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1. What is one or two words to describe your own definition of

learning gained in CIFP101 and CIFP102?

2. What are the positive and negative experiences have you

encountered when you take up the two programs in CIFP last first
and second semesters?

3. How did you feel about it? How did you react on it?

4. What do you plan to do about all the experiences, feelings and

reactions you encountered?

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Abarientos Great Full of knowledge Short period of I feel determined Nurture

Awesome and experience time despite of any Treasure
negative experience.


Agapito Realizations I realized a lot of Encouraging that we Apply the learnings in life
Awareness things about myself in will learn a lot
the first CIFP program
and also other people
because I got the
chance to know the
people living in the
fish port.

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Avengoza Life changing I got to Doubted our I feel thankful I will use all the learnings i
Eye opener appreciate a capability because it helped gained in CIFP to be able to
lot of things me know more of see the world in a different
what i can do to way as before.

Colina Life changing We got to Doubted our I feel happy and I will take all the
Eye opener know more capability motivated that there experiences in CIFP as
about are a lot of things i inspiration and an eye
ourselves & can do as a student opener to the world.
other people to help others.

Doma Liberating and I experienced is The I feel fulfilled and I plan to share these
fulfilling the fulfillment I postponement blessed to have this experiences with other people
had with myself of CIFP102 subject and especially those who haven't
due to covid19 learning's that I can had Ignatian program
use in my life.

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