7 Trapezoidal Combined Footing

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P1>P2 P2

P1 P2 > P1

P1>P2 P1>P2 P2

Problem: Proportion and design a trapezoidal combined footing for the given data: qa = 250 kPa, fc' = 21
MPa and fy = 414 MPa, length of footing L = 6.00 m. Exterior column: 500 x 500 mm, DL = 1400 kN,
LL = 900 kN; Interior column: 450 x 450 mm, DL = 1200 kN, LL = 900 kN


Step 1. Proportion footing dimensions

a) Column loads P1 > P2 P2

P1 = 1400 + 900 = 2300 kN
P2 = 1200 + 900 = 2100 kN
R = 2300 + 2100 = 4400 kN
b) Weight of footing = 15% of column loads
W = 0.15(4400) = 660 kN t
c) Required footing area
R + W 4400 + 660
A= = = 20.24 m2 xc
qa 250
d) From area of trapezoid,
(a + b)(6.00) = 20.24 0.25 s = 5.525 m 0.225 m

a + b = 6.747 [1]
e) Location of resultant from exterior column:
[Rx = ΣM] 4400 x = 2100(5.525)
x = 2.637 m
x c = 2.637 + 0.25 = 2.887 m
b 0.50 m 0.45 m a
f) From centroid of trapezoid c.g.
0.50 m 0.45 m
L 2a + b
xc = (from large end)
3 a+b
6.00 a + 6.747
2.887 =
3 6.747 L = 6.00 m
a = 2.992 m, b = 3.755 m

Step 2. Compute factored loads PRINCIPLE: For uniform soil pressure, the location
of the load resultant (including column moments, if
a) Column loads any) must coincide with the centroid of the footing area.
P1 = 1.4(1400) + 1.7(900) = 3490 kN
P2 = 1.4(1200) + 1.7(900) = 3210 kN
b) Ultimate upward pressure
3490 + 3210
qu = = 331 kPa
c) Equivalent linear pressure
small end: q a = 331(2.992) = 990 kN/m
large end: q b = 331(3.755) = 1243 kN/m
d) Slope of pressure line
1243 − 990
s= = 42.17 kN/m/m

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dV = (area)load V = sum(force)left or right
dM = (area)shear M = sum(moment of forces)left or right
Step 3. Draw shear and moment diagrams dV/dx = w dM/dx = V dV = wdx V = integral of (wdx)
dM = Vdx M = integral of Vdx
a) Shear equation y = mx + b
P1=3490 kN
 
V = qdx = (1243 − 42.17 x)dx P2=3210 kN
0.25 5.525 m 0.225

V = 1243x − 21.08 x 2 + C1
C1 = concentrated column load/s
b) Shear ordinates
x dx t
x(m) C1(kN) V(kN)
0.00 0.00 0.00 qa = 990 kN/m
0.25 0.00 +309.43
0.25+dx -3490 -3180.57
qa = 1243 kN/m
0.50 -3490 -2873.77 dF = qdx
5.55 -3490 +2759.33
5.775 -3490 +2985.29
5.775+dx -6700 -224.71 x1
+2758 +2985
6.00 -6700 0.00
c) Locate point of zero shear
V = 1243 x − 21.08 x 2 − 3490 Shears (kN)
0 = 1243 x1 − 21.08 x12 − 3490 -225

x1 = 2.956 m -2874
d) Moment equation -3180

 
M = Vdx = (1243 x − 21.08 x 2 + C1 )dx

M = 621.5 x 2 − 7.027 x 3 + C1 x'+C 2 +39

Moments (kN-m)
C1x' = moment of column axial load
C2 = column moments = 0 -718 -554

x (m) C1 (kN) x' (m) M (kN-m)

