The Middle Ages
The Middle Ages
The Middle Ages
• The Catholic Church was the only church in Europe during the
Middle Ages, and it had its own laws and rules.
• The Church was the only source of education. It provided guidance
through well known strategies.
• Theology was the center of learning.
- Seven Deadly Sins:
● In Roman Catholic theology, the seven deadly sins were seven vices
that lead to other sins and immoral behaviors. They would result
into ultimate separation from God and faithlessness.
These seven deadly sins include:
Pride Lust
Greed Sloth
Wrath Gluttony
Historical Phases of the Middle Ages
The Middle Ages can be divided into three different historical phases:
• Early Middle Ages - 500-1000
• High Middle Ages - 1000-1200
• Late Middle Ages - 1200-1500
Early Middle Ages: (500-1000)