Hospital Environment: Ns. Susana Widyaningsih, S.Kep., MNS

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Anestesiologi D4

Ns. Susana Widyaningsih, S.Kep., MNS

English for Daily Usage

With your partner, discuss the following questions
• Look at the map below
• Where do you think you would find a floorplan like the one
• What would visitors do if they could not find the location of a
certain unit?
• Who could they ask for an assistance?
Find the words in the ground floor plan which

correspond to the definitions below

a. A door gate by which you can access a building or place
b. Department in a hospital which uses medical imaging to
diagnose a disease
c. A place to temtorarily place a dead body
Use the expressions in the box to practice asking

for directions of the floor plan

• Excuse me. How do i get to the lifts please?
• Pardon me. Where are the nearest toilets please?
• Sorry to bother you, but I’m looking for the polyclinic. Can
you direct me there?
Write your own questions asking for directions to the following

places in the floor plan. Use the language structure from the

previous activity
• VIP Unit
• Nurse station
• Canteen
Use the language in the box below to direct a person to the follwoing
place in the hospital floorplan. the person is at the entrance to the
hospital. write the direction in the space provided

• Turn left/turn right at the ...

• Walk down/along the ...
• The ... is opposite ...
• The ... is between the ... and the ...
• Go pass/around ...
• The ... is on your left/right
• The ... is next to the ...
a) Dialysis unit
b) Orthopaedic clinic
c) Outpatient department
Task 1
You are going to draw a floor plan for a small hospital with a
partner. Your floor plan has 2 levels and will include the
following services and medical units.

Ground Floor First Floor

Carpark Intensive Care Unit (ICU)
Information desk Medical imaging
Cafetaria Cardiac unit
Cashier Respiratory unit
Restrooms Restrooms
lift lifts
Task 2
Work in pairs to create 2 short dialogue which involve
aasking and giving directions, using the map you
created in the previous activity.

A visitor is at the Information Desk on the Ground

Floor. He wants to visit a relative in the Cardiac Unit
and needs directions. Write a receptionist – visitor
dialogue in which the visitor asks for directions. Your
dialogue should be about 8-10 lines.
Grammar for Prepositions
of Place
• Read the description below of why and how prepositions of
place are used

o A preposition is a word which shows the relationship between a noun and the other words
in a sentence
o A preposition of place is used with a noun, pronoun or noun phrase to show direction or
location (place)
o A preposition of place allows us to be very specific when talking about where an action
takes place or when discussion important details when we communicate
Preposition Rules
a) The subject and the verb always come before the preposition
b) A preposition is always followed by a noun
c) A preposition is never followed by a verb
d) A preposition comes before its object
Preposition of Place
in on at
Indicates inside an Indicates a surface Indicates a point
enclosed space

in spaces and places on a surface plate, table, A specific location

with boundaries floor, streets, roads Address
neighbourhoods island building
cities transportation corner of
countries home
Complete the following table with a diagrams which show the

meaning of the preposition. The first answer has been done for you

up down around from to across between

In front behind above over under below To the

of right/left
Match the following descriptions with the words

in the box
Vocab Definition Part of speech
pharmacy A place where medications are Noun (n)
prepared and sold
Elevator A mechanism for moving people or
objects up or down to different levels
Corridor A narrow passage or hallway leading
to rooms or other spaces
Intersection The place or point where two or more
things meet
Spacious Describing an area which has plentry
of room

Elevator noun spacious

Corridor adjective noun
Intersection verb
Read the following dialogue and underline the prepositions of

Patient Good afternoon, nurse. Can you help me?
Nurse Good afternoon, yes sure. What can i do for you?
Patient I have to buy the medicine prescribed for me. But I can’t find the
pharmacy. I have walked around this unit several times, but I
can’t find it.

Nurse Well, the pharmacy is on the first floor

Patient Can you show me how to get there?
Nurse Sure. You have to walk along this corridor until you find the
stairs, then go down the first floow. Then turn right until you find
the intersection of two corridors. Turn left, and you will see a
spacious waiting room near the exit. The pharmacy is in the
corner of the room, in from of the payment counter.
But if you use the elevator, you will get out at the intersection and
you will not have to look for it. To get to the elevator, from here,
just follow this corridor. It’s on your left, at the end of the corridor
Patient It seems faster by elevator, right?
Nurse Yes, you’re right
Patient Ok. So I need to walk down this corridor until I find the elevator
at the end. I go downstairs then I will find the intersection. Turn
left then I will find a spacious waiting room close to the exit and
the pharmacy is in the corner, in front of the payment counter.
Have I got it right?
Nurse Yes, you’ve got it
Patient Ok, thank you so much
Nurse My pleasure!

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