Scientific Investigation: © 2009 John Wiley & Sons LTD

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Chapter 2

Scientific Investigation

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Scientific Research
Research: an organized, systematic, data-based,
critical, objective, scientific inquiry or investigation into a
specific problem, undertaken with the purpose of finding
answers or solutions to it.
Decisions based on results of well done scientific study
tend to yield the desired results:

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Scientific Research
1-It follows a step by step process.
2- Scientific research focuses on: Solving problems-
pursuing a method (logical, organized, rigorous).
3- Scientific research focuses on: identifying the
problems, gathering data, analyzing them, and drawing
valid conclusion.
4- Thus…Scientific research is not based on hunches,
experiences and intuition.

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Scientific Research
 Do organization always follow the rigorous step by step
 Many implemented plans fail because not enough
research has preceded their formulation.

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Hallmarks of Scientific Research:
 Hallmarks or main distinguishing characteristics of
scientific research:
– Purposiveness
– Rigor
– Testability
– Replicability
– Precision and Confidence
– Objectivity
– Generalizability
– Parsimony

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Hallmarks of Scientific Research:
 Let’s apply an example into the 8 hallmarks:
“ the manager is interested in investigating how
employees’ commitments to the company(organization)
can be increased.”
– Purposiveness:

– Rigor:

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Hallmarks of Scientific Research:


–Precision and Confidence :




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Hypothetico-Deductive Research
 The Seven-Step Process in the Hypothetico-Deductive Method
– Identify a broad problem area
– Define the problem statement ( based on theory)
– Theory formulation
– Develop hypotheses(the hypothesis that can be tested to determine if
the statement would be supported)
– Data collection:
– Data analysis:
– Interpretation of data:

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Hypothetico-Deductive Research

 Example: The quality of education in Kuwait.

– Identify a broad problem area:
– Define the problem statement ( based on theory):
– Theory formulation:
– Develop hypotheses :
– Data collection:
– Data analysis:
– Interpretation of data:

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Hypothetico-Deductive Research

 Think of your topic………Then follow the Seven-Step

Process in the Hypothetico-Deductive Method
– Identify a broad problem area:
– Define the problem statement ( based on theory):
– Theory formulation:
– Develop hypotheses :
– Data collection:
– Data analysis:
– Interpretation of data:

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Deduction and Induction
 Deductive reasoning: application of a general theory to a
specific case.
– Hypothesis testing

 Inductive reasoning: a process where we observe

specific phenomena and on this basis arrive at general
– Counting white swans

 Both inductive and deductive processes are often used in

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