Motivating Self and Others
Motivating Self and Others
Motivating Self and Others
Theory X
The assumption that employees dislike work, will
attempt to avoid it, and must be coerced,
controlled, or threatened with punishment if they
are to perform.
Theory Y
The assumption that employees like work, are
creative, seek responsibility, and can exercise self-
direction and self-control.
A person’s internal desire to do something,
due to such things as interest, challenge,
and personal satisfaction.
Motivation that comes from outside
the person, such as pay, bonuses,
and other tangible rewards.
Needs Theories of Motivation
Basic idea:
Individuals have needs that, when
unsatisfied, will result in motivation
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
Herzberg’s two factor theory (motivation-hygiene
Alderfer’s ERG theory
Less Important
McClelland’s theory of needs
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
Herzberg’s Motivation-Hygiene
Hygiene factors - necessary, but not
sufficient, for healthy adjustment
Extrinsic factors; context of work
Company policy and administration
Unhappy relationship with employee's supervisor
Contrasting Views of Satisfaction
and Dissatisfaction
Traditional view
Dissatisfaction Satisfaction
Herzberg's view
Motivators Intrinsic
No Satisfaction Satisfaction
Hygiene Factors
Dissatisfaction No dissatisfaction
Alderfer’s ERG Theory
Concerned with providing basic material
existence requirements
Desire for maintaining important
interpersonal relationships
Intrinsic desire for personal development
McClelland’s Theory of Needs
Need for Achievement
The drive to excel, to achieve in relation to a
set of standards, to strive to succeed
Need for Power
The need to make others behave in a way
that they would not have behaved otherwise
Need for Affiliation
The desire for friendly and close
interpersonal relationships
Summarizing the Various Needs
Expectancy theory
Goal-setting theory
Expectancy Theory
Effort Performance Link Performance Rewards Link Rewards Personal Goals Link
No matter how much effort My professor does not look There are a lot of wonderful things
I put in, probably not possible like someone who has $1 million I could do with $1 million
to memorize the text in 24 hours
E=0 I=0 V=1
Conclusion: Though I value the reward, I will not be motivated to do this task.
Steps to Increasing Motivation, Using Expectancy
Improve the ability of the Increase the individual ’s belief that Make sure that the reward is
• Make sure employees have skills • Observe and recognize performance • Ask employees what rewards they
• Provide training • Indicate to employees how previous • Give rewards that are valued
Goal-Setting Theory
The theory that specific and difficult goals lead to
higher performance.
Goals tell an employee what needs to be done and how
much effort will need to be expended.
Specific goals increase performance
Performance feedback
Summary so far …
What is motivation?
Needs theory of motivation
Maslow’s Hierarchy
Motivation-Hygiene Theory
Management by Objectives
For next class