Technical Training of 5G Networking Design

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2018/02/12 Internal

Technical Training of
5G Networking Design


5G RAN2.0 supports only non-standalone (NSA)
networking. This document describes the network
design and recommended configurations in the
engineering preparation and goods delivery phase, as
well as the differences between gNodeBs and
eNodeBs in network design. It also guides network
design and implementation. This document provides
service, marketing, and network design departments
with network planning, while helping telecom
operators implement network development planning.

HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Huawei Confidential Page 2


1 Network Design Overview of 5G NSA Networking

2 OM Networking, gNodeB Naming and Numbering, and NE Timing

3 Clock Synchronization (Frequency/Time Synchronization) Design

Transmission Overview, IP Interconnection Design, Interface Bandwidth

Calculation, and QoS Design

5 Transmission Reliability and Security Design

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1. Understand the overall network design architecture, contents, and
2. Understand OM design (networking, reliability, security, gNodeB/cell
naming rules, and timing server selection).
3. Understand external clock source selection and recommendation
4. Understand NSA transmission networking (address, VLAN planning,
bandwidth calculation, delay, jitter, packet loss rate, and QoS
5. Understand the network reliability and security requirements as well as
feature supports in target markets.

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5G NSA Networking Introduction
Option 3 Option 3X
BBU5900(NR) BBU5900(NR) S1-U
X2 X2
S1-C/S1-U S1-C
BTS3900(L) BTS3900(L) EPC
Local site Local site
S1-U X2


eNodeB (LTE) gNodeB (5G)
eNodeB (LTE) gNodeB (5G)

Option 3 Option 3X
Dynamic data transfer ☺ Supported, and controlled by an eNodeB algorithm ☺ Supported, and controlled by a gNodeB algorithm
 eNodeB service processing capabilities must meet the requirements of 5G S1-U ☺ eNodeB service processing capabilities do not need to be
Impacts on existing eNodeBs
PDCP processing and service traffic. enhanced.

5G service expansion capabilities

 5G service expansion capabilities may be limited due to insufficient eNodeB service ☺ Excellent 5G service expansion capabilities
processing capabilities.
☺ Small impacts on services due to eNodeB measurement and data transfer capabilities 5G services are interrupted over the air interface when UEs move
UE mobility
when UEs move from areas with 5G coverage to areas without 5G coverage. from areas with 5G coverage to areas without 5G coverage.
Planning of transmission to/from CN ☺ None S1-U transmission links must be planned for gNodeBs.

1. Networking of option 3X prevents issues raised by insufficient processing capabilities of existing boards. However, the impacts on mobility from areas with 5G
coverage to area without 5G coverage are greater in comparison with option 3.
2. Option 3X is recommended to reduce the dependence on existing networks and improve 5G capabilities in service expansion and network evolution.

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NSA Network Design and Comparison with LTE in 5G RAN2.0
Option 3X (data transfer to 5G) is recommended.
Last Mile Access Aggregation HSS
PKI Server U2020

User plane
Control plane PCRF
eNodeB X2-U
IP Core


User plane Serving GW PDN GW

X2 S1-C

5G NSA Integrated Base Station Network Design

 5G NSA networking must be deployed together with LTE. For LTE network design, see LTE FDD Network Design technical training (eRAN 12.1).
 OM planning (same as LTE)
 Reference clock source planning (similar to LTE with a difference that 5G only supports GPS and 1588v2)
 Service interface and address planning (option 3X: S1-U/X2; option 3: X2)
 Interface bandwidth calculation (based on the NSA service traffic model)
 QoS design (QoS design for transmission of NSA is the same as that for transmission of LTE; QoS design for the air interface will be supported in 5G RAN2.0)
 Reliability and security design (same as LTE)

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Position of Network Design in Network Lifecycle

Network planning Network design Network construction Network operation and optimization

Network Routine maintenance and

Network planning HLD&LLD
construction network optimization

Network design scenarios

New network deployment

(main scenarios)
Network capacity expansion Network migration Network evolution

 New network deployment  Capacity expansion  Replacement of non-  Promotion of new

required due to increased functions and
Huawei devices
service volume during services
normal network operation

HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Huawei Confidential Page 7

Network Design Process

Planning Information Project

collection HLD LLD overview

Input Output

Operator's requirements Hardware resource configuration Network design

Contract Note:
Information O&M design (networking, gNodeB naming
1. For details on hardware
and numbering, and NE timing)
Note: The inputs are Target network diagram resource configuration
determined based on design, see the 5G site
requirements on System clock
Target network scale design training slides.
network design of 2. EMS and CN design for
target sites. Requirements on air IP interconnection, bandwidth, latency,
interface counters packet loss, and QoS 5G is the same as that
Design of operator's existing
for LTE and is not
networks Network reliability and interface described in this
security document.


