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Part 1

1. How do I drive?
Phone: 0152067

2. New toys: Green

monsters, angry dolls,
and black helicopters

3. Please, choose the

one you want to read
Part 2
4. People drive it on a road and it
carries big things.

5. This is for only one or two

people to go by road.

6. Many people fly on it to go to

a place.
Part 3


Part 4
The Ethiopian Wolf

It is an African animal, (0) which is called the

Simien Jackal. Some scientists have (10)
_______ it is not a real wolf. But studies show
that (11) _______ close relationship to grey
wolves and coyotes is evident.

10. A. saying B. said C. say

11. A. its B. his C. your
(12) _______ Ethiopian wolves are more similar
to grey wolves and coyotes than any other
African canines.
Scientists also believe there are about 450 of
them living in wild conditions. The (13) _______
group of Ethiopian wolves exists (14) _______
the Bale Mountains National Park.

12. A. this B. that C. these

13. A. larger B. largest C. large
14. A. in B. at C. on
Part 5
My Artistic Adventure
When I was a child in Ireland, I went to bed late , and I
could not sleep past six. One morning, I found a Spanish
television show with a French man who was painting a
beautiful countryside with oil paints.

15. Where was the painter from?

A. Ireland
B. Spain
C. France
Right then, I began watching this show. With his quiet
voice he explained his natural way of painting and he
quickly made trees and rivers, simply by moving his hand
across the paper. He made it look simple and easy, so I
thought I could do it by myself. Every Sunday morning, I
would try to paint what he was painting on the screen.
16. She was mostly excited by the
A. painter’s ability
B. painter’s voice
C. painter’s show
17. How often did she watch the show?
A. three times a week
B. once a week
C. twice a week
But I needed oil paints to make my painting as beautiful as
his. I could not buy oils paints; I was only seven, and my
parents would not buy them for me. Then I decided to use
my mother’s cosmetics and paper for my painting. I was
ready to paint my first picture.

18. She could not get oil paints because she

A. didn’t speak Spanish

B. was too young
C. always watched TV
After my mum saw what I did with her things, I was told I
could not paint again. This put an end to my idea of using
food the next time to make a picture. After a while, I
stopped watching the French painter. It was difficult for
me to simply watch him when I was unable to paint my
own pictures.

19. Stopping painting was

A. the painter’s idea

B. her mother’s order
C. her own decision
Part 6
20. What is the writer trying to do in this article?

A. describe a tourism-leading Colombian coffee farm

B. tell readers to run a coffee business in Colombia
C. invite tourists to write about places they visit in Colombia
D. Encourage tourists to visit Colombia
21. What can a reader find out from this text?

A. which activities tourists prefer to do at the farm

B. when the best time is to visit the farm
C. what the accommodation price includes
D. how to grow coffee on the farm
Part 7
Valentine’s Day
Do you know what happens on February 14th every year?
Many people exchange gifts, chocolates, cards, and
flowers. This is done to celebrate Valentine’s day. It’s
always a lot of fun to get a card or some chocolates, but
__________ do we do this? There is a lot of mystery about
this day.
22. A. where
B. why
C. when
D. what
One of the (23) ______ says that the original Valentine was
a priest. It is said that the king, Claudius II, had forbidden
marriage because he thought that only unmarried men
made the best soldiers. However, Valentine continued to
hold weddings for a lot of young couples in secret. When
the king found (24) ______, he ordered soldiers to kill

23. A. essays B. stories C. reports D. letters

24. A. off B. in C. at D. out

Valentine’s Day is now the second biggest holiday for cards
and gifts. Women buy (25) _______ 90% of the cards, but
gentlemen still buy the most chocolates and flowers to give
as a Valentine’s Day present.

25. A. almostB. only C. hardly D. just

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