ENT Lecture - 10

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Lecture -10

Social Entrepreneurship
Social Entrepreneurship
A social entrepreneur is the one
who engages in business seeking
both financial and social returns
A social entrepreneur is
someone who recognizes a social
problem and
uses entrepreneurial
principles to organize, create,
and manage a venture to
make social change. 
Examples of social entreprenuers

• Muhammad Yunus(Grameen Bank)

• Blake Mycoskie ( Toms)

• Akhtar Hameed Khan

– Commila cooperative project & orange pilot project
What is the difference between a
social entrepreneur and a
business entrepreneur?
Whereas a business
entrepreneur typically measures
performance in profit and
return, a social entrepreneur
assesses success in terms of the
impact s/he has on society.
What social issue most

What is your vision?
But wasn’t entrepreneurship
about making profits as well?

Why are we getting stuck in a

non-profit or not for profit?
Social enterprises are for ‘more-
than-profit,’ using blended
value business models that
combine a revenue-generating
business with a social-value-
generating structure or
Social Entrepreneurship is driven
through Social Innovation
Social Entrepreneurs act as change
agents for a society
Who would be the stakeholders?
“Just as entrepreneurs change the face of
business, social entrepreneurs act as the change
agents for society, seizing opportunities others
miss and improving systems, inventing new
approaches, and creating solutions to change
society for the better.” – www.ashoka.org
Social Media…???
Social Media is an umbrella term that defines the various activities that integrate
technology, social interaction, and the construction of words and pictures.

Its various characteristics are:

Participation : It blurs the line between media and audience

Openness : They encourage voting, comments and the sharing of information.

Conversation : Not a “broadcast” but a two-way conversation

Community : Allows communities to form quickly and communicate effectively

Connectedness: Most kinds of social media thrive on their connectedness, making use of
links to other sites, resources and people.
What is Social Media Marketing
• Social media marketing is the process of
promoting your site or business through social
media channels and it is a powerful strategy that
will get you links, attention and massive amounts
of traffic.

• There is no other low-cost promotional method

out there that will easily give you large numbers of
visitors, some of whom may come back to your
website again and again.
Instruments of Social Media
• Social networks : These sites allow people to build personal web pages and then
connect with friends to share content and communication. Like Facebook,
• Blogs : Perhaps the best known form of social media, blogs are online journals, with
entries appearing with the most recent first.
• Wikis: These websites allow people to add content to or edit the information on
them, acting as a communal document or database.
• Podcasts : Audio and video files that are available by subscription, through services
like Apple iTunes.
• Forums: Areas for online discussion, often around specific topics and interests.
• Content communities: The most popular content communities tend to form around
photos (Flickr), bookmarked links (del.icio.us) and videos (YouTube).
• Micro blogging: Social networking combined with bite-sized blogging, where small
amounts of content are distributed online and through the mobile phone network
Facebook, Twitter, Orkut,
Youtube, etc.
Viral Marketing
How is Viral Marketing Done?
A blog (a contraction of the term "Web log") is a Web site, usually maintained by an
individual with regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other material
such as graphics or video.

Tips for blogging

• Make your opinion known
• Link like crazy
• Write less
• 250 Words is enough
• Make Headlines snappy
• Write with passion
• Include Bullet point lists
• Edit your post
• Make your posts easy to scan
• Be consistent with your style
• Litter the post with keywords

Some recommended blogs are Wordpress,Blogger.

Google Tools

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