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Network Design Scope

OM networking design Address planning, reliability, and OM security policies

Naming and numbering 5G site/cell naming

NE timing Timing for routine maintenance after gNodeBs work on networks

Clock synchronization design 5G clock source selection principles and recommended policy design

IP interconnection design 5G transmission port, IP address, VLAN planning, and others

Requirements on the bandwidth, Transmission bandwidth calculated based on the 5G traffic model
delay, jitter, and packet loss rate Requirements on the delay, jitter, and packet loss rate of 5G services

Recommended 5G QoS configurations and future QoS requirement

QoS design planning

Transmission reliability design Route backup, OMCH backup, and others

Transmission security design SSL, IPsec channel, 802.1X, and others

HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Huawei Confidential Page 9

5G NSA OM Design
OM network topology and address plan OMCH reliability
 Network topology OMCH backup function (used in remote HA U2020 systems, same
1. Co-EMS with LTE (recommended, same as LTE)
as LTE)
2. Separate-EMS with LTE (Features that require U2020 cooperation for
inter-RAT interaction, for example X2 self-setup, are not supported.) ADD OMCH: FLAG=MASTER…;
 Address planning is the same as that for LTE. (IP interconnection)
 DHCP configurations during PnP deployment are the same as those
for LTE.

OMCH QoS OM security policy

The priority is high, which is the same as LTE. A DSCP value of 46 is  The maintenance IP address and service IP address are different.
recommended for MML data and a DSCP value of 18 is recommended for The logical IP address and interface IP address are decoupled.
FTP data. (Recommended, the same as LTE)
SET DIFPRI: PRIRULE=DSCP, MHIGHPRI=46, OMLOWPRI=18;  SSL secure communication is used. (Recommended, the same
QoS design as LTE)

 For details on PDCP during PnP deployment, see Automatic OMCH Establishment
Feature Parameter Description for BTS5900.
DEVIP: 10.1.1.X U2020  To enable SSL, choose Security > Certificate Authentication Management > SSL
OMIP: 20.1.1.X
Connection Management on the U2020. For details on how to enable SSL, see SSL
X2/S1IP: 30.1.1.X
Feature Parameter Description for BTS5900.

Refer to the design of existing networks for how to deploy gNodeBs on LTE networks, 5G transmission addresses, route planning,
server deployment, and reliability and security solutions.

HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Huawei Confidential Page 10

5G Site/Cell Naming Design
Note: The naming rules are the same as those for LTE, as required by telecom operators.
 Recommended site name: Region name+"_"+Site type+"_"+Site number. Abbreviate the region name if possible. For example,
Shanghai Jinqiao_DBS5900_1
Restriction: The site name is a string of a maximum of 64 characters. The string cannot be all null characters or contain any of
the following characters: question marks (?), colons (:), right angle brackets (>), left angle brackets (<), stars (*), slashes (/),
backslashes(\), pipes (|), double quotation marks ("), commas (,), semicolons (;), equal signs (=), single quotation marks ('), three
or more consecutive plus signs (+), two or more consecutive spaces, and two or more consecutive percentage signs (%).

 Recommended cell name: Site name+"_"+Cell+Cell number. For example, Shanghai Jinqiao_DBS5900_1_Cell1.
1. Cell numbers start from 1. If there are multiple frequencies on the operator's network, for example, the numbers of cells
operating at the first frequency are 1 to 5 and the numbers of those operating at the second frequency are 6 to 10.
2. Restriction: The cell name is a string of a maximum of 99 characters. The string cannot be all null characters or contain any
of the following characters: question marks (?), colons (:), right angle brackets (>), left angle brackets (<), stars (*), slashes
(/), backslashes(\), pipes (|), double quotation marks ("), commas (,), semicolons (;), equal signs (=), single quotation marks
('), three or more consecutive plus signs (+), two or more consecutive spaces, and two or more consecutive percentage
signs (%).
 Description of site and cell IDs
gNBId: a 20-bit ID. That is, the ID range is from 0 to 1048575.
gNBDuId: a 24-bit ID. That is, the ID range is from 0 to 16777215. In 5G RAN2.0, 5G is deployed on CU/DU integrated base stations, and therefore
this gNodeB DU ID is usually set to the same value a the gNodeB ID.
CellId: The ID range is from 0 to 255. A combination of the PLMN, site ID, and cell ID uniquely identifies a 5G cell in the globe.
NrLocalCellId: The ID range is from 0 to 255.
PhysicalCellId: The ID range is from 0 to 1007. (PCI multiplexing is required, but the PCIs of adjacent cells must be different to avoid interference
over the radio interface.)

