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Testing Fundamentals

Software Testing Axioms

Software Quality
• Quality software is reasonably bug or defect free, delivered on time
and within budget, meets requirements and/or expectations, and is
• ISO 8402-1986 standard defines quality as “the totality of features and
characteristics of a product or service that bears its ability to satisfy
stated or implied needs.”
• Key aspects of quality for the customer include:
• Good design – looks and style
• Good functionality – it does the job well
• Reliable – acceptable level of breakdowns or failure
• Consistency
• Durable – lasts as long as it should
• Good after sales service
• Value for money 8
Software Testing
• Software testing is a process of executing a program or application with
the intent of finding the software bugs.

• It can also be stated as the process of validating and verifying that a

software program or application or product:
• Meets the business and technical requirements
• Works as expected
• Can be implemented with the same characteristic.

Software Verification
• It makes sure that the product is designed to deliver all functionality
to the customer.
• Verification is done at the starting of the development process. It
includes reviews and meetings, walkthroughs, inspection, etc. to
evaluate documents, plans, code, requirements and specifications.
• It answers the questions like: Am I building the product right? Am I
accessing the data right (in the right place; in the right way).

Software Validation
• Determining if the system complies with the requirements and performs functions for which it is
intended and meets the organization’s goals and user needs.
• Validation is done at the end of the development process and takes place after verifications are
• It answers the question like: Am I building the right product? Am I accessing the right data (in
terms of the data required to satisfy the requirement).
• Performed after a work product is produced against established criteria ensuring that the
product integrates correctly into the environment.
• Determination of correctness of the final software product by a development project with
respect to the user needs and requirements.

Basic Testing Cycle
• Requirements Analysis
• Test Planning
• Test Development
• Test Execution
• Test Reporting
• Test Result Analysis
• Defect Retesting
• Regression Testing
• Test Closure

Testing Methods

There are several approaches / techniques of Software


Testing Methods
• Static
• Dynamic
• Black Box
• White Box
• Visual

Testing Methods (Cont.)
Static Testing:

• Static testing is the testing of the software work products manually,

or with a set of tools, but they are not executed.

• It starts early in the Life cycle and so it is done during the

verification process.

• It does not need computer as the testing of program is done without

executing the program. For example: reviewing, walk through,
inspection, etc.

Testing Methods (Cont.)
Dynamic Testing:
• Dynamic testing is the testing of the dynamic behaviour of code.
• It involves working with the software, giving input values and
checking if the output is as expected by executing specific
test cases which can be done manually or with the use of an
automated process.
• It is done during Validation process.
• The software is tested by executing it on computer. Ex: Unit
testing, integration testing, system testing.

Testing Methods (Cont.)
Black Box Testing:

• Black-box testing treats the software as a "black box", examining

functionality without any knowledge of internal implementation.

• The tester is only aware of what the software is supposed to

do, not how it does it.

• It also known as Specification-based testing technique or

input/output driven testing techniques because they view the
software as a black-box with inputs and outputs.

Testing Methods (Cont.)
White Box Testing:

• White-box testing tests internal structures or workings of a


• It is also know as Structure-based or ‘glass-box’ testing technique

because here the testers require knowledge of how the software is
implemented, how it works.

• In white-box testing the tester is concentrating on how the

software does it.

Testing Methods (Cont.)
Visual (GUI) Testing:

• GUI testing is the process of testing a product's graphical user

interface to ensure it meets its written specifications like testing
images and buttons alignment on any webpage.

Testing Levels
Each phase of SDLC goes through the testing. Hence there
are various levels of testing.

Testing Levels
• Unit Testing
• Component Testing
• Integration Testing
• System Testing
• Acceptance Testing
• Alpha Testing
• Beta Testing

Testing Levels (Cont.)
Unit Testing:

• Unit testing is a method by which individual units of source code

together with associated control data are tested to determine if they
are fit for use.

•A unit is the smallest testable part of an

application like
functions/procedures, classes, interfaces.

• Unit tests are typically written and run by software developers to

ensure that code meets its design and behaves as intended.

Testing Levels (Cont.)
Component Testing:

• Component testing is also known as module and program


• Component testing is the phase in which individual software

modules are tested to find defects in the module and verifies the
functioning of software Module.

• Component testing may be done in isolation from rest of the

system depending on the development life cycle model chosen
for that particular application.

Testing Levels (Cont.)
Integration Testing:

• Integration testing is the phase in which individual software

modules are combined and tested as a group to make verify
integrated system is ready for system testing.

