Types of Foundations and Its Uses Rahul Kumawat 08CE000137

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KUMAWAT 08CE000137
FOUNDATION:-A Foundation is that part of structure which is in direct contact with the
ground to which the loads of the superstructure are transmitted to the sub soil.

The basic function of foundation is to transmit the dead loadas,super imposed loads and
wind loads from a building to the soil on which the building rests.

1.Reduction of load intensity
2.Even distribution of load
3.Provision of level surface
4.Lateral stability
5.Safety against undermining
6.Protection against soil movements
• Shallow Foundation
• Deep Foundation

SHALLOW FOUNDATION:-When depth of foundation is less than its width is called shallow
Types of Shallow Foundation:-
1)Spread Footings:-spread footings are those which spread the super imposed load of wall
or column over a larger area.
a)single footing for a column:-In which the loaded area of the column has been spread
through spread.the base is made of concrete.
b) Stepped footing for a column:- it is used for heavily loaded column which requires
greater spread.

c)slopped footing:- In this case the concrete base does not have uniform thickness
,but is made sloped.

d)Grillage Foundation:-It is a special type of isolated footing generally provided for

heavily loaded steel stanchions and used in those locations where bearing capacity of
soil is poor.The depth of such a foundation is limited to 1 to 1.5 m.
2)Combined Footings:-A spread footing which supports two or more columns is termed as
combined footing.the combined footing for columns will be rectangular in shape if they
carry equal loads.If the columns carry unequal loads the footing is of trapezoidal shape.
3) Strap Footings:- If the independent footings of two columns are connected by a
beam,it is called a strap footing. A strap footing may be used where the distance between
the columns is so great that a combined trapezoidal footing becomes quite narrow,with
high bending moments.in this case each column is provided with its independent
footings and a beam is used to connect the two footings.
The strap is used to transfer the column loads on to the soil with equal and uniorm soil
pressure under both footings.
4)Mat Founda tion:-A raft or mat is a combined footing that covers the entire area beneath
a structure and supports all the walls and columns.

Use:- 1) when the allowable soil pressure is low or the building loads are heavy.
2) they also used where the soil mass contains compressible lenses or the soil is
sufficienty erratic .
3) It is used to bridge over the erratic deposits and eliminates the differential settlements.
4) it is also used to reduce settlement above highly compressible soils by making the
weight of the structure equal to the weight of the soil excavated.
A large, thick concrete slab that sustains the load imposed by a number of
columns and walls.
The method to reduce or distributed building loads in order to reduce
differential settlement between adjacent areas.
Mat Foundations are generally used with soil that has a low bearing capacity.

1)Good in low soil bearing conditions.
2)Can distributed the building pressure over a large area, so the soil can bear
the stress.
Reducing differential settlements as the concrete slab resists differential
movements between loading positions.
Have haunches that go below the slab portion to resists punching shear from
column or large concentration loads.
2)DEEP FOUNDATION:-When depth of foundation is greater than its with is called deep
1)Pile Foundation:-pilefoundation is that type of deep foundation in which the loads are
taken to a low level by means of vertical members .
USE:- 1)where no firm bearing strata exists at any reasonable depth and the loading is
2)when a firm bearing strata exist but at a depth such as to make strip or spread
footing uneconomical.
3)when pumping of sub soil water would be too costly.
2)Pier Foundation:-A pier foundation consists of a cylindrical column of a large diameter
to support and transfer large super imposed loads to the firm strata below.

Though pile foundations transfer the load through friction or bearing.generally pier
foundation is shallower in depth than the pile foundation.

The difference between pile foundation and pier foundation lies in the method
of construction.

USES:- pier foundation is preferred in a location where the top strata consists of decompsed
rock overlying a strata of sound rock.
Well Foundation:-Well foundations or cassions are box like structure-circular or rectangular
-which are sunk from the surface of either land or water to the desired depth.
1)Bridges piers and abutments in rivers,lakes etc.
2)Wharves,quay walls,docks.
3)break waters and other structures for shore protections.
4)Large water front structures such as pump houses,subjected to heavy vertical and
horizontal loads.

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