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NE Timing (Synchronization with Time Source)
Timing (synchronization with the time source) aims to ensure that the time on devices within a
network is consistent. This enables the devices to provide multiple applications that require timing.
The base station uses Coordinated Universal Time (abbreviated to UTC).
Item Recommendation Selection Policy
1. If the operator's network can
access the GPS, use the GPS.
Timing mode 2. GPS antennas need to be
(The GPS installed. There are special
recommendations requirements on the site
have a descending selection to allow GPS signal
order of priorities.) reception.
Private NTP server of the operator Considering reliability, the private
NTP server in the U2020 NTP server is preferred.
An excessively short timing period
Timing period
360 minutes will lead to frequent timing and heavy
load of the NTP server.
Number of the
timing port 123 by default
A maximum of four NTP servers
If synchronization with the primary
can be configured on a base
Reliability NTP server fails, the base station
station, with one of them as the
synchronizes with other NTP servers.
primary NTP server.
Note: If NTP time synchronization of the base station fails, the internal timing of the base station is not interrupted. The time deviation of the base station depends on the
internal clock precision.
When the internal clock is synchronized with the external clock source, the time deviation of the base station does not exceed 1 second each day.

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Timing Configuration (Reference)

GPS timing configuration


NTP timing configuration


In a remote HA U2020 system, the active and standby U2020s use different IP addresses.
Considering security, configure both the two U2020s as NTP servers and assign the primary NTP
server. The following is an MML example:

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gNodeB Clock Synchronization Design

 gNodeB clock synchronization recommend time synchronization.

 TDD networks adopt time division multiplexing and require time synchronization to mitigate inter-base station and inter-UE
interference. To achieve time synchronization, both frequency and phase synchronization must be achieved. The TDD clock
source must also meet the requirements for FDD frequency synchronization.
 The requirements on clock accuracy of gNodeBs are described as follows:
 Frequency synchronization: ±0.05 ppm as recommended by 3GPP. The deviation is ±0.5 Hz for 10 MHz clocks.
 Time synchronization: < 3 μs (±1.5 μs) as agreed by 3GPP specifications.

System clock source information System clock source configuration

 gNodeB clock source type 1588v2: The clock recovery quality is vulnerable to
the delay, jitter, and packet loss of data networks.
 gNodeB clock source working
Manual mode

Technology Counter Specifications

IEEE 1588v2 Jitter < 20 ms
server Packet loss rate < 1%

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gNodeB Configuration (Reference)
• (Mandatory) Set the clock synchronization mode.
• (Optional) If the clock source is GPS:
1. The compensation value is calculated based the GPS feeder length to improve clock accuracy. An
excessively large difference between the configured GPS feeder length and the actual length will affect the
clock accuracy.
2. Whether to use the GPS clock relies on satellite card capabilities and operator's requirements. In 5G RAN2.0,
only UMPTe boards can serve as 5G main control boards. The UMPTe boards integrate GPS/BDS satellite
cards. Currently, GPS satellite cards are more widely used.

• (Optional) If the clock source is 1588v2:


• (Mandatory) Set the clock synchronization mode.


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gNodeB Clock Source Selection
Synchronization Frequency Time
5G RAN2.0 Advantage Disadvantage
Technology Synchronization Synchronization
1. Each gNodeB is configured with an
independent GPS satellite card or RGPS device, Investments in the GPS satellite card or RGPS device and
GPS Recommended Supported Supported
without the support of the network. their installation and maintenance are required.
2. The clock accuracy is high.

1. Investments on equipment are low. 1. To provide time synchronization, all the transmission
Not 2. IEEE 1588v2 is a standard protocol. Therefore, equipment must support IEEE 1588v2.
IEEE 1588v2 Supported Supported
recommended interworking between equipment of different 2. The clock recovery quality is vulnerable to the delay, jitter,
vendors is supported. and packet loss of data networks.

