Stages of Human Development: Prepared by
Stages of Human Development: Prepared by
Stages of Human Development: Prepared by
In these lessons, you will become familiar with the four key periods
of growth and human development:
Infancy (birth to 2 years old),
Early childhood (3 to 5 years old),
Middle childhood (6 to 12 years old), and
Adolescence (13 to 18 years old)
These stages do not happen at exactly the same age
for everyone.
For example, one child may walk at one year of age,
while another may still be crawling at one.
For the purpose of this lesson we will look at the
characteristics of the first four stages of development.
Infancy (birth to 2 years)
This is a stage of tremendous growth.
An infant usually doubles in height and increase their
weight four times.
The bodily proportions change from the head being
about one quarter of the body’s length to a more
balanced adult-like appearance.
They will begin learning gross motor skills such as
sitting, crawling, walking, and toilet training, holding a
spoon and scribbling.
Infants understand their world through their senses
such as touching, tasting, listening, seeing and smelling.
Their knowledge is based on physical actions and their
understanding is contained to the present or immediate
If the infant is loved and well-handled, they will develop
trust, security and optimism.
Early Childhood (3 to 5 years)
Cognitive Development
oThis is the stage when children learn the ‘values’ of their culture. T