Complex Numbers Afternoon
Complex Numbers Afternoon
Introduction to
Complex Numbers
Let Maths take you Further…
To understand where complex numbers come from and why they
are useful
To know the definition of i
To be able to solve any quadratic equation
To be able to add, subtract, multiply and divide complex numbers
To use the Argand diagram to illustrate complex numbers
To find the modulus a complex number
To find the Argument of a complex number
To convert between Cartesian form and modulus-argument form
Solve these equations
3x – 1 = 0
x2 – 2 = 0
x2 + 1 = 0
Natural Numbers – The counting numbers (1, 2, 3, ….)
z2 + 6z + 25 = 0
What is the quadratic formula?
Solving Quadratics
6 36 100
(a+bi) + (c+di) = a + c + bi + di
= (a + c)+ (b + d)i
(a+bi) – (c+di) = a - c + bi - di
= (a - c)+ (b - d)i
Multiplying two complex numbers is just like
multiplying out two brackets.
But – remember that you can simplify i2 because
i2 = -1
(a+bi)(c+di) =
Alternatively you could use the box method.
a bi
(a+bi)(c+di) =
Powers of i
What are i3, i4, i5?
If z1 = 5 + 4i z2 = 3 + i z3 = 7 – 2i
a) z1 + z3 =
b) z 1 - z2 =
c) z 1 – z3 =
d) z1 × z2 =
e) z1 × z3 =
Complex Conjugates
The complex conjugate of
z = (a + bi) is z* = (a – bi)
If you remember the two solutions to the quadratic
from a few slides back then they where complex
z = -3 + 8i & z = -3 – 8i
In fact all complex solutions to quadratics will be
complex conjugates. Why?
If z = 5 + 4i
What is z + z*
What is z × z*
Prove that for any complex number z = a + bi, that z
+ z* and z × z* are real numbers.
First z + z* = (a + bi) + (a – bi)
2 4i
Now see if you can find (3 – 5i) ÷ (2+9i)
1. 1 2. 7 5i
1 i 6 2i
A bold hypothesis
So 1 ÷ 0 = 1=0x
Then 2x0=3x0
(2 x 0) x = (3 x 0) x
2 x (0 x ) = 3 x (0 x )
The hypothesis collapses...
The Modulus of a x Re
complex number is
the distance from the
origin to the point.
|z| = √(x2+y2)
Note |x| = x
Modulus of a complex number
a) |3 + 4i| = 5
b) |5 – 12i| = 13
c) |6 – 8i| = 10
d) |-24 – 10i| = 26
Argument of a
complex number
Now let’s look at the angle Im
(θ) that the line makes with
the positive real axis.
NOTE: θ is measured in
radians in an anticlockwise
direction from the positive
real axis.
θ is measured from –180° to
180° and is known as the r
principal argument of z.
Argument z = arg z = θ y
y = r sinθ, x = r cosθ
tan θ = y/x
θ = inv tan (y/x)
x Re
of a complex number
Calculate the modulus and argument of the following complex
numbers. (Hint, it helps to draw a diagram)
1) 3 + 4i |z| = √(32+42) = 5
arg z = inv tan (4/3)
= 0.927
Im Im
θ θ
x Re Re
Radians or degrees?
First you need to find the values of z4,z3 & z2 so that you can substitute
them in to the equation above.
z2 =
z3 =
z4 =
Complex numbers and equations
Given that -2 + i is a root of the equation z4 + az3 + bz2 + 10z + 25 = 0,
find the values of a and b and solve the equation.
z2 = 3 – 4i z3 = -2 + 11i z4 = -7 – 24i
Complex numbers and equations
Given that -2 + i is a root of the equation z4 + az3 + bz2 + 10z + 25 = 0,
find the values of a and b and solve the equation.
Complex Numbers – Key Points
x= y=
r= θ=
If z = x + yi is a root, then so is z =