BITS (Building
Integrated Timing Not supported Supported Not supported

Not supported Supported Not supported
Clock over IP Not supported Supported Not supported

E1/T1 line clock Not supported Supported Not supported

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gNodeB Clock Source Introduction
gNodeBs obtain GPS clock signals
from the GPS through external
antenna systems and UMPT boards
equipped with satellite cards.
The GPS antenna system receives
GPS signals at 1575.42 MHz and
transmits the signals to the GPS
satellite card. At least four satellites
need to be traced.

• A clock server sends IEEE 1588v2 clock

GPS synchronization packets to the gNodeB through the
Clock server data bearer network.
Metro Ethernet
Or private packet
• All intermediate equipment on the data bearer network
must support the BC/TC function defined in the IEEE
Router or Router or Clock server
Ethernet switch Ethernet switch BC
BC/TC BC/TC 1588v2 standards.
• Clock servers need to input precise clock signals by
gNodeB FE/GE link
Clock server GPS.
Clock synchronization link BC

IEEE 1588v2 packet transmission path

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Clock Reliability

 Master and backup clock solution

1. Backup clock link
2. GPS clock + IEEE 1588v2 clock

 Combined synchronization sources:

1. Combination of IEEE 1588v2 and synchronous Ethernet 2. Combination of GPS and synchronous Ethernet

SyncE SyncE GPS
node node GPS
Synchronous SyncE SyncE SyncE
signals Transport network
Ethernet clock node node

IEEE IEEE Transport network Synchronous

1588v2 BC 1588v2 BC Ethernet clock
gNodeB IEEE 1588v2 GPS antenna gNodeB
IEEE 1588v2
clock packets
clock server

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5G NSA IP Interconnection Design Overview
Option 3X (recommended)
EPC U2020
 UE signaling is transmitted from eNodeBs to the CN, and S1-C links are established on eNodeBs and
S1-C S1-U OM not on gNodeBs.
 S1-U links are established between gNodeBs and the CN. S1 self-setup is supported. User traffic is
transferred to gNodeBs and LTE/5G DC is supported.
eNodeB gNodeB
 5G networks rely on LTE networks. X2 links are established between eNodeBs and gNodeBs. (X2
X2-C self-setup is supported only in 5G/LTE co-EMS scenarios.)
 In 5G RAN2.0, 5G main control boards must be UMPTe boards. Each UMPTe has two 10 GE optical
User plane User plane
Control plane
transmission ports, each supporting a bandwidth of 10 Gbit/s.
5G UE  If the transmission bandwidth of the base station is insufficient, use the following methods to improve
Option 3X (recommended) bandwidth capabilities:
Use two main control boards with one of them working as a transmission interface board (only for 5G).
EPC U2020
S1-C S1-U OM
X2-U Option 3
eNodeB gNodeB  S1 links are established only on eNodeBs and not on gNodeBs. User traffic is transferred to
eNodeBs and LTE/5G DC is supported.
 X2 links are established between eNodeBs and gNodeBs. (X2 self-setup is supported in co-EMS
User plane User plane scenarios.)
Control plane  The interface bandwidth capabilities of existing LTE main control boards (UMPTa and UMPTb
boards) are insufficient and therefore option 3 is not recommended.
Option 3


IP Address and VLAN Planning
 Policies of intra-base station IP address planning
Base station transmission links include S1-U links (option 3X), X2 links, OM links, and clock links (optional).
IP Address Solution Advantage Disadvantage Selection Policy
Service addresses and interface addresses are decoupled
and address planning is easy to be unified. Default and
Logical host addresses are used. A single RAT occupies many IP addresses.
Service IP addresses in secure networking are not exposed recommended
on public networks.
Interface addresses or addresses in IP addresses of a single RAT are easy to manage and Service addresses and interface addresses are coupled
the same network segment as maintain. and address planning is difficult to be unified.
interface addresses are used. Gateway routes do not need to be configured. This solution does not apply to secure networking.
 Policies of inter-base station IP address and VLAN planning (depending on whether IP resources are sufficient and whether network isolation between base stations is
Scenario Planning Solution Solution Description Advantage and Disadvantage
The base station is directly Different network segments IP address wastes
It is recommended that the interface IP subnet mask be /30.
connected to the gateway. and same VLAN Easy planning and maintenance
IP resources are sufficient
Different network segments It is recommended that the interface IP subnet mask be set to /29 (compatible with VRRP IP address wastes
and VLAN isolation between
and different VLANs networking of remote routers; at least 4 IP addresses are required). High security and reliability
base stations is required.
It is recommended that the interface IP subnet mask be set to /25 and that a maximum of
IP resources are insufficient Less IP addresses occupied
Same network segment 100 base stations be deployed on the same network segment to prevent L2 network
and VLAN isolation between Storm risks in the broadcast
and same VLAN broadcast storms. 50 base stations are recommended in the early stage of network
base stations is not required. domain
IP resources are insufficient 1. It is recommended that the interface IP subnet mask be /25. Less IP addresses occupied and
Same network segment
and VLAN isolation between 2. Super VLANs must be configured on the gateway device and different VLANs must be isolates between base stations
and different VLANs
base stations is required. configured for different base stations. Routes must support super VLANs.
Recommended plans for option 3X
1. If the interface bandwidth meets requirement, use one physical port to save physical resources.
2. Assign two logical IP addresses for each gNodeB, one for S1-U/X2 links and the other for OM/clock links. VLAN isolation is recommended.
3. Consider plans of operator's existing networks when planning interface IP addresses and VLANs for multiple gNodeBs.