• It occurs after unit testing and before validation testing.

• Integration testing is done by a specific integration tester or test


Testing Levels (Cont.)
System Testing:

• System testing is conducted on a complete, integrated system to

evaluate the system's compliance with its specified requirements.
• System testing falls within the scope of black box testing, and as
such, should require no knowledge of the inner design of the code
or logic.
• System testing is most often the final test to verify that the system
to be delivered meets the specification and its purpose.
• System testing should investigate both functional and non-
functional requirements of the testing.

Testing Levels (Cont.)
Acceptance Testing:

• After the system test has corrected all or most defects, the
system will be delivered to the user or customer for acceptance

• Acceptance testing is a test conducted to determine if the

requirements of a specification or contract are met prior to its

• Acceptance testing is basically done by the user or customer

although other stakeholders may be involved as well.

Testing Levels (Cont.)
Alpha Testing:

• Alpha testing is simulated or actual operational testing by

potential users/customers or an independent test team at the
developers' site.

• Alpha testing is often employed for off-the-shelf software as a form

of internal acceptance testing, before the software goes to beta

• This test takes place at the developer’s site.

Testing Levels (Cont.)
Beta Testing:

• It is also known as field testing. It takes place at customer’s site.

• It sends the system to users who install it and use it under real-
world working conditions.
• A beta test is the second phase of software testing in which a
sampling of the intended audience tries the product out.
• Versions of the software, known as beta versions, are released to a
limited audience outside of the programming team.

Testing Types
A test type is focused on a particular test objective

Testing Types (Cont.)
Functional Testing:
Functional testing refers to activities that verify a specific action or
function of the code.
Functional tests tend to answer the question of "can the user do this"
or "does this particular feature work."

Non Functional Testing:

Non-functional testing refers to aspects of the software that may not be
related to a specific function or user action, such as scalability or other
performance, behavior under certain constraints, or security.

Testing Types (Cont.)
Functional Testing Non Functional
• Installation • Compatibility
• Development • Performance
• Usability • Security
• Sanity • Accessibility
• Smoke • Internationalization /
• Regression Localization
• Destructive
• Recovery
• Automated
• User Acceptance

Testing Types (Cont.)
Installation Testing:
• Installation testing focuses on what customers will need to do to
install and set up the new software successfully.
• The testing process may involve full, partial or upgrades
install/uninstall processes.
• This testing is typically done by the software test engineer in
conjunction with the configuration manager.

Testing Types (Cont.)
Development Testing:
• Development Testing is a software development process that
involves synchronized application of a broad spectrum of defect
prevention and detection strategies in order to reduce software
development risks, time, and costs.
• It is performed by the software developer or engineer during the
construction phase of the software development lifecycle.
• Development Testing might include static code analysis, data flow
analysis metrics analysis, peer code reviews, unit testing, code coverage
analysis, traceability, and other software verification practices.

Testing Types (Cont.)
Usability Testing:
• Usability testing is a technique used in user-centered interaction
design to evaluate a product by testing it on users.
• This can be seen as an irreplaceable usability practice, since it
gives direct input on how real users use the system.
• Usability testing generally involves measuring how well test
subjects respond in four areas: efficiency, accuracy, recall, and
emotional response.

Testing Types (Cont.)
Sanity Testing:
• The sanity test which offers quick, broad, and shallow testing
determines whether it is possible and reasonable to proceed with
further testing.
• If the sanity test fails, it is not reasonable to attempt more rigorous
• Sanity tests are ways to avoid wasting time and effort by quickly
determining whether an application is too flawed to merit any
rigorous testing.

Testing Types (Cont.)
Smoke Testing:
• Smoke testing is preliminary testing to reveal simple failures severe
enough to reject a prospective software release e.g. smoke test may ask
basic questions like "Does the program run?", "Does it open a window?”
• The purpose is to determine whether the application is so badly broken that
further testing is unnecessary.
• Smoke testing performed on a particular build is also known as a build
verification test.
• Smoke testing is done by developers and testers both.
• A smoke test is used as an acceptance test prior to introducing a new build
to the main testing process.

Testing Types (Cont.)
Regression Testing:
• Regression testing is a type of software testing that seeks to uncover
new software bugs, or regressions, in existing areas of a system after
changes (such as enhancements, patches or configuration changes)
have been made to them.
• Common methods of regression testing include rerunning previously
completed tests and checking whether program behavior has changed and
whether previously fixed faults have re-emerged.

