Wiley Part2

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Chapter 9, Problem 13

A shell is shot with an initial velocity of 15 m/s, at an angle of 0 = 61 with the horizontal. At the top of the trajectory, the shell explodes into two fragments of equal mass (see the figure). One fragment, whose speed immediately after the explosion is zero, falls vertically. How far from the gun does the other fragment land, assuming that the terrain is level and that air drag is negligible?

30.554m Chapter 9, Problem 33 The figure shows a 0.3 kg baseball just before and just after it collides with a bat. Just before, the

ball has velocity

of magnitude 12.3 m/s and angle1 = 36.6. Just after, it is traveling

directly upward with velocity of magnitude 10.8 m/s. The duration of the collision is 1.40 ms. What are the (a)magnitude and (b) direction (relative to the positive direction of the x axis) of the impulse on the ball from the bat?

Chapter 9, Problem 35 The figure shows an approximate plot of force magnitude F versus time t during the collision of a 54 g Superball with a wall. The initial velocity of the ball is 30 m/s perpendicular to the wall, in the negative direction of an x axis. It rebounds directly back with approximately the same speed, also perpendicular to the wall. What is Fmax, the maximum magnitude of the force on the ball from the wall during the collision?


Chapter 9, Problem 44 In the figure here, a stationary block explodes into two pieces L and R that slide across a frictionless floor and then into regions with friction, where they stop. Piece L, with a mass of 3.1 kg, encounters a coefficient of kinetic friction L = 0.33 and slides to a stop in distance dL = 0.48 m. Piece R encounters a coefficient of kinetic friction R = 0.50 and slides to a stop in distance dR = 0.32 m. What was the mass of the block?

Chapter 9, Problem 52 In the figure here, a 8.6 g bullet moving directly upward at 1280 m/s strikes and passes through the center of mass of a 8.7 kg block initially at rest. The bullet emerges from the block moving directly upward at 650 m/s. To what maximum height does the block then rise above its initial position?

Chapter 9, Problem 64 A steel ball of mass 0.680 kg is fastened to a cord that is 32.0 cm long and fixed at the far end. The ball is then released when the cord is horizontal, as shown in the figure. At the bottom of its path, the ball strikes a 2.00 kg steel block initially at rest on a frictionless surface. The collision is elastic. Find (a)the speed of the ball and (b) the speed of the block, both just after the collision.

Chapter 9, Problem 73 After a completely inelastic collision, two objects of the same mass and same initial speed are found to move away together at 1/3 their initial speed. Find the angle between the initial velocities of the objects. Chapter 9, Problem 95

In the arrangement of the figure, billiard ball 1 moving at a speed of 3.1 m/s undergoes a glancing collision with identical billiard ball 2 that is at rest. After the collision, ball 2 moves at speed 1.5 m/s, at an angle of 2 = 31. What are (a) the magnitude and (b) the direction (angle 1) of the velocity of ball 1 after the collision?

Chapter 10, Problem 6 The angular position of a point on the rim of a rotating wheel is given by = 4.90t - 3.91t2 + 2.58t3, where is in radians and t is in seconds. What are the angular velocities at (a) t = 1.38 s and (b) t = 9.19 s? (c) What is the average angular acceleration for the time interval that begins at t = 1.38 s and ends att = 9.19 s? What are the instantaneous angular accelerations at (d) the beginning and (e) the end of this time interval? Chapter 10, Problem 25 (a) What is the angular speed about the polar axis of a point on Earth's surface at a latitude of 21 N? (Earth rotates about that axis.) (b) What is the linear speed v of the point? What are (c) and (d) v for a point at the equator? (Note: Earth radius equals 6370 km and let one day be 24 hours) Chapter 10, Problem 29 An early method of measuring the speed of light makes use of a rotating slotted wheel. A beam of light passes through a slot at the outside edge of the wheel, as in the figure, travels to a distant mirror, and returns to the wheel just in time to pass through the next slot in the wheel. One such slotted wheel has a radius of 5.2 cm and 130 slots at its edge. Measurements taken when the mirror is L = 970 m from the wheel indicate a speed of light of 3.0 x 105km/s. (a) What is the (constant) angular speed of the wheel? (b) What is the linear speed of a point on the edge of the wheel?

Chapter 10, Problem 43 The uniform solid block in the figure has mass 33.3 kg and edge lengths a = 0.679 m, b = 1.67 m, and c = 0.0520 m. Calculate its rotational inertia about an axis through one corner and perpendicular to the large faces.