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -4195
0.25 0.00 0.00 +38.73
0.50 -3490 0.25 -718.00
2.956 -3490 2.706 -4194.82
5.55 -3490 5.30 -554.54
5.775 -3490 5.525 +91.76
6.00 -3490 5.75 0.00
-3210 0.225
x 6-x
Step 4. Solve "d" for beam shear at small end

a) Equation of width of footing


z 0.763
= z = 0.763 − 0.127 x
6 − x 6.00 d
2.992 m

b' = 2.992 + z = 2.992 + (0.763 − 0.127 x) b'

0.50 m 0.45 m
b' = 3.755 − 0.127 x

0.50 m 0.45 m
b) Width at critical section for beam shear
x = 6 − (0.45 + d ) = 5.55 − d
b' = 3.755 − 0.127(5.55 − d )
b' = 3.050 + 0.127 d L = 6.00 m

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c) Shear force at x = 5.55 − d
Vu = 1243 x − 21.08 x 2 − 3490
Vu = 1243(5.55 − d ) − 21.08(5.55 − d ) 2 − 3490
Vu = 2759.33 − 1009.01d − 21.08d 2 kN
d) Shear capacity at critical section
φV c = φ (1 / 6) f c' b' d
φVc = 0.85(1 / 6) 21(3.050 + 0.127d )(d )(1000)
φVc = 1980.05d + 82.45d 2 kN
e) Equate factored shear to shear capacity
Vu ≤ φVc
2759.33 − 1009.01d − 21.08d 2 = 1980.05d + 82.45d 2
d 2 + 28.872 − 26.652 = 0
d = 0.895 m Try d= 900 mm

Step 5. Check wide beam shear at large end

a) Width of footing at critical section x

x = 0.5 + d = 0.5 + 0.9 = 1.4 m
b' = 3.755 − 0.127(1.4) = 3.577 m
b) Shear force at x = 1.4 m
Vu = 1243 x − 21.08 x 2 − 3490 d = 0.90 m
3.755 m

2.992 m
Vu = 1243(1.4) − 21.08(1.4) 2 − 3490 b'
0.50 m 0.45 m
Vu = 1791.12 kN 0.50 m 0.45 m
c) Shear capacity at critical section
φVc = φ (1 / 6) f c' b' d
φVc = 0.85(1 / 6) 21(3.577)(0.9)(1000) L = 6.00 m
φV c = 2089.96 kN > 1791.12 kN OK

Step 6. Check punching shear at exterior column

a) Perimeter of critical section

e = 0.5 + 0.9 / 2 = 0.95 m
f = 0.5 + 0.9 = 1.40 m
bo = 1.40 + 2(0.95) = 3.30 m e
b) Shear force
Vu = 3490 − 331(0.95)(1.40)
3.755 m

2.992 m

0.50 m f 0.45 m
Vu = 3049.77 kN 0.45 m
0.50 m
c) Shear capacity at critical section
φV c = φ (1 / 3) f c' b0 d
φVc = 0.85(1 / 3) 21(3.3)(0.9)(1000)
L = 6.00 m
φVc = 3856.24 kN > 3049.77 kN OK!

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Step 7. Check punching shear at interior column

a) Perimeter of critical section

g = 0.45 + 0.9 / 2 = 0.90 m
h = 0.45 + 0.9 = 1.35 m g
bo = 1.35 + 2(0.90) = 3.15 m

3.755 m
b) Shear force

2.992 m
h 0.45 m
Vu = 3210 − 331(0.90)(1.35) 0.50 m
0.45 m
Vu = 2807.84 kN 0.50 m

c) Shear capacity at critical section

φV c = φ (1 / 3) f c' b0 d
φVc = 0.85(1 / 3) 21(3.15)(0.9)(1000) L = 6.00 m

φVc = 3680.95 kN > 2807.84 kN OK!