Testing Types (Cont.)
Destructive Testing:
• Destructive software testing which attempts to cause a piece of
software to fail in an uncontrolled manner, in order to test its
• It verifies that the software functions properly even when it receives
invalid or unexpected inputs, thereby establishing the robustness of input
validation and error-management routines.

Testing Types (Cont.)
Recovery Testing:
• Recovery testing is the activity of testing how well an application is able
to recover from crashes, hardware failures and other similar problems.
• E.g. While an application is receiving data from a network, unplug the
connecting cable. After some time, plug the cable back in and analyze
the application's ability to continue receiving data from the point at
which the network connection disappeared.

Testing Types (Cont.)
Automated Testing:
• Test automation is the use of special software (separate from the
software being tested) to control the execution of tests and the
comparison of actual outcomes to predicted outcomes.
• Test automation can automate some repetitive but necessary tasks in a
formalized testing process already in place, or add additional testing that
would be difficult to perform manually.

Testing Types (Cont.)
User Acceptance Testing:
• User acceptance testing (UAT) consists of a process of verifying that
a solution works for the user.
• It is not system testing, but rather is there to ensure that the
solution will work for the user i.e. test the user accepts the

Testing Types (Cont.)
Compatibility Testing:
• Compatibility testing, part of software non-functional tests, is testing
conducted on the application to evaluate the application's compatibility
with the computing environment.
• Computing environment may contain different OS types (IOS 6, IOS 7),
different types of browsers (Chrome, Firefox, IE).

Testing Types (Cont.)
Performance Testing:
• Performance testing is generally executed to determine how a system or
sub-system performs in terms of responsiveness and stability under a
particular workload.
• It can also serve to investigate measure, validate or verify other quality
attributes of the system, such as scalability, reliability and resource usage.
• Load Testing is a testing that the system can continue to operate under a specific load,
whether that be large quantities of data or a large number of users. This is generally
referred to as software scalability.
• Volume testing is a way to test software functions even when certain components (for
example a file or database) increase radically in size.
• Stress testing is a testing beyond normal operational capacity, often to a breaking point,
in order to observe the results. It is a form of software testing that is used to determine the
stability of a given system.

Testing Types (Cont.)
Security Testing:
• Security testing is a process to determine that an information
system protects data and maintains functionality as intended.
• The six basic security concepts that need to be covered by security
testing are:
• Confidentiality
• Integrity
• Authentication
• Availability
• Authorization
• non-repudiation.
Testing Types (Cont.)
Accessibility Testing:
• Accessibility is the degree to which a product, device, service, or environment is available
many people as possible.
• This testing may include compliance with standards such as World
Wide Web Consortium (W3C).
• Accessibility is not to be confused with usability

Testing Types (Cont.)
Internationalization and localization Testing:
• Internationalization and localization are means of adapting computer applications to different
languages, regional differences and technical requirements of a target market.
• Internationalization is the process of designing a software application so that it can be adapted
to various languages and regions without engineering changes.
• Localization is the process of adapting internationalized software for a specific region or language
by adding locale-specific components and translating text.

Static and Dynamic Black Box Testing
Static Black Box Testing

• Static testing, as the name suggests, is used to test the software without compilation.

When the test is performed to check the specifications, it is called static black box


• Usually the specification is a document that provides information of the software

functionalities. This document is created during the initial stages of the Software

Development Life Cycle (SDLC) based on the input from the customer and designer.

The tester carefully performs static black box testing and checks for bugs.

• The focus of static black box testing is to check for completeness or appropriateness 48
Dynamic Black Box Testing
• Static black box testing is carried out without the tester executing the code, whereas
dynamic black box.
• testing is carried out with data. It is termed “dynamic” since the tester is able to observe
the changes exhibited by the system.
• The test is carried out by providing pre-defined inputs and the outputs are recorded.
These outputs are compared with the correct output, and the variation that exists between
the actual output and desired output are segregated as bugs.
• These tests are carried out using test cases. The test cases have to be defined effectively in
order to find the bugs. The entire test process will depend on the test cases. A software
application undergoes a dynamic black box test. The test case defines that the application
has to produce an output D when the inputs A and B are given. If the application gives an
output C, then the application fails the test case and this is a bug.

There are various techniques used to perform dynamic black box
testing. Some of the important techniques are
1. test-to-pass and test-to-fail
2.equivalence partitioning
3. data testing and
4. state testing
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