ch04 Implementing CRM Strategy

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Customer Relationship

A Databased Approach

V. Kumar
Werner J. Reinartz

Instructor’s Presentation Slides

Customer Relationship
A Databased Approach

V. Kumar
Werner J. Reinartz

Instructor’s Presentation Slides

Chapter Four

Implementing the CRM Strategy

Topics Discussed

• Elements of a CRM System

• CRM Applications

• CRM Costs

• Stages of ROI Estimation

• CRM Implementation

• Case Study: Capital One

Elements of a CRM System

Web based
Customer Contacts
Sales Person • Direct mail • Telesales
Interface/ Contacts • Email • Coupons • Kiosks
Touch points • Websites

Customer Service
Marketing Functions Functions
CRM Sales • Campaign Management
• Helpdesk
• Segmentation
Applications Functions • Personalization and
• Customer
CRM Applications

• Sales and Sales Management Function

– Contact and quote management, account management, pipeline analysis

– Interaction of sales force with prospect, turning prospect into customer,

maintaining mutually profitable relationship

• Marketing function
– Multi-channel campaign management, opportunity management, web-
based encyclopedia, market segmentation, and lead generations /
enhancement / tracking

– Personalization
– Content management
CRM Applications (contd.)

• Customer service function:

– Incident assignment, escalation, field personnel tracking, reporting,

problem management, resolution, order management, and
warranty/contract management

– Key to a company’s ability to maintain proactive relations with

customers and hence retain satisfied loyal customers

– CRM systems assist in managing help desk and providing customer

ROI (Return on Investment) of CRM

• Formula: Profits/Investment X 100% = ROI (%)

• Questions on what can be counted as investment in CRM?

– How much will consulting for the project cost ?

– To what degree is business process re-design necessary?
– What new software and hardware must be purchased to accommodate
the new system?
– Does the system need to be customized or will it work “out of the box”?
– How much customization is required and at what cost?
ROI of CRM (contd.)

Questions on what can be counted as investment in CRM? (contd.)

– Can the system be easily configured and maintained by internal IT staff

or is continuous external assistance required?

– What is the cost of training the company’s staff to use the CRM system?

– What is the timeframe for implementation and what will happen to the
current system processes during that time?

– What are recurrent costs?

CRM Costs

• IT Costs

• People Costs

• Process Costs
IT Costs

• One-fifth to one-third of total cost

• Investment in IT infrastructure, database development and software
• Software components
– Sales force automation
– Sales management automation
– Call-center automation
– Marketing automation
– Customer-service automation
– Knowledge and operations management
– E-commerce functions
People and Process Costs

• People costs

– Recruitment, redeployment and training costs

• Process costs
– Market segmentation process, selling process and campaign
management process
Stages of ROI Estimation

Setting the target

Reaching the target

Building consensus and commitment

Setting the Target


Determine ROI goal of CRM project based on benchmarking, similar

projects, external and internal knowledge

Questions to raise
• Is the goal sufficient?

• Is this goal achievable?

Reaching the Target

Generate ideas of how to reach target through internal bottom-up
participation, external views, consultants, benchmarks, etc

Questions to raise
• What factors have to change and by how much?
• Does it work from a technical perspective?
• Are the proposed benefits clear?
• Will customers and/or staff accept these measures?
Building Consensus and Commitment

Have executives and line staff agree on proposed ROI goals
and ensure commitment on both sides

Questions to raise

• Are we collectively prepared to sign them off?

CRM Implementation

Implementation Projects

Operational Projects Analytical Projects

Operational Projects


– Construct infrastructure meeting technical and functional requirements

of CRM

– Maximize profitability

– Reduce support costs

– Increase sales and customer loyalty

Components of CRM Infrastructure

Component Description

1. Information Delivery/Online Catalogs Capability to display and list company's

products and services online

2. Customer Database Capture, organize, present, and analyze

customer-specific data

3. Personalization and Content Utilizing results of data analysis to

Management create an individualized experience for

Enhance/modify service delivery

vehicles to match specific needs of
Components of CRM Infrastructure (contd.)