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Communication Ports

 If a firewall is deployed between the gNodeB and the peer device or NE (such as the
U2020 or S-GW), the corresponding communication port of the firewall must be
enabled. For details, see the latest communication matrix at
 gNodeB communication ports are the same as eNodeB communication ports. NSA
networking is based on LTE networks, and the firewall communication ports are
usually enabled on operator's networks.

HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Huawei Confidential Page 21

Interface Bandwidth Calculation of 5G Option 3X
Parameter Default Remark
Number of Users 1200 Data source: number of users in a cell
Average Throughput Rate/User_UL(Mbps) 0.8
Data source: cell plan
Average Throughput Rate/User_DL(Mbps) 4.8
Packet Payload Size(Bytes) 700
Data source: empirical value in the range of [0,100]
Data transferred to gNodeB
X2U to S1U Ratio(%) 10
1. S1-U -> BTS5900 -> X2 -> LTE
2. S1-U -> BTS5900 -> 5G Uu
Data source: operator's network security requirements
(VLANs are planned by default.)
Data source: operator's network security requirements
(IPsec is disabled by default.)
Data source: operator's network security requirements (Full
Duplex Type Full-Duplex
duplex is used by default.)
GTPU Head(Bytes) 12
UDP Head(Bytes) 8
IP Head(Bytes) 20
IPSEC Head(Bytes) 70 Interface Formula (Full-Duplex)
VLAN Head(Bytes) 4 Number of users over the air interface x
MAC Head(Bytes) 18 Size of a single transport layer packet x
Peak Average Ratio 1.25 Data source: empirical value, 1.25 by default S1-U traffic (Average downlink air interface rate of a
Control to User Ratio(%) 1 Data source: empirical value, 1% by default single user/Size of a single air interface
OM Bandwidth(Kbps) 1024 Data source: empirical value, 1024 kbit/s by default
packet) x Traffic peak-to-average ratio
This parameter is available only when an IP clock server is
IPCLK Bandwidth(Kbps) 0
S1-C traffic S1-U traffic x Control to User Ratio
S1U Peak Bandwidth(Mbps) 7838 S1-U interface bandwidth: 5G traffic S1-U traffic x (X2U to S1U Ratio) x (1+
X2 traffic
S1C Peak Bandwidth(Mbps) 79 S1-C interface bandwidth: LTE traffic Control to User Ratio)
X2-U interface bandwidth: LTE traffic (5G traffic is included Total gNodeB S1-U traffic + X2-C traffic + OM traffic +
X2U Peak Bandwidth(Mbps) 784
in S1-U traffic.) traffic IP clock traffic
X2C Peak Bandwidth(Mbps) 8 X2-C interface bandwidth: LTE and 5G traffic Additional
5G Total Bandwidth Required(Mbps) 7848 Total 5G bandwidth requirements X2 traffic + S1-C traffic
eNodeB traffic
LTE Additional Bandwidth Required(Mbps) 871 Additional eNodeB traffic

