Chapt 4 Lecture Engineering Mechanics

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• Introduction of Centroids • Moment of Inertia of Areas
• Centroids and Center of Gravity • Parallel Axis Theorem
• First Moments of Areas & Lines • Moment of Inertia by Integration
• Centroids of Common Shapes of • Polar Moment of Inertia
Areas • Radius of Gyration of Area
• Centroids of Common Shapes of • Moments of Inertia of Composite
Lines Area
• Composite Plates & Areas
• Determination of Centroids by
• Theorems of Pappus-Guldinus
• Distributed Loads on Beams

 To discuss the concept of the center of gravity and the centroids
 To show how to determine the location of the center of gravity
and centroid
 To use theorem of Pappus-Guldinus for finding area and volume
for a surface of revolution
 To develop a method for determining the moment of inertia for
an area

• The earth exerts a gravitational force on each of the particles
forming a body. These forces can be replace by a single
equivalent force equal to the weight of the body and applied
at the center of gravity for the body.

• The centroid of an area is analogous to the center of

gravity of a body. The concept of the first moment of an
area is used to locate the centroid.

• Determination of the area of a surface of revolution and

the volume of a body of revolution are accomplished
with the Theorems of Pappus-Guldinus.

Center of Gravity
• Center of gravity of a plate • Center of gravity of a wire

M y x W   x W
  x dW

M x yW   y W
  y dW

Centroids and First Moments of Areas and Lines
• Centroid of an area • Centroid of a line

x W   x dW x W   x dW
x  At    x  t  dA x   La    x   a  dL
x A   x dA  Q y x L   x dL
 first moment with respect to y yL   y dL
yA   y dA  Q x
 first moment with respect to x

First Moments of Areas and Lines
• An area is symmetric with respect to an axis BB’
if for every point P there exists a point P’ such
that PP’ is perpendicular to BB’ and is divided
into two equal parts by BB’.
• The first moment of an area with respect to a
line of symmetry is zero.
• If an area possesses a line of symmetry, its
centroid lies on that axis
• If an area possesses two lines of symmetry, its
centroid lies at their intersection.
• An area is symmetric with respect to a center O
if for every element dA at (x,y) there exists an
area dA’ of equal area at (-x,-y).
• The centroid of the area coincides with the
center of symmetry.
Centroids of Common Shapes of Areas

Centroids of Common Shapes of Lines

Composite Plates and Areas
• Composite plates
X W   x W
Y W   y W

• Composite area
X  A   xA
Y  A   yA

5 - 10
Sample Problem 4.1
• Divide the area into a triangle, rectangle,
and semicircle with a circular cutout.
• Calculate the first moments of each area
with respect to the axes.
• Find the total area and first moments of
the triangle, rectangle, and semicircle.
Subtract the area and first moment of the
For the plane area shown, determine circular cutout.
the first moments with respect to the • Compute the coordinates of the area
x and y axes and the location of the centroid by dividing the first moments by
centroid. the total area.

5 - 11
Sample Problem 4.1

• Find the total area and first moments of the Qx  506.2  103 mm 3
triangle, rectangle, and semicircle. Subtract the
Q y  757.7  103 mm 3
area and first moment of the circular cutout.
5 - 12
Sample Problem 4.1
• Compute the coordinates of the area
centroid by dividing the first moments by
the total area.

 x A  757.7  103 mm 3
X  
 A 13.828 103 mm 2
X  54.8 mm

 y A  506.2  103 mm 3
Y  
 A 13.828  103 mm 2
Y  36.6 mm
5 - 13
Determination of Centroids

by Integration
x A   xdA   x dxdy   xel dA Double integration to find the first moment
may be avoided by defining dA as a thin
yA   y dA   y dxdy   yel dA
rectangle or strip.

x A   xel dA x A   xel dA
x A   xel dA
2r 1 
  x  ydx  
  a  x  dy   cos  r 2 d 
2 3 2 
yA   yel dA
yA   yel dA yA   yel dA
  ydx    y   a  x  dy  
2r 1 
sin   r 2 d 
3 2 
5 - 14
Sample Problem 4.2
• Determine the constant k.
• Evaluate the total area.
• Using either vertical or horizontal
strips, perform a single integration to
find the first moments.
Determine by direct integration the
location of the centroid of a parabolic • Evaluate the centroid coordinates.

5 - 15
Sample Problem
• Determine the constant k.
y  k x2
b  k a2  k  2
b a
y  2 x 2 or x  1 2 y1 2
a b

• Evaluate the total area.

