Methods Testing of I.C.Engines

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Methods Testing of I.C.

Introduction: - The basic task in the design and development of
I.C.Engines is to reduce the cost of production and improve the
efficiency and power output.

In order to achieve the above task, the engineer has to compare the
engine developed by him with other engines in terms of its output and

Hence he has to test the engine and make measurements of relevant

parameters that reflect the performance of the engine.

In general the nature and number of tests to be carried out depend on a

large number of factors.

In this chapter only certain basic as well as important measurements and

tests are described.
Important Performance Parameters of I.C.Engines:-
parameters of I.C. engines are as follows:

(i) Friction Power, mean piston speed

(ii) Indicated Power, Specific power output
(iii) Brake Power, Calorific Value of fuel
(iv) mean effective pressure Inlet valve Mach Index(Z)
(iv) Specific Fuel Consumption,
(v) Air – Fuel ratio
(vi) Indicated Thermal Efficiency
(vii) Break Thermal Efficiency
(viii) Mechanical Efficiency
(ix) Volumetric Efficiency
(x) Relative efficiency
(ix) Exhaust gas emissions,
(x) Noise
Measurement of Friction Power:-
Friction power includes the frictional losses and the
pumping losses. During suction and exhaust strokes the
piston must move against a gaseous pressure and power
required to do this is called the “pumping losses”.

The friction loss is made up of the energy loss due to

friction between the piston and cylinder walls, piston
rings and cylinder walls, and between the crank shaft and
camshaft and their bearings, as well as by the loss
incurred by driving the essential accessories, such as
water pump, ignition unit etc.
Following methods are used in the laboratory to
measure friction power

(i) Willan’s line method;

(ii) From the measurement of indicated power and
brake power;
(iii) Motoring test;
(iv) Retardation test;
(v) Morse Test.
Willan’s Line Method:-
This method is also known as fuel rate extrapolation method. In this method a
graph of fuel consumption (vertical axis) versus brake power (horizontal axis) is
drawn and it is extrapolated on the negative axis of brake power (see Fig. 1).The
intercept of the negative axis is taken as the friction power of the engine at that
speed. As shown in the figure, in most of the power range the relation between
the fuel consumption and brake power is linear when speed of the engine is
held constant and this permits extrapolation.
Willan’s Line Method CONT.,
Further when the engine does not develop power, i.e. Brake power = 0, it
consumes a certain amount of fuel. This energy in the fuel would have
been spent in overcoming the friction.

Hence the extrapolated negative intercept of the horizontal axis will be

the work representing the combined losses due to friction, pumping and
as a whole is termed as the frictional loss of the engine.

This method of measuring friction power will hold good only for a
particular speed and is applicable mainly for compression ignition

The main draw back of this method is the long distance to be

extrapolated from data between 5 and 40 % load towards the zero line of
the fuel input. The directional margin of error is rather wide because the
graph is not exactly linear.
Morse Test:-
This method can be used only for multi – cylinder IC engines.
The Morse test consists of obtaining indicated power of the engine without any
elaborate equipment. The test consists of making, in turn, each cylinder of the
engine inoperative and noting the reduction in brake power developed.

In a petrol engine (gasoline engine), each cylinder is rendered inoperative by

“shorting” the spark plug of the cylinder to be made inoperative. In a Diesel
engine, a particular cylinder is made inoperative by cutting off the supply of fuel.
It is assumed that pumping and friction are the same when the cylinder is
inoperative as well as during firing.

In this test, the engine is first run at the required speed and the brake power is
measured. Next, one cylinder is cut off by short circuiting the spark plug if it is a
petrol engine or by cutting of the fuel supply if it is a diesel engine.

Since one of the cylinders is cut of from producing power, the speed of the engine
will change. The engine speed is brought to its original value by reducing the load
on the engine. This will ensure that the frictional power is the same.
Retardation Test
Graph for retardation test

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