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Interface Bandwidth Calculation of 5G Option 3
Parameter Value Remark The differences between option 3X and option 3 are
Number of Users 200 Data source: number of users in a cell
Average Throughput Rate/User_UL(Mbps) 0.8 Rate over the Uu interface as follows:
Average Throughput Rate/User_DL(Mbps) 4.8 Data source: cell plan
Packet Payload Size(Bytes) 700 1. In option 3 networking, X2U to S1U Ratio equals 90%.
Data source: empirical value in the range of [0,100]
Data transferred to eNodeB
2. In option 3 networking, the transmission capabilities of the
X2U to S1U Ratio(%) 90
1. S1-U -> LTE -> X2 -> 5G main control boards in existing base stations are insufficient,
2. S1-U -> LTE -> Uu
Data source: operator's network security requirements and this poses a limitation on the number of users in cells.
(VLANs are planned by default.)
Data source: operator's network security requirements
(IPsec is disabled by default.)
Data source: operator's network security requirements
Duplex Type Full-Duplex
(Full duplex is used by default.)
GTPU Head(Bytes) 12
UDP Head(Bytes) 8
IP Head(Bytes) 20
IPSEC Head(Bytes) 70
VLAN Head(Bytes) 4 Traffic Formula (Full-Duplex)
MAC Head(Bytes) 18 Number of users over the air interface x Size of a
Peak Average Ratio 1.25 Data source: empirical value, 1.25 by default
single transport layer packet x (Average downlink air
Control to User Ratio(%) 1 Data source: empirical value, 1% by default S1-U traffic
OM Bandwidth(Kbps) 1024 Data source: empirical value, 1024 kbit/s by default interface rate of a single user/Size of a single air
This parameter is available only when an IP clock server interface packet) x Traffic peak-to-average ratio
IPCLK Bandwidth(Kbps) 0 S1-C traffic S1-U traffic x Control to User Ratio
is deployed.
S1U Interface Peak Bandwidth(Mbps) 1307 S1-U interface bandwidth: LTE traffic S1-U traffic x (X2U to S1U Ratio) x (1+ Control to
X2 traffic
S1C Interface Peak Bandwidth(Mbps) 14 S1-C interface bandwidth: LTE traffic User Ratio)
X2-U interface bandwidth: 5G traffic (LTE traffic is Total gNodeB
X2U Interface Peak Bandwidth(Mbps) 1177 X2 traffic + OM traffic + IP clock traffic
included in S1-U traffic.) traffic
X2C Interface Peak Bandwidth(Mbps) 12 X2-C interface bandwidth: LTE and 5G traffic
5G Total Bandwidth Required(Mbps) 1191 Total 5G bandwidth requirements S1-U traffic + S1-C traffic + X2-C traffic
1333 Additional eNodeB traffic
eNodeB traffic
LTE Additional Bandwidth Required(Mbps)

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5G NSA Networking Requirements on Delay, Jitter, and Packet Loss Rate
The following table lists 5G RAN2.0 requirements on the transmission delay, jitter, and packet loss rate.
NSA One-Way Delay (ms) Jitter (ms) Packet Loss Ratio
Optimum Optimum
Optimum Value Recommended Value Tolerable Value Recommended Value Tolerable Value Recommended Value Tolerable Value
Value Value
S1 interface 5 10 20 2 4 8
0.0001% 0.001% 0.5%
X2 interface 10 20 40 4 7 10

The following tables list the requirements on the transmission delay, jitter, and packet loss rate after inter-site coordination and SA networking are
supported in the future.
SA One-Way Delay (ms) One-Way Jitter (ms) Packet Loss Ratio
Optimum Optimum
Optimum Value Recommended Value Tolerable Value Recommended Value Tolerable Value Recommended Value Tolerable Value
Value Value
NG interface 1 5 20 0.5 2 8
0.00001% 0.0001% 0.5%
Xn interface 2 10 40 1 4 10
The following table lists 5G RAN2.0 requirements on the air
interface jitter and packet loss rate.

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5G NSA QoS Design Wireless network layer design
 On the user plane, high-priority services are mapped to high-priority
logical channels based on the QCI types configured on the CN to
ensure preferential scheduling.
 The control plane is always preferentially scheduled.
EPC U2020  5G RAN2.0 supports QoS design.
 QoS processing on the E-UTRAN side remains unchanged.
S1-C S1-U S1-U OM Transport network layer design
X2-U  Transmission QoS control is performed between the local base
eNodeB gNodeB station and the CN or neighboring base stations. Different DSCPs
Transport network layer
are tagged according to the data transmission priorities and mapped
to different VLAN priorities. The mappings are configurable.
Wireless network layer  Priorities are determined based on the operator's service
requirements. Service QCIs must be consistent with those
User plane User plane configured on the CN. You can configure the service QCIs
Control plane
according to Huawei-recommended values. Signaling and OM
5G UE transmission bandwidth must be preferentially ensured.
User service classification
Blue: option 3X  User-plan service types in NSA networking comply with LTE
Red: option 3
specifications (QCIs 1 to 9).
 New 5G service types are supported in SA networking.

