L 4 Lesson 2a B C
L 4 Lesson 2a B C
L 4 Lesson 2a B C
# 4
Virtue Ethics”
• Virtue ethics does not only deal with the rightness or wrongness of
individual actions.
• It provides guidance as to the sort of characteristics and behaviors
a good person will seek to achieve.
• In that way, virtue ethics is concerned with the whole of a person’s
life, rather than particular episodes or actions.
• A good person is someone who lives virtuously— who possesses
and lives the virtues.
Basic Framework of Virtue Ethics:
What type of a person should you be?
Premise 1: An action is right iff it is what a virtuous agent would do in
similar circumstances.
Premise 1a: A virtuous agent is one who acts virtuously, i.e., one who
has and exercises the virtues.
Thus, the function of man is reason and the life that is distinctive of
humans is the life in accordance with reason.
If the function of man is reason, then the good man is the man who
reasons well.
This is the life of excellence (eudaimonia; human flourishing & well-
Overview of Ethical Systems: Virtue Ethics
Though we are naturally suited to moral goodness, we don’t automatically
develop such inclinations
Your habits & inclinations develop with practice; what you sow is what you
Carefully cultivate moral goodness by rigorous practice
In order to desire to act virtuously you must carefully and consistently practice
doing right until it becomes habitual & natural
With practice & diligence you can develop the habits & inclinations of a
virtuous person.
Overview of Ethical Systems: Virtue Ethics
Ideal of virtue is doing the right thing because you want to do the
right thing: you desire to act virtuously
If you act selfishly then you will become a selfish person.
Eventually what feels right to you may be very wrong.
Thus, choose to be virtuous. Desire + judgment must agree.
What is Virtue Ethics?
Virtue Ethics emphasizes the development of character as its central
theme rather than trying to define 'goodness' or 'rightness’.
It is a eudaemonistic theory as it holds 'happiness' to be our highest
According to Aristotle, we attain happiness by cultivating both
intellectual and moral virtue.
We become virtuous by habit: we deliberately and consistently choose
the mean between excess and deficiency until it becomes second-
What is Virtue Ethics? (cont’d)
What is a virtue?
A virtue is a habit of excellence, a beneficial tendency, a skilled
disposition that enables a person to realize the crucial potentialities
that constitute proper human flourishing (eudaimonia).
What is a habit? A disposition to think, feel, desire, and act in a
certain way without having a tendency to consciously will to do so.
What is a character: The sum-total of one’s habits, tendencies, and
Four Cardinal Virtues:
• Temperance- habitual moderation in the indulgence of the appetites or
• Courage- mental or moral strength to venture, persevere, and withstand danger,
fear, or difficulty.
• Prudence- the ability to govern and discipline oneself by the use of reason
• Justice- the quality of being just; righteousness, equitableness, or
moral rightness:
•Piety (reverence to the gods) is sometimes considered a fifth virtue —
the quality of being religious or reverent
Common Criticisms of Virtue Ethics (VE)
•Vast differences on what constitutes a virtue (e.g., different people, societies,
opinions, etc.).
A. Theistic:
1. Given to us by God;
2. Is required by Natural Law (theistic connection);