A   dA
b 2  b x3 
  y dx   2 x dx   2 
0a  a 3  0

5 - 16
Sample Problem 4.2
• Using vertical strips, perform a single integration
to find the first moments.
 b 
Q y   xel dA   xydx   x 2 x 2 dx
0 a 
 b x4  a 2b
 2  
 a 4  0 4
a 2
y 1 b 
Qx   yel dA   y dx    2 x 2  dx
2 02a 
 b 2 x5  ab 2
 4  
 2a 5  0 10

5 - 17
Sample Problem 4.2
• Or, using horizontal strips, perform a single
integration to find the first moments.
b 2
ax a  x2
Q y   xel dA    a  x  dy   dy
2 0 2

1 b  2 a 2  a 2
  a  y dy 
2 0  b 
 4
 a 
Qx   yel dA   y  a  x  dy   y a  1 2 y1 2 dy
 b 
 a 3 2 ab 2
   ay  1 2 y dy 
0 b  10

5 - 18
Sample Problem 4.2
• Evaluate the centroid coordinates.

xA  Q y
ab a 2b 3
x  x a
3 4 4

yA  Q x
ab ab 2 3
y  y b
3 10 10

5 - 19
Theorems of Pappus-Guldinus

• Surface of revolution is generated by rotating a

plane curve about a fixed axis.

• Area of a surface of revolution is

equal to the length of the generating
curve times the distance traveled by
the centroid through the rotation.
A  2 yL

5 - 20
Theorems of Pappus-Guldinus

• Body of revolution is generated by rotating a plane

area about a fixed axis.

• Volume of a body of revolution is

equal to the generating area times
the distance traveled by the centroid
through the rotation.

V  2 y A

5 - 21
Sample Problem 4.3
• Apply the theorem of Pappus-Guldinus
to evaluate the volumes or revolution
for the rectangular rim section and the
inner cutout section.

• Multiply by density and acceleration

to get the mass and acceleration.
The outside diameter of a pulley is 0.8
m, and the cross section of its rim is as
shown. Knowing that the pulley is
made of steel and that the density of
3 3
steel is   7.85  10 kg m
determine the mass and weight of the

5 - 22
Sample Problem 4.3
• Apply the theorem of Pappus-Guldinus
to evaluate the volumes or revolution for
the rectangular rim section and the inner
cutout section.
• Multiply by density and acceleration to
get the mass and acceleration.

 3 3
  9 3
6 3
m  V  7.85  10 kg m 7.65  10 mm 10 m mm 
 
 m  60.0 kg

W  mg   60.0 kg  9.81 m s 2  W  589 N
5 - 23
Distributed Loads on Beams

L • A distributed load is represented by plotting the

W   wdx   dA  A load per unit length, w (N/m) . The total load is
equal to the area under the load curve.

 OP W   xdW • A distributed load can be replace by a concentrated

L load with a magnitude equal to the area under the
 OP  A   xdA  x A load curve and a line of action passing through the
0 area centroid.

5 - 24
Sample Problem 4.4
• The magnitude of the concentrated load
is equal to the total load or the area under
the curve.
• The line of action of the concentrated
load passes through the centroid of
the area under the curve.
• Determine the support reactions by
A beam supports a distributed load as summing moments about the beam
shown. Determine the equivalent ends.
concentrated load and the reactions at
the supports.

5 - 25
Sample Problem 4.4
• The magnitude of the concentrated load is equal to
the total load or the area under the curve.
F  18.0 kN

• The line of action of the concentrated load passes

through the centroid of the area under the curve.
63 kN  m
X  X  3.5 m
18 kN

5 - 26
Sample Problem 4.4
• Determine the support reactions by summing
moments about the beam ends.

 M A  0 : B y  6 m   18 kN  3.5 m   0
B y  10.5 kN

 M B  0 :  Ay  6 m   18 kN  6 m  3.5 m   0
Ay  7.5 kN

5 - 27
Moment of Inertia of Area

• Consider distributed forces F whose magnitudes are
proportional to the elemental areas A on which they
act and also vary linearly with the distance of A
from a given axis.
• Example: Consider a beam subjected to pure bending.
Internal forces vary linearly with distance from the
neutral axis which passes through the section centroid.

F  kyA
R  k  y dA  0  y dA  Q x  first moment
M  k  y 2 dA 2
 y dA  second moment
• Example: Consider the net hydrostatic force on a
submerged circular gate.
F  pA  yA
R    y dA
M x    y 2 dA
5 - 28
Parallel Axis Theorem
• Consider moment of inertia I of an area A
with respect to the axis AA’
I   y 2 dA

• The axis BB’ passes through the area centroid

and is called a centroidal axis.

I   y 2 dA    y   d  2 dA
  y  2 dA  2d  y dA  d 2  dA

I  I  Ad 2 parallel axis theorem

5 - 29
Parallel Axis Theorem
• Moment of inertia IT of a circular area with
respect to a tangent to the circle,
 
I T  I  Ad 2  14  r 4   r 2 r 2

 54  r 4

• Moment of inertia of a triangle with respect to a

centroidal axis,
I AA  I BB  Ad 2

I BB  I AA  Ad 2 1 bh 3
 12 1  
 2 bh 3 h

1 bh 3
 36

5 - 30
Moment of Inertia of an Area by Integration
• Second moments or moments of inertia of
an area with respect to the x and y axes,
I x   y 2 dA I y   x 2 dA

• Evaluation of the integrals is simplified by

choosing dto be a thin strip parallel to
one of the coordinate axes.