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Huawei-Recommended Transport Network Layer QoS Configuration
Service Type DSCP (Hexadecimal) DSCP (Decimal) MML Command Used for Configuring DSCP Values VLAN Priority
User plane QCI 5 0x2E 46 ADD UDTPARAGRP 5
Control plane (SCTP) 0x30 48 SET DIFPRI 6
FTP 0x12 18 SET DIFPRI 2
IP clock 1588V2 0x2E 46 SET DIFPRI 5
Configured based on existing DSCP values of the operator's
IKE 0x30 48 SET IKECFG 6
ADD IPPMSESSION Configured based on existing DSCP values of the operator's
IPPM Configurable
Ping packets 0 0 PING 0
GTPU echo detection 0x2E 46 MOD GTPU 5
Configured based on existing DSCP values of the operator's
No configuration is required. DSCP values of ping response packets equal
Ping responses packets 0 0 those of ping packets. Generally, DSCP values of ping packets from 0
transmission devices and CN are 0.
ARP None No configuration is required. 5
DSCP Value Range VLAN Priority
56 to 63 7
The right table provides the default mappings between 48 to 55 6
40 to 47 5
DSCP value ranges and VLAN priorities. If modification 32 to 39 4
is required, run the SET DSCPMAP command. 24 to 31 3
16 to 23 2
8 to 15 1
0 to 7 0

Page 26
5G NSA Transmission Redundancy and Fault Detection Design

After detecting transmission link faults, the gNodeB uses the corresponding redundancy mechanisms to perform active/standby switchover to
achieve transmission reliability.
Transmission Detection
Protocol Reliability
Layer Redundancy
Detection Mechanism Detection Period
OMCH OMCH backup OM heartbeat (enabled by default) 3s to 5s
SCTP heartbeat and retransmission (enabled by default) 1s to 60s, configurable
S1-U/X2 None Static GTP-U echo detection (disabled by default)
layer 100 ms level
Static GTP-U echo detection (enabled by default)
BFD detection (disabled by default) 10 ms to 1000 ms, configurable
IPPM QoS detection, which complies a proprietary protocol and used for
routine O&M with higher accuracy and without affecting services (disabled 100 ms to 10000 ms, configurable
by default)
TWAMP QoS detection, which complies a standard protocol and used for
Network deployment and routine O&M with services affected 10 ms to 1000 ms, configurable
Route and link IP route backup (disabled by default)
UDP packet injection QoS detection, which complies with a proprietary
protocol and is used for deployment with large traffic 1 ms to 1000 ms, configurable
(disabled by default)
ICMP ping (disabled by default) 1000 ms to 10000 ms, configurable
Route tracing (disabled by default)
Data link Link and Ethernet Port IEEE 802.3ah detection (disabled by default) 3s
layer Ethernet port Trunk IEEE 802.1ag detection (disabled by default) 1s
Port None Physical port detection (enabled by default) ms level

HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Huawei Confidential Page 27

5G NSA Security Design

 5G NSA networking depends on LTE networks. Refer to the requirements of operator's existing networks for security
networking policies. No additional design is required.
 Transport layer security of 5G is the same as that of LTE.
 The following table describes 5G transport layer security policies.

Transport Plane Security Feature Protective Measure

SSL (mandatory) and
User service data encryption, bidirectional authentication, and anti-tampering
IPsec (optional)
local access monitoring and alarm reporting
Port security Local Ethernet port enabling and disabling
When SCTP links or PPP links are disconnected, the link disconnection causes are
reported. When links are recovered, the number of reconnection attempts is reported.
CLK IPsec (optional) User service data encryption, bidirectional authentication, and anti-tampering
X2 IPsec (optional) User service data encryption, bidirectional authentication, and anti-tampering
S1-U IPsec (optional) User service data encryption, bidirectional authentication, and anti-tampering
802.1x access Access authentication (The RADIUS server must be configured with the Huawei CA
Device access
authentication (optional) certificate and base station ESN.)
 5G networking evolution analysis
Transport security policies are irrelevant to RATs but are related to operator's security requirements. In the future, the
security networking design solution for 5G SA sites will not change theoretically.

HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Huawei Confidential Page 28

Case 1: 5G NSA Networking Design

Note: The U2000 in the left figure has been renamed


Network Design Item Sub-Item Planned Value

OM design Sites, cells, and parameters Network planning and optimization
Co-EMS with LTE; OM IP address: (site 1)/ (site 2); Base station interface address: (site 1)/ (site 2) VLANs and routes are planned.
SSL is configured on the U2020. Whether to use OMCH backup is determined based on operator's existing networks.
Time source GPS
Clock synchronization design Clock source Specific GPS parameters are configured based on operator's existing networks.
IP interconnection design S1/X2 logical address: (site 1)/ (site 2); EPC S1-U address
Option 3X networking Base station interface address: (site 1)/ (site 2)
S1-U/X2 Co-VLAN of Service links (route planning); IP route backup (designed based on existing networks)
Ports described in the communication matrix. Ensure that the ports have been enabled on the firewall.
Interface bandwidth
2618 Mbit/s in non-secure networking scenarios where there are 400 users and the rate of traffic transferred to eNodeBs to traffic transferred to gNodeBs is 10%.
QoS design Configured according to recommended QoS
Reliability Configured based on operator's existing networks
Security Non-secure networking is used, 802.1x access authentication is not required, and IPsec is not deployed.

HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Huawei Confidential Page 29

Case 2: 5G NSA Trial Network Transport Solution and Bandwidth Calculation

Base Station
1. In the option 3X networking, a gNodeB connects to a 10 GE optical port on the PTN at the access stratum using a single 10 GE fiber optic cable. The port works at 10000 Mbit/s
in full-duplex mode.
2. The gNodeB considers the PTN L3 address as the gateway.
3. The PTN must support DHCP relay to support PnP deployment.
4. SCTP dual-homing is used between the eNodeB and the MME in the new network.
Bearer network
1. Access ring: The rate of the connection to the base station is 10 Gbit/s and the rate of the connections between transport equipment is 50 Gbit/s or 100 Gbit/s. In long-term
commercial use scenarios, a 50 Gbit/s access ring is connected to 8 to 10 base station, and a 100 Gbit/s access ring is used in scenarios with BBUs stacked.
2. Aggregation ring: One aggregation ring with 10 access rings for long-term commercial use and two to three new test networks
3. Core ring: N x 200 Gbit/s or 400 Gbit/s is used for long-term commercial use. The number of core aggregation rings depends on the base station distribution.
Example of calculating the peak bandwidth of a single gNodeB (calculated based on the total traffic of the three sectors among which the single-cell or single-UE peak
rate in off-peak hours is used for one sector and peak rates in busy hours are used for the others)
Bandwidth of a Single
Scenario Calculation
Base Station
Average cell rate Spectrum bandwidth x Average spectral efficiency x Downlink subframe ratio = 100 Mbit/s x 17.7 x 75%
1 x Peak rate of a single user x Transmission efficiency + 2 x Average cell rate x Transmission efficiency = 1.5 x 1.1 + 2 x 100
Peak rate of a single user 4.6 Gbit/s
Mbit/s x 17.7 x 75% x 1.1
1 x Peak rate of a single cell x Transmission efficiency + 2 x Average cell rate x Transmission efficiency = 5 x 1.1 + 2 x 100 Mbit/s
Peak rate of a single cell 8.5 Gbit/s
x 17.7 x 75% x 1.1

HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Huawei Confidential Page 30

Thank you


Clock Synchronization
The transport network needs to be synchronized with clock reference signals, that is, synchronization sources, to ensure that
transmitted information is not lost or distorted. A complete and effective synchronization mechanism is essential for a transmission
network to work normally. The gNodeB needs to obtain the precise frequency from the clock signal provided by the transport
network. Without clock synchronization, the gNodeB cannot perform handovers. Clock synchronization is classified into frequency
synchronization, phase synchronization, and time synchronization.

Frequency synchronization: Two signals have the same number of bursts in

the same period. Frequency synchronization has nothing to do with the sequence
of burst occurrence and the start and end time of each burst.

Phase synchronization: Two signals have the same frequency and the same
start and end time of each burst. Phase synchronization has nothing to do with
the sequence of burst occurrence.

Time synchronization: Two signals have the same frequency, phase, and burst
sequence. The origin of the timescale for a signal needs to be synchronized with
the UTC. Therefore, time synchronization implies synchronization in absolute
time. The UTC is a universal timing standard, in which the atomic clock is
maintained accurately to ensure time synchronization across the world, with the
precision to microseconds.

HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Huawei Confidential Page 32

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