Soldering Iron Calibration Best Practices Dec 2020

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Why is the Tip Temperature Measured

Lower than the Set Point?

 Tip, Cover, Nut Oxidized?

 Improper maintenance is the #1 cause of
improper Tip Temperature

 Has the Tip Changed?

 The Shape & Size of the Tip determine the Load
& therefore require a recalibration

 Is the correct Calibration Measurement Method

being used?
 The measurement method should be applicable
to the application
Current ‘Calibration’ Process
Thermocouples use a Principle
called the Seebeck Effect.

This involves the production of

an EMF, otherwise known as a
difference of potential, or in
Generally speaking, this particular case, a millivolt
VL = 1.1 to 2mV signal which is greatly affected
which equates to by the induction of the
Keep in Mind –
LEAKAGE we are NOT measuring
the Leakage Voltage
VOLTAGE This is not an accepted method
this signal is introduced in
parallel and adds
for measuring temperature
unknown errors into our
- we CANNOT account for
in our current process
Current Case Uncertainties Measurements Needed to Ensure properly working

TYPE B (using published values): Actual Tip Temperature v. Set Point (must be < +/- 18ᵒF)
Actual Temperature & Displayed Temperature adjustments can be made to
ensure that the Tip v. Set Point Temp ▲’s are within Specification. When
Station Controller FX888D = +/- 1.8ᵒF changing between Tips of the same size a simple Display Adjustment is
Type K Thermocouple = +/- 4.5ᵒF made. When Changing to a new Tip Size or Handle the Actual Temperature
is adjusted to allow maximum Display Temp Adjustments
Thermometer (HH91) = +/- 3.9ᵒF
Stability-Degadation to Peak (SP) Recovery & Overshoot
Total Type B Uncertainty = +/- 9.6ᵒF Measuring the Tip Temp ▲ during heat exchange allows us to observe the
must be under 8.8ᵒF for TUR2:1 Time to Recover to Set Point, the Overshoot Temp, and the Time to Recover
from Overshoot

Root of Sum Square Accepted Method Leakage Voltage in millivolts (must be < 2mV)
√(Soldering Iron Tolerance)2 + (Measurement Device Leak Current from Tip can damage many electronic devices. The Leakage
Tolerance)2 Voltage is used to observe the Leak Current flowing through the heater
through the Tip to the Device Being Soldered
(√(1.8)2+ (8.4)2) + 1 = +/- 9.6ᵒF
Tip to Ground Resistance (should be < 5Ω)
The major part of the leak voltage flows into the ground terminal of the wall
socket – this protects sensitive electronics. For this reason, it has become
We are NOT meeting a TUR of 2:1 (k=2 coverage)
important to control the ground resistance as use of the irons equipped w.
Gnd cords
Best Case Uncertainties Best Case Uncertainties
Using BK101 (~$500) Using Q-192 (~$430)

TYPE B (using published values): TYPE B (using published values):

Station Controller FX888D = +/- 1.8ᵒF Station Controller FX888D = +/- 1.8ᵒF
Type K Thermocouple = +/- 4.5ᵒF Type K Thermocouple = +/- 4.5ᵒF
Thermometer (HH91) = +/- 3.9ᵒF Thermometer (HH91) = +/- 3.9ᵒF

Total Type B Uncertainty = +/- 9.6ᵒF Total Type B Uncertainty = +/- 9.6ᵒF

Root of Sum Square Accepted Method Root of Sum Square Accepted Method

√(Soldering Iron Tolerance)2 + (Measurement Device √(Soldering Iron Tolerance)2 + (Measurement Device
Tolerance)2 Tolerance)2

(√(1.8)2+ (8.4)2) + 1 = +/- 9.6ᵒF (√(1.8)2+ (8.4)2) + 1 = +/- 9.6ᵒF

TUR2:1 can be met with the IPC requirements TUR2:1 can be met with the IPC requirements
The above assumes a proper measurement process for The above assumes a proper measurement process for
the tip in use. the tip in use.
Recommendations Standardizing the model as best possible allows for
simple inventory for spares, and one procedure. Which
For Sensitive Soldering Processes 'your allows us to build a robust process and more effective
company' can implement multiple processes training.
but if we are to maintain Traceable Calibration
& Reduce Risk some activities are more The Work Instruction must include when to Trigger a Re-
effective than others. Calibration and acceptance criteria. All Major
manufacturers explicitly state that the temperature
should be checked when changing the tip.
Standardize Soldering Irons across ‘Controlled If the Tip SIZE changes a Re-Calibration is necessary as
Areas’ – same model and handle this greatly effects the Tip v. Set Point ▲.

Create Soldering Iron Calibration Work Any Handle change requires a Re-Calibration as the on-
Instruction – recalibrate when replace tip and board electronics & heating-element will have slightly
handle and annually different properties.

Create ‘Soldering Iron Systems’: with Handle as By Acquiring the proper equipment & training personnel,
we can ensure each station is maintained and the set
a Sub-Component of the Controller
point is matched to the thermometer. The TE Lab will
continue to maintain an annual record as well to ensure
Train operators to preform the Tip more thorough Check and Inventory of units on the floor.
Replacement Calibration and Establish Log We can calibrate the Standard In-house
Books for Record Keeping

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