• For a rectangular area,

I x   y dA   y 2bdy  13 bh 3

• The formula for rectangular areas may also

be applied to strips parallel to the axes,
dI x  13 y 3 dx dI y  x 2 dA  x 2 y dx

5 - 31
Polar Moment of Inertia
• The polar moment of inertia is an important
parameter in problems involving torsion of
cylindrical shafts and rotations of slabs.
J 0   r 2 dA

• The polar moment of inertia is related to the

rectangular moments of inertia,
 
J 0   r 2 dA   x 2  y 2 dA   x 2 dA   y 2 dA
 I y  Ix

5 - 32
Radius of Gyration of an Area
• Consider area A with moment of inertia
Ix. Imagine that the area is
concentrated in a thin strip parallel to
the x axis with equivalent Ix.
I x  k x2 A kx  x
kx = radius of gyration with respect
to the x axis
• Similarly,
Iy  k y2 A ky 
J O  kO2 A kO 

kO2  k x2  k y2

5 - 33
Sample Problem 4.5
• A differential strip parallel to the x axis is chosen for
dI x  y 2 dA dA  l dy

• For similar triangles,

l h y h y h y
 l b dA  b dy
b h h h
Determine the moment of
inertia of a triangle with respect
• Integrating dIx from y = 0 to y = h,
to its base.

 
2 2h y bh 2
I x   y dA   y b dy   hy  y 3 dy
0 h h0
b  y3 y 4  bh3
 h   I x
h 3 4 12

5 - 34
Sample Problem 4.6
• An annular differential area element is chosen,

dJ O  u 2 dA dA  2 u du
r r
J O   dJ O   u  2 u du   2  u 3du

0 0

 4
JO  r

a) Determine the centroidal polar • From symmetry, Ix = Iy,

moment of inertia of a circular
area by direct integration.  4
JO  I x  I y  2I x r  2I x
b) Using the result of part a,
determine the moment of inertia  4
of a circular area with respect to a I diameter  I x  r
5 - 35
Moments of Inertia of Composite Areas
• The moment of inertia of a composite area A about a given axis is
obtained by adding the moments of inertia of the component areas
A1, A2, A3, ... , with respect to the same axis.

5 - 36
Moments of Inertia of Composite

5 - 37
Sample Problem
• Determine location of the centroid of
composite section with respect to a
coordinate system with origin at the
centroid of the beam section.
• Apply the parallel axis theorem to
determine moments of inertia of beam
section and plate with respect to
The strength of a W14x38 rolled steel composite section centroidal axis.
beam is increased by attaching a plate
• Calculate the radius of gyration from the
to its upper flange.
moment of inertia of the composite
Determine the moment of inertia and section.
radius of gyration with respect to an
axis which is parallel to the plate and
passes through the centroid of the
5 - 38
Sample Problem
• Determine location of the centroid of composite section
with respect to a coordinate system with origin at the
centroid of the beam section.

Section A, in 2 y , in. yA, in 3

Plate 6.75 7.425 50.12
Beam Section 11.20 0 0
 A  17.95  yA  50.12

 yA 50.12 in 3
Y  A   yA Y    2.792 in.
 A 17.95 in 2

5 - 39
Sample Problem 4.7
• Apply the parallel axis theorem to determine moments of
inertia of beam section and plate with respect to composite
section centroidal axis.
I x, beam section  I x  AY 2  385  11 .20 2.792 2
 472.3 in 4
1  9
I x, plate  I x  Ad 2  12  34 3   6.75 7.425  2.792 2
 145.2 in 4

I x  I x, beam section  I x, plate  472.3  145.2

I x  618 in 4

• Calculate the radius of gyration from the moment of inertia

of the composite section.
I x 617.5 in 4 k x  5.87 in.
k x  
A 17.95 in 2
5 - 40
Sample Problem 4.8
• Compute the moments of inertia of the
bounding rectangle and half-circle with
respect to the x axis.
• The moment of inertia of the shaded area is
obtained by subtracting the moment of
inertia of the half-circle from the moment
of inertia of the rectangle.
Determine the moment of inertia
of the shaded area with respect to
the x axis.

5 - 41
Sample Problem
• Compute the moments of inertia of the bounding
rectangle and half-circle with respect to the x axis.
I x  13 bh3  13  240120  138.2  106 mm4

moment of inertia with respect to AA’,
I AA  18 r 4  18   90 4  25.76  106 mm4
moment of inertia with respect to x’,

4r  4  90
 
I x  I AA  Aa 2  25.76  106 12.72  103 
a   38.2 mm
3 3  7.20  106 mm4
b  120 - a  81.8 mm
moment of inertia with respect to x,
A  12 r  12   90  
2 2
I x  I x  Ab 2  7.20  106  12.72  103  81.8 2
 12.72  103 mm2  92.3  106 mm 4
5 - 42
Sample Problem 4.8
• The moment of inertia of the shaded area is obtained by
subtracting the moment of inertia of the half-circle from
the moment of inertia of the rectangle.

Ix  138.2  106 mm4  92.3  106 mm 4

I x  45.9  106 mm 4

5 - 43

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