The Birth of Christ PowerPoint

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The Birth of

Jesus Christ
Nativity Quiz
1. How many wise men were there?
A. 3 6. What animals were present at the Nativity?
B. 7-8 A. Goats, Sheep, and Cattle
C. The Bible doesn’t say B. Chicken and pigeons
C. Pigs
2. Did Joseph meet the wise men? D. Oxen
A. Yes, in the stable E. The Bible doesn’t say
B. Yes in their home
C. The Bible doesn’t say. 7. Who besides the wise men saw the star?
A. Shepherds
3. What animal did Mary ride to Bethlehem? B. Herod
A. A donkey C. The Bible does not say
B. A horse
C. A camel 8. How did the star compare in brightness with the
D. The Bible doesn’t say other stars?
A. Far brighter than the other stars.
4. The Parents named the child Jesus because B. Lots brighter than the other stars.
A. An angel told Mary C. The Bible does not say
B. An angel told Joseph
C. All of the above 9. How soon after Joseph and Mary reached Bethlehem
was Jesus born?
5. What kind of a building was Jesus born in? A. Immediately, the same day.
A. A stable B. The same week.
B. A cave C. The Bible does not say.
C. A hospital
D. The Bible doesn’t say
The Lineage of
Jesus Christ
Genealogy of Jesus Christ


Rahab Bathsheba
Mary’s Parents - Joachim and Anna
Childless Couple

Joachim tried to offer

a sacrifice
"You are not worthy
to offer sacrifice
with those childless hands."

An Angel appeared:
“A daughter most blessed, by whom
all the nations of the earth
will be blessed, and
through whom will come
the salvation of the world."
Mary is Presented at the Temple
Miriam or Mary
or “Bitterness”

Mary was
dedicated to
temple service
as a small child
Ancient Prayer Circle
Mary’s Vision in the Temple
Mary – the Greatest Female Spirit
"Can we speak too highly of her
whom the Lord has blessed above
all women? There was only on
Christ, and there is only one Mary.
Each was noble and great in the
pre-mortal existence and each was
foreordained to the ministry he or
she performed. We cannot but
think that the Father would choose
the greatest female spirit to be the
mother of His Son, even as He
chose the male spirit like unto Him
to be the Savior."
The Mortal Messiah Bruce R McConkie
Joseph the Carpenter
He was a just man

A Master builder


In tune with the Spirit

Beyond Reproach
Betrothal of
Joseph and Mary
Probably arranged
while children

Bride price is paid and a

contract is given by the young
man to the young woman

Average Betrothal age:

Females: 12-13
Males: 18-20
The Annunciation
“How Shall
this be,
seeing I
know not
a Man”
How are we begotten? I answer: just as Jesus
Christ was begotten by his Father. The Christian
denominations believe that Christ was begotten,
not of God but of the Spirit that overshadowed his
mother. This is nonsense. Why will not the World
receive the truth? Why will they not believe the
Father when he says that Jesus Christ is His Only
Begotten Son? Why will they try to explain this
truth away and make a mystery of it?
Pres. Joseph Fielding Smith
Mary’s Call to be the Mother
of the Savior of the World
“Mary, Thou Hast Found Favor”

The handmaid
of the Lord….
…..Be it unto me
to thy word.”
Blessed Art Thou Among Women”
The Magnificat
My soul doth magnify the Lord,
And my spirit hath rejoiced
in God my Saviour.

For he hath regarded the low

estate of his handmaiden:
for, behold, from henceforth
all generations
shall call me blessed.

For he that is mighty

hath done to me great things;
and holy is his name.
“Mary was Found to Be with Child”
James, the brother of
Jesus said,

“And Mary was in her sixth

month and behold Joseph
came….and entering into her
house, he discovered she was
big with child. And he…..wept
“Joseph was Minded to Put Her Away Privily”
Joseph’s Vision
That which is
conceived in her
is of the Holy Ghost

Joseph had been

chosen to be the
earthly father of the
Savior of the World!
The Marriage of
Joseph & Mary
Scholars are divided

Either Joseph and Mary were

married immediately

Or Joseph and Mary traveled to

Bethlehem and were formally
married after Christ’s birth

He “knew her not”

“All the World should be Taxed”

Rome required a
and a Tax

The law required

that both
Joseph and Mary
were to be taxed
Mary and Joseph went “Up” to Bethlehem
“No Room in the Inn”
“No Room in the “Kataluma.”

Family Guest
Area Room

There was no “room” available in the “kataluma”

or guest room so Joseph and Mary
shared the Family Room attached to the “stable.”
The Star
Matthew emphasizes
the Star – reminding the
Jews that a star
announced the birth of
Abraham and Moses

Only the Wise Men

saw the Star. The Star may
have been literal or a
symbol for frequent
visitations from an angel
who guided the Wise
The Birth of Jesus
The Shepherds = Outcasts
The First Witnesses

Shepherd Priests
Sacred duty: First born male lambs without blemish
for the Passover sacrifices
Fear Not

I bring you
good tidings of
great joy!

For unto you is

which is Christ
the Lord!
Ye shall find
the babe….

in swaddling
….Lying in
a manger.
A Name and a Blessing
named him

“Jehovah is
“He is God!”

“God is
with us!”
The Dedication of Jesus at the Temple

40 days after birth

A lamb is to be
sacrificed to redeem
the child.

Two doves were

brought for Mary’s
purification and
Revealed to him that
he would not die until
he had seen the

He came by the Spirit

into the Temple

“A sword shall pierce

thy breast.”
Married at 12-14
Widowed at 19-21
Unmarried for 84 years

At least 101 years old when

she saw the Savior

Anna = Grace
Phanuel = Face of God
Asher = Happy and blessed

“Happy am I” for I have seen

“the face of God”
through His “Grace.”
The Magi = the Wise Men
men from
the Diaspora

According to
the scriptures:

The only
people who
saw the star.
How Many Wise Men Were There?
Gold = King
Incorruptible, pure,
valuable, eternal

Frankincense =
Temple incense,
sacrifice, prayer,

Myrrh = Healer
Balm, healing, death,
Herod the Great
Arabian ancestry

Brilliant genius

Richest man in the

Roman Empire

Baby Killer
Flight into Egypt
Joseph was
warned in
another vision
to go
to Egypt
Heliopolis =
Zi - On

The same area of

Goshen where
the Israelite
slaves lived
Herod has Zacharias Killed
Herod orders the death of
males 2 years and younger.

Zacharias sends Elizabeth and

John to the desert

Herod’s soldiers come

Zacharias is killed between

the altar and the porch of the
of our

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