4. Sales force Automation Deployment and use of tools and services

designed to automate sales and marketing

5. Partner Channel Automation For integration of a company's service vehicles

with those of its provider and third-party partners

6. Customer Services Use of technology and business processes to

successfully support a company's products and
Analytical Projects

Also Called Data Analytics

• Leverages resources created by operational projects

• Adds value by enabling firms to understand their customers

• Helps determine customer strategy and development of on-going CRM


• Major activities:
• Customer data transformation- data warehousing, data integration
• Customer knowledge discovery-data analysis, prediction based on
Analytical CRM

• Capturing all relevant customer information

– Data integration and standardization

– Real-time updating of customer information

– Incorporation of external sources of information

– Evaluation of customer-related back office data

Analytical CRM (contd.)

• Customer demographic analysis and customer behavior modeling

– Define customer segments to form basis for differential marketing

– Analysis of customer transaction history
– Analysis of customer service records
– Prediction of future purchase behavior

• Customer value assessment

– Focus resources on most valuable customer relationships
Deploying Operational and Analytical Outputs

• Issues

– Resistance from employees

– Motivation and Training

– Availability of information
CRM Practices at Capital One

• Segmentation Strategy

– Targeting all types of risk profiles, offering different prices and products
– Customer database distinguishes high-risk ‘revolvers’ and low-risk

• Retention Strategy
– Help retain customers when introductory rate expires or risk of ‘dormancy’

• Operations aligned with customer requirements

– Personalized and flexible handling of customers

– Calculation of profitability on an individual basis to improve product offer to
CRM Practices at Capital One (contd.)

• Collections
– Payment assistance, recoveries and fraud

• Sales
– Sales system (SALSA) enables targeting cross-sell offers to specific
– Uses accumulated data on customers to suggest how to react to specific
customer requests

• Co-operation between Marketing and Analysis (M & A) and


– Partnership to review risk perspective of present and future strategies

enabled through IT
CRM at Capital One (contd.)

• Information Technology
– Interaction with company in terms of prospect pool management and
solicitation, account acquisition, account servicing and call-center
technologies, core systems

• Human Resources

– Managing associate selection and development of company culture

Test and Learn Strategy
Capital One: Systems Infrastructure
Different systems working together


Screen of front end associates


Data from Account

customer servicing Solicitation and
applications data marketing data


Data warehouse
Use of Data

Online decision of
Customer data Segmentation associate

•Static customer data Expected NPV = Expected Rank order of what to Offer/

•(Identity) response X product NPV cross sell

•Transaction data For every customer Which

- products

• sold For all sales activities • Value per product

•Campaigns received Monthly recalculated Products already offered

= (barred from sale)

Decision captured and fed into data warehouse

Growth of Capital One’s Revenues
(Worldwide Operations)




Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002
Growth 63% 40% 33% 39% 29% 36% 41%
Capital One: Summary

• Illustrates successful implementation of a CRM strategy

• Business model founded on the crucial premise that each customer

requires a different product and service from a credit card provider

• Adopted an Information Based Strategy (IBS), to collect information on


• “Test & Learn” tests customer related activity in a controlled condition

before it is introduced in the market

• CRM is viewed as a key strategic process in Capital One; different depts.

work in an integrated fashion towards understanding and satisfying

• 2001 - Capital One was named 3rd ‘Best Place to Work in the UK’ by The
Sunday Times. Capital One named in Forbes 400 list -Best Big
Minicases : Challenges in Implementing
• CRM in FMCG Industry: Henkel (Dial)

– To define, conceptualize, and implement a suitable CRM


• B-to-B CRM Implementation: Deutsche Post World Net

(international logistics service provider (Euro Express, DHL)

– To create transparency across customer relationships

– To design cooperation processes across the three companies

– To develop sales support tools


• The key elements of CRM are touch points and CRM applications that
span sales, marketing and service functions

• Once the elements of CRM are identified it is important to calculate the

ROI of CRM to see whether investment in CRM is worthwhile

• Building a complete customer database incorporating all the relevant

customer information from different departments and external sources
is very crucial for a successful analytical CRM project

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