Isometric Exercises: Definition
Isometric Exercises: Definition
Isometric Exercises: Definition
Bentuk latihan statik Adalah latiahn dimana kontraksi otot tidak
menimbulkan perubahan panjang otot dan tampa menimbulkan
gerakan sendi.
Static contraction menimbulkan ketenggangan otot yang dihasilkan
oleh kekuatan kontraksi .
-Selama isometric contraction, kekuatan otot akan meningkat bila
beban dipertahankan minimal 6 detik.
-in order to develop strength throughout the ROM, resistance must
be applied in several positions.
-The amount of tension produced during the isometric contraction is
directly affected by the length of the muscle of the time of
contraction. Therefore the amount of resistance also must be vary at
different points in the range.
-Resistance can be applied either manually or mechanically.
Examples of Isometric regimens
Brief maximal isometric exercise: in which the patient
performs a singles isometric contraction is held for 5
to 6 seconds.
Brief repetitive isometric exercise: in which the patient
performs five to ten brief maximum isometric
contraction against resistance.
Multiple isometric exercise: in which the patient
performs the isometric exercise against resistance
applied every 10 degrees in the ROM and hold for 10
seconds. This type of exercise improve muscle
strength through the ROM
Equipment used with isometric
1-Free weights and pully system
2-Isokinetic devices
3-Lifting a weight that provides resistance
greater than the force of the muscle
4-when the patient performs the exercise
against fixed objects( pushing a wall)
1-Determine the point in the ROM at which the muscle
contraction is to occur and set the patient up
2-Appropriate stabilization is need to avoid substitution
3-Instruct the patient to contract the muscle, hold a
least 6 seconds, then relax and repeat
4-Have the patient carry out the exercise at several
points in the ROM
5-Make sure that the patient exhales while exerting his
maximum isometric exercise
Movement performed within the
unrestricted ROM controlled by the voluntary
contraction of the muscle.
Classification of Active Movement
1- Active assisted exercise: In which assistance is provided
by an outside force, either manual or mechanical when
muscle strength is inadequate to complete the motion.
2- Active free exercise: In which the voluntary contraction
of the muscle can perform full ROM against gravity.
3- Active resisted exercise: In which the voluntary
contraction of the muscle is resisted by an outside
• The principles of assistance:
1-When the voluntary contraction of the muscle is insufficient to produce
2- An external force may be added to complete range.
3- This external force must be applied in the direction of the muscle
4-The magnitude of this assisting force must be sufficient only to augment
the muscular action but not allowed to act as a substitute for it.
5-As the muscular power is increasing,
the assistance given must be decreased
Technique of Assisted Exercise
4-provide stimulus for bone integrity, so the range
of effective joint movement may be increased.
5-The repetitive assisted exercises on the correct
pattern learn the patient to control the
movement by himself, so helping in training co-
6-Confidence of the patient in his ability to move
and helping to co-operate.
Contra-indications of assisted