Chapter 10, Problem 51 In the figure, block 1 has mass m1 = 450 g, block 2 has mass m2 = 590 g, and the pulley is on a frictionless horizontal axle and has radius R = 5.3 cm. When released from rest, block 2 falls 71 cm in 4.9 s (without the cord slipping on the pulley). What is the pulley's rotational inertia? Caution: Try to avoid rounding off answers along the way to the solution. Use g = 9.81 m/s2.

Chapter 10, Problem 91 In the figure, a wheel of radius 0.218 m is mounted on a frictionless horizontal axis. The rotational inertia of the wheel about the axis is 0.673 kgm2. A massless cord wrapped around the wheel's circumference is attached to a 3.00 kg box. The system is released from rest.When the box has a kinetic energy of 3.00 J, what are (a) the wheel's rotational kinetic energy and (b) the distance the box has fallen? Assume free-fall acceleration to be equal to 9.81 m/s2.

Chapter 11, Problem 9 In the figure, a solid 0.3 kg ball rolls smoothly from rest (starting at height H = 6.1 m) until it leaves the horizontal section at the end of the track, at heighth = 1.5 m. How far horizontally from point A does the ball hit the floor?

Chapter 11, Problem 12 In the figure here, a solid brass ball of mass 0.350 g will roll smoothly along a loop-the-loop track when released from rest along the straight section. The circular loop has radius R = 0.19 m, and the ball has radius r << R. (a) What is h if the ball is on the verge of leaving the track when it reaches the top of the loop? (b) If the ball is released at height h = 7R, what is the magnitude of the horizontal force component acting on the ball at point Q?

Chapter 11, Problem 41 The figure shows a rigid structure consisting of a circular hoop of radius R and mass m, and a square made of four thin bars, each of length R and mass m. The rigid structure rotates at a constant speed about a vertical axis, with a period of rotation of 2.9 s. If R = 1.4 m and m = 4.8 kg, calculate the angular momentum about that axis.

Chapter 11, Problem 54 The figure shows an overhead view of a ring that can rotate about its center like a merry-goround. Its outer radius R2 is 0.7 m, its inner radius R1 is R2/2, its mass M is 8.0 kg, and the mass of the crossbars at its center is negligible. It initially rotates at an angular speed of 6.5 rad/s with

a cat of mass m = M/4on its outer edge, at radius R2. By how much does the cat increase the kinetic energy of the cat-ring system if the cat crawls to the inner edge, at radius R1?

Chapter 11, Problem 71

In the figure, a constant horizontal force of magnitude 73.4 N is applied to a uniform solid cylinder by fishing line wrapped around the cylinder. The mass of the cylinder is 16.6 kg, its radius is 0.863 m, and the cylinder rolls smoothly on the horizontal surface. (a) What is the magnitude of the acceleration of the center of mass of the cylinder? (b) What is the magnitude of the angular acceleration of the cylinder about the center of mass? In unit-vector notation, what is the frictional

force acting on the cylinder ((c), (d) and (e) for


components respectively)?

Chapter 12, Problem 24 Flying Circus of Physics In the figure, a climber with a weight of 440 N is held by a belay rope connected to her climbing harness and belay device; the force of the rope on her has a line of action through her center of mass. The indicated angles are = 40 and = 30. If her feet are on the verge of sliding on the vertical wall, what is the coefficient of static friction between her climbing shoes and the wall?

Chapter 12, Problem 26 Flying Circus of Physics In the figure, a climber leans out against a vertical ice wall that has negligible friction. Distance a is 0.895 m and distance L is 1.95 m. His center of mass is distance d = 0.94 m from the feet-ground contact point. If he is on the verge of sliding, what is the coefficient of static friction between feet and ground?

Chapter 12, Problem 49 In the figure, a 114 kg uniform log hangs by two steel wires, A and B, both of radius 1.25 mm. Initially, wire A was 2.40 m long and 2.15 mm shorter than wire B. The log is now horizontal. Young's modulus for steel is 2.00 1011 N/m2. What is the ratio dA/dB?

Chapter 12, Problem 73 A uniform ladder is 14.5 m long and weighs 160 N. In the figure, the ladder leans against a

vertical, frictionless wall at height h = 7.00 m above the ground. A horizontal force is applied to the ladder at distance d = 2.6 m from its base (measured along the ladder). If force magnitude F = 43 N, what are (a)x-,(b)y-components of the force of the ground on the ladder? If F = 130 N, what are (c)x-, (d)y-components of the force of the ground on the ladder? (e)Suppose the coefficient of static friction between the ladder and the ground is 0.34; for what minimum value of the force magnitude F will the base of the ladder just barely start to move toward the wall?

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