Pre-Test Media and Information Literacy

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Pre- Test

Media and Information Literacy

Modified True or False: Write True if the underlined statement is correct.
If it is false, write the correct concept on the blank to make the
statement true
____________1. A graphic artist tells how an
event happened by making a news report.
____________2. An editor focuses more on
topics of general and human interest
____________3. The art director ensures that the
article is objective and factual
____________4. A photographer captures an
image of the event using a camera
____________5. The publisher is the one who
finances a publication’s production cost
Modified True or False: Write True if the underlined statement is correct.
If it is false, write the correct concept on the blank to make the
statement true

____________6. A blogger is someone who writes his

opinions, insights and commentaries about political or
social issues that appear regularly in a particular
____________7. A publisher writes personal opinions
about issues or topics that interest him as well as shares
his reflections, experiences and activities through a
blog entry
Modified True or False: Write True if the underlined statement is correct.
If it is false, write the correct concept on the blank to make the
statement true

__________8. A data encoder is in charge of encoding

the text into soft copy on MS Word document.
__________9. The author gives instructions to the
layout artist with regard to the technical format of the
text, including the artwork and design of the book.
__________10. The editor prepares, acquires and
manages a publication
Analysis: Draw a happy face if the statement conveys a positive attitude. Draw a sad face

___________1. Sean, a popular actor, posted an appeal

on his social media account asking people to support a
fundraising charity event.
___________2. Rita, a famous actress, snubbed a
group of fans who were politely asking for her
autograph because she finds them annoying.
___________3. Daniel, a well-known TV personality,
boasted in an interview that he will win as senator
because he is good-looking
Analysis: Draw a happy face if the statement conveys a positive attitude. Draw a sad face

___________4. Wilma, a popular TV host, does a

weekly feeding program for the homeless in their
community without publicity.
___________ 5. Erwin, a famous movie actor, asked
the customer service representative for special
treatment because he is a celebrity.
___________6. The writer should do a thorough
research on the topic to provide accurate information
Analysis: Draw a happy face if the statement conveys a positive attitude. Draw a sad face

___________7. A blogger can write subjective

opinions since it is his blog entry.
___________8. Children’s books should use long,
difficult words so that the child will learn them at an
early age
___________9. A book should follow a particular
curriculum or content outline
___________10. A house style is necessary so that
the publisher and the editor ca have control over the
Let’s Explore:
Answer the questions based on the information
learned or read from other sources. Write your
answers briefly but clearly

1.How do media affect the way people

communicate ideas?
2. What forms of media can we use to access
3. How can a student like you become a media and
information literate individual?
4. Why should people involved in the production of
different forms of media need to be accountable for
their actions?

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