. Here are the six perspectives to consider in cubing:
1.Describe it – How would you describe this topic, challenge or issue, including
characteristics, definitions and parameters?
2.Compare it – What is it similar to? Different from?
3.Associate it – How does the topic connect to other issues you’ve dealt with
before? Does it make you think of anything you’ve worked on in the past?
4.Analyze it – What smaller parts make up the whole? Is it possible to break down
the issue?
5.Apply it – How is it used? Who uses it?
6.Argue for or against it – Explain your position for supporting or not supporting
4. Webbing
-sometimes referred to as mind
mapping, typically involves writing
down a number of thoughts and
ideas. Then, you return to what you
wrote and connect the dots to create
a web that links together all of your
individual thoughts.
Graphic Organizers
-Are visual presentations of overall related
concepts, which are based on how a reader
makes sense of a reading material. Allows the
readers to see the similarities and differences
between information presented in the text and
their previous knowledge. Through the use of
these graphic organizers a reader is able to
examine his/her understanding of a text. In this
way, the reader develops important skill of
evaluating given information.
Types of Graphic Organizer

1. Fishbone-also called as cause and

effect diagram is a visualization tool in
categorizing the potential causes of a
problem. Used in the analyze phase of
Sixsigma’s DMAIC (define, measure,
analyze,improve,control,)approach to
problem solving.
2. KWL Chart
-graphical organizer designed to
help in learning, a part of
constructivist teaching method as
students are given the space to
learn by constructing their own
learning pace and their own style
of understanding a given topic.
3. Flow chart
-is a visual representation of a
sequence of steps and decisions
needed to perform a process.
Steps are link by connecting lines
and directional arrows.
4. Venn Diagram
-uses overlapping circles or other
shapes to illustrate the logical
relationships between two or
more sets of item highlighting how
the items are similar and different.
5. Semantic feature analysis chart
-this strategy uses a grid to help
students explore how sets of things are
related to one another. Students are
able to see connections , make
predictions and master important
concepts. Enhances comprehension
and vocabulary skills.
6. Concept mapping
A type of graphic organizer used
to help students organize and
represents knowledge of a
subject. It begins with the main
idea and then branch out to show
how the main idea can be broken
down into specific topics.
Topic Outline
-are blueprint of your writing, as they
are the summary or breakdown of
main and supporting ideas. Put ideas
in logical order, show the relationship
between ideas and provide a
summary of main ideas and
supporting evidence.
Sentence outline
Summarizes each idea in a complete
sentence that may become the topic
sentence for paragraph in a draft. Must be
assigned as the second part of the
sequence and all headings and sub-
headings must be in sentence form.
Example of a Sentence Outline
Topic: Negative Effects of Divorce to
Sentence outline: I. When family conflicts arise
as a result of divorce, adolescents suffer
A. During the first years, young people maybe
depressed due to conflicts between the
custodial and non custodial.
II. Some of the most negative effects on
adolescents may be associated with
economic problem.
A. The family will most probably experience a
lower standard of living due to the cause of
maintaining two households.
B. The lower standard of living may result in
misunderstanding and conflicts within the

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