Irregular Section of Beams Reinforced For Tension
Irregular Section of Beams Reinforced For Tension
Irregular Section of Beams Reinforced For Tension
1. The beam has a cross section as shown in the figure. It carries
an ultimate moment of 156 kN.m.. Using fc’ = 20.7 MPa, fy = 414
MPa. Es = 200000 MPa. Compute the following:
a) The location of the neutral axis measured from the bottom of
the beam.
b) Compute the number 20 mm diameter bars.
c) The actual strain of the reinforcement used.
A T-beam is composed of a slab on supporting reinforced concrete
beam which are placed monolithically with the slab, to interact as a
unit in resisting positive bending moment which causes
compression on the slab which is now denoted as the compression
flange and the portion below the flange is denoted as the web or
stem. When this type of structure is subjected to a negative
moment, it causes tension on the slab and compression on the
bottom of the web or stem. It is analyzed as a true T-beam if the
neutral axis falls below the flange otherwise if the neutral axis falls
on the flange it might as well be treated as a rectangular beam.
LIMITS of the EFFECTIVE FLANGE with “b” as controlled by ACI code
Use the smallest value of “b”
a) b = ¼ of span
b) b = 16t + b’
c) b = center to center spacing of beams
For L-shaped flange
Use the smallest value of “b”
a) b = 1/12 of span + b’
b) b = 6t + b’
c) b = ½ center to center spacing of beams.
Minimum and Maximum Steel Ratio
T1 = As1 fy
C1 = 0.85fc’ (b-bw)t
T2 = (As – As1)fy
C2 = 0.85fc’ab’
T = T1 + T2
T = C1 + C2
T = Asfy
Asfy = 0.85fc’(b-bw)t + 0.85fc’abw
M = C1(d-t/2) + C2(d – a/2)
Maximum Steel Ratio: Pmax = 0.75(Pb + Pf)
Pf = As1/bwd
P = As/bwd
Minimum Steel Ratio
Pmin = 1.4/fy
ACI Limitations on Reinforcement Ratio for T-beams
T = T1 + T2
As fy = As1fy + 0.85fc’abw
Divide by bwdfy
Asfy/ bwdfy = As1fy/bwdfy + 0.85fc’abw/bwdfy
As/bwd = As1/bwd + 0.85fc’a/dfy
As/bwd = As1/bwd + 0.85fc’ß c/dfy
Under balanced condition:
ԑc = 0.003; ԑs = fy/Es
c/0.003 = d/0.003 + ԑy
c = 0.003d/0.003 + ԑy
c = 0.003 d (200000)/0.003 (200000) + Ey
c = 600d/600 + fy
As/bwd = As1/bwd + 0.85fc’ß (600) d/(600+ fy)dfy
Pw = As/bwd
Pf = As1 /bwd
Pb = 0.85fc’ßc (600)/fy(600 + fy)
Pw = Pf + Pb
Pmax = 0.75(Pf + Pb)
Pmin < P < Pmax to ensure against brittle failure
Case 1: The neutral axis falls on the flange:
Mu = Applied Ultimate moment
= øC(d-a/2)
= ø 0.85fc’ab (d – a/2)
Solve for a:
If a < t treat it as a rectangular beam
Asfy = 0.85fc’ab
Solve for As and check for ductility
P = As/bd
Pmin = 1.4/fy
Pmax = 0.75Pb
Pb = 0.85fc’ß(600)/fy(600+fy)
Pmin < P < Pmax
Case 2: When the neutral axis falls on the web.
Assume first that N.A. is at the flange:
Mu = Applied Ultimate moment
= øC(d-a/2)
= ø 0.85fc’ab (d – a/2)
Solve for a:
If a > t treat it as a T-beam
C1 = 0.85fc’t(b-bw)
T1 = C1
0.85fc’t(b-bw) = As1fy
Solve for As1:
M1 = ØT1(d – t/2)
M1 = ØAs1fy(d – t/2)
Solve for M2:
M2 = Mu – M1
M2 = ØC2(d – a/2)
C2 = 0.85fc’bw(a)
M2 = Ø 0.85fc’bw(a)(d – a/2)
Solve for a:
C2 = 0.85fc’bwa
Solve for C2:
T2 =C2
C2 = As2fy
Solve for As2:
As = As1 + As2
As = total steel area in tension
Check for Ductility:
P = As/bwd
Pmax = 0.75(Pf + Pb)
Pf = As1/bwd
Pb = 0.85fc’ß(600)/fy(600+fy)
Pmin = fc'/4fy but not less than 1.4/fy
Pmin < P < Pmax
As min = fc' bf d/4fy but not less than 1.4bw d/fy for statically
determinate T –section with flange in tension and bw is equal to
the width of the flange.
bw = web width for rectangular section b = bw
When flexure produces tension in the flange of a statically
determinate T-beam which unlike continuous members lacks the
ability to distribute moment to the adjoining sections whose
flexural capacity is not fully utilized, a larger value of As min is
required. For this case, the ACI code requires that As min must be
equal to or greater than the smaller of the values as given by the
two conditions:
1. As min = fc'bw d/2fy