Problems Regenerative Cycle

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Q NO 1
• How do open feedwater heaters differ from closed feedwater

Q NO 2
• During a regeneration process, some steam is extracted from
the turbine and is used to heat the liquid water leaving the
pump. This does not seem like a smart thing to do since the
extracted steam could produce some more work in the turbine.
How do you justify this action?
Q NO 3

A steam power plant operates on an ideal regenerative Rankine cycle. Steam

enters the turbine at 6 MPa and 450°C and is condensed in the condenser at
20 kPa. Steam is extracted from the turbine at 0.4 MPa to heat the feedwater
in an open feedwater heater. Water leaves the feedwater heater as a saturated
liquid. Show the cycle on a T-s diagram, and determine

(a) the net work output per kilogram of steam flowing through the boiler
(b) the thermal efficiency of the cycle.

Answers: (a) 1017 kJ/kg, (b) 37.8 percent

Q NO 4

Repeat Q NO. 3 by replacing the open feedwater heater

with a closed feedwater heater. Assume that the
feedwater leaves the heater at the condensation
temperature of the extracted steam and that the
extracted steam leaves the heater as a saturated liquid
and is pumped to the line carrying the feedwater.
Q NO 5

A steam power plant operates on an ideal reheat– regenerative

Rankine cycle and has a net power output of 80 MW. Steam
enters the high-pressure turbine at 10 MPa and 550°C and leaves
at 0.8 MPa. Some steam is extracted at this pressure to heat the
feedwater in an open feedwater heater. The rest of the steam is
reheated to 500°C and is expanded in the low-pressure turbine to
the condenser pressure of 10 kPa. Show the cycle on a T-s
diagram with respect to saturation lines, and determine
(a) the mass flow rate of steam through the boiler and
(b) the thermal efficiency of the cycle.

Answers: (a) 54.5 kg/s, (b) 44.4 percent

Q NO 6

A steam power plant operates on the reheat regenerative Rankine cycle with a
closed feedwater heater. Steam enters the turbine at 12.5 MPa and 550°C at a
rate of 24 kg/s and is condensed in the condenser at a pressure of 20 kPa.
Steam is reheated at 5 MPa to 550°C. Some steam is extracted from the low-
pressure turbine at 1.0 MPa, is completely condensed in the closed feedwater
heater, and pumped to 12.5 MPa before it mixes with the feedwater at the
same pressure. Assuming an isentropic efficiency of 88 percent for both the
turbine and the pump, determine

(a) the temperature of the steam at the inlet of the closed feedwater heater,
(b) the mass flow rate of the steam extracted from the turbine for the closed
feedwater heater,
(c) the net power output, and
(d) the thermal efficiency.
Answers: (a) 328°C, (b) 4.29 kg/s, (c) 28.6 MW, (d) 39.3 percent

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