Heat Transfer

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Ravi Sankar

What is Heat Transfer?

“Energy is transit due to temperature difference.”
Heat transfer modes governed by the 1st & 2nd law of thermodynamics

( first law of Thermodynamics )

Energy can neither be created nor

destroyed, it can transferred to
work other forms of energy.

( Second law of Thermodynamics )

it is impossible to convert heat

completely into useful work
Types of Heat transfer Modes:
 Conduction
 Convection
 Radiation
(Needs medium, Temperature gradient)
Conduction is the transfer of
heat between substances that
are in direct contact with each
Rate equations (1D conduction):
A  Differential Form (FOURIERS LAW)
q = - k A dT/dx, W
q T2 k = Thermal Conductivity, W/mK
A = Cross-sectional Area, m2
T = Temperature, K or oC
k x = Heat flow path, m
 Difference Form
Heat transfer rate q = k A (T1 - T2) / (x1 - x2)

Heat flux: q” = q / A = - kdT/dx (W/m2)

(negative sign denotes heat transfer in the direction of
decreasing temperature)
(Needs fluid medium, energy transferred by diffusion)
moving fluid
q” Ts

Convection heat transfer is the from one place to another by

the movement of fluids.
Rate equation

U y U T
u(y) q” T(y)
Differential Form (NEWTONS LAW OF COOLING)
Heat transfer rate q = hA( Ts-T  ) W
Heat flux q” = h( Ts-T  ) W / m2 where
h= k/∆x
h=heat transfer co-efficient (W /m2K)
(not a property) depends on geometry ,nature of flow,
thermodynamics properties etc.

Free or natural
convection (induced by
buoyancy forces) May occur with
phase change
Convection (boiling,
Forced convection
(induced by external
Convection (contd…)

Typical values of h (W/m2K)

Free convection gases: 2 - 25

liquid: 50 - 100
Forced convection gases: 25 - 250
liquid: 50 - 20,000
(No needs medium, Heat Transfer by electro magnetic waves)


Heat Transfer by electro-magnetic waves or photons

Factors of surface emission properties:-

rate of emission of radiation by a body depends upon

following factors
1.The temperature of the surface .
2.Nature of the surface.
3. Wave length or frequency of radiation.
Emissive power of a surface (energy released per unit area)
According to Stefan-Boltzmann law total emissive power
Emissive power (E)=T4 (W/ m2)
=Stefan-Boltzmann constant (5.6697*10^-8 W/M^2 K^4)
Rate equations

Ts u r
q”r a d. q”co n v.

Ts Area = A

Radiation exchange between a large surface and

Emissive power E”r a d = A(Ts4-Tsur4) W/ m2
= emissivity (property)………
Emissivity ():-
it is defined as the ability of the surface of a body to
radiate heat it is also defined as the ratio of the emissive
power of any body to the emissive power of black body of

equal temperature .
 = E/Eb
its values varies for different substances ranging for 0 to 1

Black body surface  =1

White body surface  = 0
Gray body surface  =0 to 1
 Energy production and conversion
- steam power plant, solar energy conversion etc.
 Refrigeration and air-conditioning
 Domestic applications
- ovens, stoves, toaster
 Manufacturing / materials processing
- welding , casting, soldering, laser machining
 Automobiles / aircraft design

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