Basic Ele Module-2

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Module 2


FET and SCR: Introduction, JFET: Construction and operation, JFET
Drain Characteristics and Parameters, JFET Transfer Characteristics
Square law expression for ID, Input resistance
MOSFET: Depletion and Enhancement type MOSFET- Construction,
Operation, Characteristics and Symbols, CMOS, Silicon Controlled
Rectifier (SCR) – Two-transistor model, Switching action, Characteristics,
Phase control application

TEXT1: D P Kothari, I J Nagrath, “Basic Electronics”, 2nd edition,

Mc Graw Hill, 2008(3.4 to 3.4.5, 4.5)
TEXT2:Thomas L Floyd, “Electronic devices”, Pearson Education,
9th edition, 2012 (7.1,7.2,7.4,7.5)
Course Outcomes-Module 2

At the end of this module the student would be able

Understand the working of JFET
Analyse the JFET characteristics and define parameters
Explain the operation of MOSFETs
Analyse MOSFET characteristics and define parameters
Analyse CMOS devices and their applications
Understand the working of SCR and its characteristics
Describe applications of SCR with focus on Phase control

Transistor is a semiconductor device that can

amplify or switch electrical signals
Transistor is made up of semiconductor material
usually with three terminals for connection with
external circuit
Field effect Transistor

• FET is three terminal device: Drain, Source and Gate

• FETs are unipolar devices because, they operate only with one
type of charge carrier.
Field effect Transistor

• The term field-effect relates to the formation of channel

due electric field created as a result of a voltage applied
on one of its terminals (gate)
• It is a voltage-controlled device, where the voltage
between two of the terminals (gate and source) controls
the current through the device.

• There are two types of JFET

i) N channel JFET
ii)P channel JFET
N-Channel JFET

Construction : N channel JFET

Symbol of N channel JFET

Figure 2.1 Basic structure of N channel JFET

N-Channel JFET

Operation : N channel JFET

N-Channel JFET
Operation : N channel JFET
1. When Vgs = 0 & Vds=0

• When Vgs=0V and Vds=0V, Depletion

region is created at the PN junction.
The depletion region thickness is same
and are symmetrical

2. When Vgs=0V and Vds=+ve (variable)

Electrons start moving from Source to
drain and Id flows from Drain to Source
• Points closer to drain are at higher positive potential relative to ground than
point close to source. Both depletion regions are therefore subjected to greater
reverse voltage near drain. Therefore depletion region extends more towards
near the drain.
• Drain current Id varies with Vds, keeping Vgs=0V
N-channel JFET

Idss is max current

with Vgs=0V and

Saturation Region


Figure 2.3: Plot of Vds Vs Id with Vgs=0 V

N-channel JFET

Operation : N channel JFET

3. When Vgs<0 and Vds>0 (both variable)

Figure 2.3 N Channel JFET with both Figure 2.4 Family of curves of Id vs
Vgs and Vds variable Vds for different Vgs
• Pinch off occurs at a lower value of Vds when Vgs is increased to more negative.
N-channel JFET

Summary of JFET operation

1. When Vgs = 0V and Vds=0V

2. When Vgs=0V and Vds=+ve (variable)

3 . When Vgs<0V and Vds>0V (both variable)

N-channel JFET
Characteristics of N channel JFET

There are two types of characteristics

a)Drain characteristics: Plot of Vds Vs Id keeping Vgs constant as shown in figure 2.5
The various regions in the drain characteristics are:

i)Cut off region

ii)Ohmic region

iii)Pinch off/Saturation Region

iv)Breakdown Region
N-channel JFET

b)Transfer characteristics: Plot of Vgs Vs Id keeping Vds constant as shown in

figure 2.6
N channel JFET

Square Law Expression for Id: The transfer characteristics of a JFET ca be

expressed as

Equation 2.1 is square law expression for Id

In terms of pinch off voltage equation 2.1 can be written as

In equation 2.2 Vp is value of Vds at which drain current Id becomes constant i.e
Id=Idss when Vgs=0v

In equation 2.1, Vgs(off) is the value of vgs at which drain current Id becomes zero
for given Vds
N channel JFET

Square Law Expression for Id:

Equation 2.2 can be expressed as

Input Resistance:

IGSS is gate reverse current

P-Channel JFET
P-Channel JFET

Operation : The basic operation of a p-channel JFET is same as for an n-channel

JFET except for

i)Vgs is positive

ii)Vds is negative

iii)Vp is positive

iv)Id is due to holes

P-Channel JFET
Charateristics of p-channel JFET

a)Drain characteristics: Plot of Vds Vs Id keeping Vgs constant as shown in figure 2.8
Note that Vds is negative and Vgs is positive
P-Channel JFET
b)Transfer characteristics: Plot of Vgs Vs Id keeping Vds constant as shown in
figure 2.9

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