Leadership and Ethics: Utilitarianism

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Leadership and Ethics

What is Utilitarianism?
◦ The moral philosophy that actions derive their
moral quality from their usefulness as means to
some end, especially as means productive of
happiness or unhappiness.
◦ Applied to civics and politics, the greatest
happiness of the greatest number should be the
sole end and criterion of all public action.
Who was Jeremy Bentham?
Jeremy Bentham’s Utilitarianism
Recognized as ‘Act Utilitarian’
Right actions result in ‘good or pleasure,’
wrong actions result in pain or absence of
‘Max pleasure/min suffering morality
criticized as “pig-philosophy”
Hedonic Calculus
Some have argued lecture, that “the
ends cannot justify the means” in moral

Would a utilitarian say that the ends can

justify the means?
“Hedonic Calculus:” measuring pleasure
and pain using what amounts to a formula
(for a group, it measures intensity,
duration, certainty, propinquity, fecundity,
purity, and extent.). This calculation
allows a utility based decision to be made
on virtually any subject.
Who was John Stuart Mill?
John Stuart Mill’s Utilitarianism
A more sophisticated form of
Concerned with quality of pleasure
and quantity of people who enjoy it.
Recognized higher and lower types of
human pleasure.
John Stuart Mill’s Utilitarianism
Lower pleasures: eating, drinking,
sexuality, etc.
Higher pleasures: intellectuality,
creativity and spirituality.
‘Better to be Socrates dissatisfied than
a fool satisfied’
‘Rule’ Utilitarian?
“Society and the Bomb”

Who was Henry L. Stimson?

Why did he advise President Truman to
drop the bomb?
“Society and the Bomb”

Iskilling the innocent always wrong, no

matter what the consequences?
Would you have advised President
Truman to drop the bomb?
Medical Triage

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Your military strategists have targeted a significant
munitions factory located next to a children’s hospital.
Obliterating the factory is crucial to the success of your
overall campaigning. Any hit on the factory will impact
the hospital.
How would you decide what to do using Utilitarian
Do you find the Utilitarian recommendations morally
The Chief Executive Officer of large
corporations often earn from 18 to 30 times
more per year as the average employee in
those corporations.
Can you think of a Utilitarian defense for
this “salary pyramid”?
Can your think of some objections that a
Utilitarian might raise to this radically
unequal distribution of economic
“Society and the Bomb”
Do you agree that in some
circumstances the use of nuclear
weapons is morally permissible?
A tenet of Utilitarianism is that each
person counts for one and only one.
On this view then is there a difference
between the moral worth of the lives
of a civilian and a combatant? In light
of this, ought there to be a

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