Step 8. Design negative steel in long direction

a) Factored moment at x = 2.956 m -As

M u = 4194.82 kN-m (from M-diagram)
b' = 3.755 − 0.127(2.956) = 3.380 m
b) Moment resistance coefficient
Mu 4194.82 x10 6
Ru = = = 1.702 MPa +92
φbd 2 0.90(3380)(900) 2 +39
Moments (kN-m)
c) Strength ratio
-718 -554
fy 276
m= '
= = 15.462
0.85 f c 0.85(21)
d) Required steel ratio -4195
1  2R m 
ρ = 1 − 1 − u  = 0.00650 controls
m fy 
 
e) Minimum steel ratio
0.25 f c' 1.4
3.755 m

ρ min = ≥ 2.992 m
0.50 m b' 0.45 m
fy fy
0.50 m 0.45 m
0.25 21 1.4
ρ min = ≥
276 276
ρ min = 0.00415 ≥ 0.00507
f) Steel area L = 6.00 m
As = ρbd = 0.00650(3380)(900) = 19773 mm2
using 32 mm φ bars, Ab = π (32) 2 = 804 mm2
As 19773
n= = = 24.6 , use 25-32 mm φ bars
Ab 804
g) Check spacing of bars
2992 − 2(75) − 25(32)
at small end: s = = 85 mm OK
25 − 1
3753 − 2(75) − 25(32)
at large end: s = = 117 mm OK
25 − 1

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h) Check development length
Ld , furn = 2956 − 75 = 2881 mm > Ld , reqd OK!
Step 9. Design short direction steel at exterior column

a) Band width
b = a + 0.75d = 0.5 + 0.75(0.90) = 1.175 m x2
b2 = 3.755 − 0.127(1.175) = 3.606 m
bave = 12 (3.755 + 3.606) = 3.680 m
Lave = 12 (3.680 − 0.50) = 1.590 m
b) Equivalent upward soil pressure

3.755 m

2.992 m
3409 0.50 m 0.45 m
qu = = 807 kPa b2
1.175(3.680) 0.50 m 0.45 m
c) Design moment
M u = 807(1.175)(1.590) 2 / 2 = 1198.60 kN-m
d) Moment resistance coefficient
L = 6.00 m
Mu 1198.60 x10 6
Ru = = = 1.497 MPa
φbd 2 0.90(1175)(870) 2
e) Required steel ratio
1  2R m 
ρ = 1 − 1 − u  = 0.00567 controls!
m fy 
 
f) Minimum steel ratio
ρ min = 0.00415 ≥ 0.00507
g) Steel area
As = ρbd = 0.00567(1175)(870) = 5796 mm2
using 25 mm φ bars, Ab = π (25) 2 = 490 mm2
As 5796
n= = = 11.8 , use 12-25 mm φ bars
Ab 490
h) Check spacing of bars
1175 − 75 − 12(25)
s= = 73 mm OK
12 − 1
i) Check development length
Ld , furn = 1590 − 75 = 1515 mm > L d ,reqd OK!

Step 10. Design short direction steel at interior column x3 a+0.75d

=1.125 m
a) Band width
b = a + 0.75d = 0.45 + 0.75(0.90) = 1.125 m
x3 = 6.00 − 1.125 = 4.875 m
b3 = 3.755 − 0.127(4.875) = 3.132 m
3.755 m

2.992 m

0.50 m 0.45 m
bave = 12 (3.132 + 2.992) = 3.062 m b3 0.45 m
0.50 m
Lave = 12 (3.062 − 0.45) = 1.306 m
b) Equivalent upward soil pressure
qu = = 932 kPa
1.125(3.062) L = 6.00 m

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c) Design moment
M u = 932(1.125)(1.306) 2 / 2 = 894.18 kN-m

d) Moment resistance coefficient

Mu 894.18 x10 6
Ru = = = 1.167 MPa
φbd 2 0.90(1125)(870) 2
e) Required steel ratio
1 2R m 
ρ = 1 − 1 − u  = 0.00438
m fy 
 
f) Minimum steel ratio
ρ min = 0.00415 ≥ 0.00507 controls!
ρ = 43 (0.00438) = 0.00584
g) Steel area
As = ρbd = 0.00507(1125)(870) = 4962 mm2
using 25 mm φ bars, Ab = π (25) 2 = 490 mm2
As 4962
n= = = 10.1 , use 11-25 mm φ bars
Ab 490
h) Check spacing of bars
1125 − 75 − 11(25)
s= = 78 mm OK
11 − 1
i) Check development length
Ld , furn = 1306 − 75 = 1231 mm > L d ,reqd OK!

