Political and Leadership

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Luigi Carl Marquez

31.) He introduced the kindergarten or “child’s garden” to the educational system.
a. Maria Montessori c. Friedrich Froebel
b. Edward Paparazzi d. Johann Herbart
31.) He introduced the kindergarten or “child’s garden” to the educational system.
a. Maria Montessori c. Friedrich Froebel
b. Edward Paparazzi d. Johann Herbart
Johann Herbart
Johann Friedrich Herbart was born
on May 4, 1776, in Oldenburg, the
son of the state councilor for
Oldenburg. He attended the
University of Jena (1794-1799). While
there he studied under Johann
Gottlieb Fichte and met Friedrich
von Schiller. Upon graduation
Herbart went to Interlaken,
Switzerland, where he served as
tutor to the governor's three sons.
In Switzerland he met Johann
Pestalozzi and visited his school at
32.) Curriculum correlation is a concept wherein subjects should be taught so it relates to other
subjects. The proponent of this concept is
a. Johann Herbart c. John Comenius
b. Hermann Ebbinghaus d. Andrew Mc Birch
32.) Curriculum correlation is a concept wherein subjects should be taught so it relates to other
subjects. The proponent of this concept is
a. Johann Herbart c. John Comenius
b. Hermann Ebbinghaus d. Andrew Mc Birch
John Comenius

John Comenius was a Moravian teacher,

educator, bishop, and writer in the
seventeenth century.  He is considered the
father of modern education because he
advocated universal education in his
book The Great Didactic (Laurie, 36). 
Comenius authored over forty works, and
he introduced pictorial textbooks, gradual
learning of comprehensive concepts, equal
opportunities for poor children and
women, and practical, universal education.
33.) Ms. Constantinno regards the students as a spiritual entity and as a part of larger spiritual
universe. To what philosophy does Ms. Constantino subscribe?
a. Existentialism c. Realism
b. Idealism d. Pragmatism
33.) Ms. Constantinno regards the students as a spiritual entity and as a part of larger spiritual
universe. To what philosophy does Ms. Constantino subscribe?
a. Existentialism c. Realism
b. Idealism d. Pragmatism
Existentialism is a philosophical theory
that people are free agents who have
control over their choices and
actions. Existentialistsbelieve that
society should not restrict an individual's
life or actions and that these restrictions
inhibit free will and the development of
that person's potential.
34.) Who among the following believes that learning requires disciplined attention, regular
homework, and respect for legitimate authority?
a. Perrenialist c. Essentialist
b. Reconstructionist d. Progressivist
34.) Who among the following believes that learning requires disciplined attention, regular
homework, and respect for legitimate authority?
a. Perrenialist c. Essentialist
b. Reconstructionist d. Progressivist
1 : an educational theory that ideas and
skills basic to a culture should be taught
to all alike by time-tested methods —
compare progressivism.
2 : a philosophical theory ascribing
ultimate reality to essence embodied in
a thing perceptible to the senses —
compare nominalism.
35.) Teacher B is concerned with conceptual matters since reality is mental. Teacher B’s
thinking is quite
a. Pragmatic c. Existential
b. Realistic d. Idealistic
35.) Teacher B is concerned with conceptual matters since reality is mental. Teacher B’s
thinking is quite
a. Pragmatic c. Existential
b. Realistic d. Idealistic
 is the diverse group of metaphysical
 philosophies which assert that "reality" is in
some way indistinguishable or inseparable
from human understanding and/or
perception; that it is in some sense mentally
constituted, or otherwise closely connected
to ideas.

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