Lesson 2:: Curriculum Evaluation Through Learning Assessment

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Desire Learning Outcomes
Understood how the curriculum can be
evaluated by the assessment of learning
Identifies the levels of learning
outcomes and levels of assessment.
Matched the levels of learning outcomes
with the appropriate assessment tools
Interpreted the value of assessment in
terms of grades assigned.
Achieved Learning Outcomes
Achieved learning
outcomes is defined in
outcomes-based education
as a product of what are
have been intended in the
beginning of the learning
The Eight Level of Complexity of
learning outcomes are based on
three domains.
Knowledge, Skills and Values
Responsibility- degree of
DOMAINS Level 1 (Grade 11) Level 2 (Grade 12)
Competencies Competencies

• Possess foundational •Possess functional

knowledge across learning knowledge across range of
areas with core competencies learning areas and technical
in communication, scientific, skills in chosen career tracks
Knowledge, critical and creative thinking with advanced competencies
Skills and Values and use of technologies. in communication,
scientific, critical and
•Have and understanding of creative thinking; and use of
right and wrong; one’s technologies.
history and cultural heritage;
and deep respect for self, •Have and understanding of
others and their culture and right and wrong; one’s
environment. history and cultural heritage;
and deep respect for self,
others and their culture and
•Apply foundational •Apply foundational
knowledge, skills and knowledge, technical skills
values in academic and real and values in academic and
life situations and through real life situations and
Application sound reasoning, informed through sound reasoning,
decision-making and the informed decision-making
judicious use of resources and the judicious use of

•Apply skills in limited •Apply skills in varied

Degree of situation with close situation with minimal
Independence supervision. supervision.
Bacalaureatte Master’s Doctorate Degree
Domains Degree Degree Competencies
Competencies Competencies PQ8

•Broad and coherent •Broad, deep, •Generates new

knowledge in the specific knowledge, skills
Knowledge, field of discipline knowledge in the with established
Skills, Value field of discipline values in
Application •Apply in •Apply in •Apply in
professional work. professional work professional work
and research and research as a
leader or initiator.

Degree of •Independent or in •Independent •Highly

Independence teams independent, leads
and initiates.
Knowledge, Process, Understanding,
Performance (KPUP)
Knowledge, Process, Understanding,
Performance reflect different learning
outcomes that are arranged in
hierarchy or complexity.
Knowledge being the basic level of
learning outcomes and Performance
being the advanced level of learning
Types of Test to Measure Knowledge,
Process and Understanding

1. Objective Tests- Test that require

only one and one correct answer. It
is difficult to construct but easy to
1.1. Pencil and Paper Test- as
the name suggests, the test is
written on paper and requires a
pencil to write. However, with
the modern time, a pencil-and-
paper test can also be translated
to an electronic version, which
makes the test “paperless”.
1.0.1. Simple recall – This is the
most common tool to measure
knowledge. There are varieties
of simple recall test, to include;
Fill in the blanks
Simple recall
1.1.2. Alternative Response Test – This is
the type of pencil and pencil test, where two
options or choices are provided. The items
can be stated in a question or a statement
form. Examples of this are:

True or False – Example: The Philippine

population has reached one million.
Yes or No – Example: Has the Philippine
population reached one million?
1.1.3 Multiple Choice Test – This is
the type identified as the most versatile
test type because it can measure a variety
of learning outcomes. It consists of a
problem and a list of suggested solutions.
The incomplete statement, or direct
question is called the STEM. The list of
suggested solutions in words, numbers,
symbols or phrases are called
The correct alternative is called the
ANSWER while the remaining
options or choices are called
 Correct Answer type- Other
alternative are clearly wrong and only
one is the correct answer. This can be
constructed in either direct question or
completion of the sentence.
What is NOT a member of ASEAN 2015
Economic Community?
A. Vietnam B. Korea
C. Malaysia D. Philippines
Best Answer Type – All the
alternatives are correct but only one
is the best.
1. What do progressive educators
consider as the most important
factor in the teaching-learning
a. Teacher b. Learner
c. Books d. Principal
1.1.4 Matching Type Test
The most common matching
type test is made up of two
parallel columns, the first
column (A) as the Premise that
presents the problem and the
second column (B) that provides
the Answer.
Relationship That Can Be Used in Matching Type Test

Persons Achievements

Dates Historical Events

Terms Definitions

Principles Illustrations

Parts Functions

Machines Uses

Diseases Causes Perfect Matching
The number of premises in
Column A is less than the
number of responses in
Column B. The response can
be only be used once.
In Column A are popular descriptions of
Presidents during their term of office. Match then
with the names of Philippines in Column B.

Column A (Premise) Column B (Response)

1. Ramon Magsaysay A. Man of the Masses
2. Carlos P Garcia B. People Power President
3. Corazon Aquino C. Filipino First Policy
D. Champions of the
Land Reform Law Imperfect Matching
The number of premises in Column
A are not equal to the number of the
responses in Column B, or the other
way around. The response or the
premises can be used more than

Column A (Premises) Column B (Responses)

1. Consumer Oriented A. Micheal Scriven
2. Responsive Model B. Daniel Stufflebeam
3. CIIP Model C. Robert Stake
4. Goal Free Model D. Ralph Tyler
5. Phil Delta Kappa
1.2 Subjective Test
Learning outcomes which indicate
learner’s ability to originate, and
express ideas is difficult to test
through objective type test. Hence, in
subjective type test, answers through
reflections, insights, and opinion can
be given through essay.
1.2.1. Essay –Test items allow
students to freedom of response.
Students are free to select relate and
present ideas in their own words. The
type of answers would reflect the extent
of the learner’s knowledge of the subject
matter, ability to use higher order
thinking skills and express ideas in an
accurate creative and appropriate
 Restricted Response
Item This is like an expanded form
of short answer type objective test.
There is a limit on both the content,
scope and the form of student
response. It is most useful in
measuring learning outcomes that
require the interpretation and
application of data in a specific area.
1. What are the main parts of plant?
Describe each part.

2. Why is the barometer one of the most

useful instrument to forecast the
weather? Explain in one paragraph.
 Extended Response
Item The student is generally free
to select any factual information that
can help in organizing the response.
The contents of an extended essay
will depend on the analysis,
synthesis, evaluation and other
higher order thinking skills of the
test takers.
1. Evaluate the significance of the
result of national referendum of
Scotland to the global peace
2. What can you say about NATO’s
position on the ISIS?
Types of Essay that Measure Complex
Learning Outcomes
Type of Essay Test Item Examples of Complex Learning
Outcomes that can be Measured

Ability to:
•Explain cause – effect relationships
•Describe application of principles
Restricted Response Essay Items •Formulate valid conclusion
•Enumerate and Explain
•Explain methods and procedure

Ability to:
•Organize ideas
•Integrate learning
Extended Response Essay Items •Design an experiment
•Evaluate the worth of ideas

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