Step 11. Design steel for remaining zones

a) Steel area
ρ min = 0.00415 ≥ 0.00507
As , min = ρbd = 0.00507 (1000)(870) = 4410 mm2
As ,temp = 0.002(1000)(1000) = 2000 mm2
using 20 mm φ bars, Ab = π (20) 2 = 314 mm2
As 4410
n= = = 14.0 , use 14-20 mm φ bars/meter
Ab 314

Step 12. Solve dowels at exterior column

a) factored bearing stress

P 3490(1000)
fc = u = = 13.96 MPa
Acol (500) 2
b) bearing capacity of concrete
f c = φ 0.85 f c' A2 / A1 A2 / A1 = 1.0
f c = 0.70(0.85)(20.7)(1.0) = 12.50 MPa < 13.96 MPa
c) design dowel bars
13.96 − 12.50
As = (500) 2 = 1327 mm2
min As = 0.005 Acol = 0.005(500) 2 = 1250 mm2

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using 20 mm φ bars, , Ab = π (20) 2 = 314 mm2
As 1327
n= = = 4.23 , use 6-20 mm φ bars
Ab 314
d) Check development length
Ld , furn = 900 mm > Ld , reqd OK!

Step 12. Solve dowels at interior column

a) factored bearing stress

P 3210(1000)
fc = u = = 15.85 MPa
Acol (450) 2
b) bearing capacity of concrete
f c = φ 0.85 f c' A2 / A1 A2 / A1 = 1.0
f c = 0.70(0.85)(20.7)(1.0) = 12.50 MPa < 15.85 MPa
c) design dowel bars
15.85 − 12.50
As = (450) 2 = 2463 mm2
min As = 0.005 Acol = 0.005(450) 2 = 1012 mm2
using 20 mm φ bars, , Ab = π (20) 2 = 314 mm2
As 2463
n= = = 7.8 , use 8-20 mm φ bars
Ab 314

Step 13. Compute development lengths

a) For 32 mm diameter tension bars

α = 1.0 β = 1.0 γ = 1.0 λ = 1.0 (uncoated)
c + K tr 75 + 0
= = 2.34 ≤ 2.5
db 32
Ld 9 fy αβγλ 9 276 1.0
= = = 23.16
d b 10 f '  c + K tr  10 21 2.34
c  
 d 
 b 
Ld 3 f y αβλ 3(276)(1.0)
= = = 36.14
db 5 f c' 5 21
Ld = 36.14(32) = 1156 mm (controls)
min Ld = 300 mm
b) For 25 mm diameter tension bars
α = 1.0 β = 1.0 γ = 1.0 λ = 1.0 (uncoated)
Ld = 36.14(25) = 904 mm
min Ld = 300 mm
c) For 20 mm diameter dowel bars
Ldb = d b ≥ 0.04d b f y
4 f c'

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Ldb = (20) = 301 mm (controls)
4 21
Ld = 0.04d b f y = 0.04( 20)(276) = 220 mm
min Ld = 200 mm

Step 14. Check weight of footing

a) thickness of footing
t = 900 + 100 = 1000 mm
b) volume of footing
V f = 12 (2.992 + 3.755)(6.00)(1.00) = 20.241 m3
c) weight of footing
W f = (23.5 kN/m3)(20.241 m3) = 476 kN < 660 kN OK!

Step 15. Draw the details

6-20 φ dowel 8-20 φ dowel

25-32 mm φ bars
• • • •
t = 1.00 m
• • • • • •
10-16 mm φ bars

1.175 m 3.700 m 1.125 m

12-25 φ 26-20 mm φ bars 11-25 φ
b = 3.80 m

a = 3.00 m

0.50 m 0.45 m
0.50 m 0.45 m

L = 6.00 m

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