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Implementation of a simplified

UART protocol in Xilinx 7

Series FPGA
UART protocol Basics
• Transmitter – Tx
• Receiver – Rx
• Serial communication
• Asynchronous (UART Tx and Rx
Basic block diagram
works @ same Baud Rate)
• Full duplex or Half duplex
• Can operate at different baud rates (4800, 9600, 14400,
19200, 38400, 57600, 115200 etc.)

Standard serial data format

UART Specification
• Simplified model
• Data format
– 1 start bit
– 1 stop bit
– No parity bit
– 8 data bits
• Composed of 3 modules
– Baud Rate Generator
– Transmitter
– Receiver
Baud Rate Generator
• Baud Rate - Number of signal changes per second (as per modem
• Bit Rate - Number of bits transmitted per second.
• As far as the conductor wire (signal wire transmission) is concerned, the baud
rate and bps are the same, and we can use the terms interchangeably.
• Basic Idea - Baud Rate Generator module divides the System clock
by a divisor (N) to provide standard baud rate clock ( bclk ).
• Industry Standard System clock frequencies for UART
• 1.8432MHz, 2.4576MHz, 3.072MHz
• But, 7 series FPGA source clock frequency 100 MHz.
• First , it is reqd. to create a clock divider module to convert 100 MHz (10 ns )
to 1.8432 MHz ~ 1.7857 MHz (560 ns)
• Basically , divide the FPGA clock by 27 to get standard UART clock of
1.8432 MHz(approx.)
Baud Rate Generator
• The divisor N can be calculated using the formula
Frequency of System clock (1.8432 Mhz)
N =
Maximum Baud Rate Frequency 38400 X No.of samples per bit (8)x 2
= 3 ( Duty cycle of clkdiv (divided by 3) 33.33% )

Block diagram of Baud Rate Generator

Baud Rate Generator

Baud Rate (bclk ) = 38400

Different Baud rate and sampling frequencies

Timing Diagram Clk div (dvide by 3), bclk, bclk*8
UART Transmitter
• Converts a parallel data word into serial form and appends the Start and
stop bits.
• Composed of
– Transmitted bit counter
– Data shift register
– State machine and support logic

Block Diagram of transmitter

FSM UART transmitter
RTL netlist for Baud Rate Generator and Transmitter

Timing diagram of UART TX

UART Receiver
• To avoid setup and hold time problems and reading some bits at the
wrong time, the received data is sampled eight times during each bit
– sampled on the rising edge of bclkx8.

Data sampling points by the UART receiver.

• UART Receiver
– State machine
– De-serializer (SIPO logic) and support logic.
• The main objective -
– To detect the start-bit, then de-serialize the following bit-
stream, detect the stop-bit, and make the data available to
the host.
• No error checking Logic
• 2 counters are used
• ct1 counts the number of bclkx8 clocks
• ct2 counts the number of bits received after the start
The state machine is the Mealy machine
and composed of three states (idle, start_detected, and recv_data)
STA for UART Tx and Rx
• FPGA clock 100Mhz

– create_clock -period 10.000 -name clk_100mhz [get_ports


• UART System clock ~1.8432Mhz

– create_generated_clock -name clk_1point8432mhz -source [get_ports

clk_100mhz] -divide_by 56 [get_pins
• Clkdiv (divided by 3 clock)
• create_generated_clock -name clk_div2 -source
[get_pins bdgen/a1/clk_1point8432mhz_reg/Q] -edges
{1 2 3} -edge_shift {560.000 840.000 1680.000}
[get_pins {bdgen/a2/count_mod3_reg[0]/Q}]
• bit0
– create_generated_clock -name bit0 -source [get_pins
{bdgen/a2/count_mod3_reg[1]/Q}] -divide_by 2 [get_pins
• bclkx8 clock
– create_generated_clock -name bclkx8 -source [get_pins
{bdgen/a3/count_8bit_reg[0]/Q}] -divide_by 1 [get_pins
• bclk clock
– create_generated_clock -name bclk -source [get_pins
bdgen/a3/bclkx8_reg/Q] -divide_by 8 [get_pins
• create_clock -period 20.000 -name vclk1

• set_input_delay -clock vclk1 1.000 [all_inputs]

• set_input_delay -clock vclk1 -min 0.500 [all_inputs]

• set_output_delay -clock vclk1 0.2500 [all_outputs]

• set_output_delay -clock vclk1 -min 0.15 [all_outputs]

• set_clock_groups -asynchronous -group clk_100mhz -group vclk1

• set_clock_groups -asynchronous -group clk_1point8432mhz -group vclk1
• set_clock_groups -asynchronous -group clk_div1 -group vclk1
• set_clock_groups -asynchronous -group bit0 -group vclk1
• set_clock_groups -asynchronous -group bclk -group vclk1
• set_clock_groups -asynchronous -group bclkx8 -group vclk1

• set_false_path -from [get_ports rst_asyn_ah]

Half Duplex communication mode!!
Standard Protocol features
• AXI4-Lite interface for register access and data
• Transmit and receive FIFOs.
• Configurable number of data bits (5-8) in a
• Configurable parity bit (odd or even or none).
• Interrupt controller logic.

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