Gulf War Reporting

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Gulf War

(17 January – 28 February 1991)

(17 January – 28 February 1991)

Balasa, Cadungon, Pal, Telin

Gulf War: Reasons/Causes

Czarina Cadungon
Reasons for the war

Economic Problem
● Iraq vs Iran war (8-year-war ended in
● Continuous military expansion
spending billions on weapons
● DEBT OF 80-100 BILLION to Saudi
Arbi and Kuwait
Reasons for the war

● Small and has no significant military
● Owns 10% of the World’s oil
● Capable of producing 2 Million
barrels of oil a day.
● Saddam Hussein blames Kuwait for
lowering the oil prices
● Accused Kuwait of Stealing Oil from
What happened in the war

Pal, Rianna Angela V.

What happened in the war
•Hussein refused UN Security Council orders to
withdraw from kuwait by mid-January 1991, and the
Persian Gulf War began with Operation Desert Storm, a
huge US-led air strike.
•The war starts in early August 1990, Iraqi
President Saddam Hussein authorized the invasion
and occupation of Kuwait. •Military activity included deliberate
bombardment of Iraqi infrastructure, notably a
long-running and contentious assualt on
•US-led coalition force of roughly one million service withdrawing Iraqi military soldiers along the
members from 32 countries, including 53,457 from the kuwait-Iraq highway called the “Highway
UK, was assembled to eject the Iraqis. The United Death” Thereafter
Nations establishment a deadline for Iraqi forces to
withdraw kuwait on January 15,1991, but this date was
not met. The air war began on January 17th, with over
100,000 sorties flown by coalition aircraft, while land
operation began on February 24th and were completed
in just five days.
What happened in the war

Desert shield
•Saudi Arabia has also been ordered to be protected by US soldiers, according to President Bush. The
landing of 230,000 Americans in Saudi Arabia to take defensive action kicked off Operation Desert Shield.


•In Iraq and Kuwait, a catastrophic air attack was launched against military, economic, and
communication targets.


•The Iraqis were expecting a frontal assault from the south when Desert Sabre began on February
24, 1991.

Kuwait liberated
•As the flank attack took place, coalition soldiers advanced deep into Kuwait, capturing thousands of
Iraqi troops who had deserted due to the air campaign's demoralization.
What ended the war

Vea Vianca Telin

What Ended The War

● With Iraqi resistance nearing collapse, Bush declared a ceasefire on February 28, ending the
Persian Gulf War.

● According to the terms that Saddam Hussein accepted, Iraq would recognize Kuwait’s sovereignty
and get rid of all its weapons.
Effects of the war

Josemari Patrick Angelo M. Balasa

Effects of the War

● UN imposed sanctions on Iraq. Which affected the import and export of all
products, commodities and aid to and from Iraq or Kuwait; These sanctions
had a devastating effect on Iraq’s economy.
● Gulf War Syndrome. A disease affecting Gulf war veterans with a wide range of
acute and chronic symptoms. Possibly caused by PTSD and Chemical warfare
● Various Environmental aftereffects. The burning of oil and gas caused massive
environmental effects on the immediate area.


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