Ekology - Conservation Otw Fiks

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Ecology & Conservation

By: Group 1
Members :
Fayyaza Puti Syakbannur (2110422044)
Lara Permata Ayunda (2110422007)
Layla Azzahra (2110427001)
Mellanie Alia Putri (2110423008)
Riris Srikandi Mahardika (2110421016)
Table of Contents
01 An Introduction to
04 Ecosystem and
Restoration Ecology

02 Population Ecology 05 Conservation

Biology and Global

03 Community Ecology
01. What is Ecology?

From greek: Oikos (Home)

and Logos (Knowledge)

Ecology is the study of

how organisms interact
with each other and their
environment. Ecology published by
german biologist,
Ernst Haeckel (1869)
The Scope of Ecological Studies:
The interactions that studied
in ecology can be organized
into a hierarchy that ranges in
scale from single organisms
to the planet
02. Population Ecology
A population is a group of
individuals of a single species
living in the same general
area. Members of a population
rely on the same resources,
are influenced by similar
environmental factors, and are
likely to interact and breed
with one another.
Density and Dispersion

Density of a population is the number

of individuals per unit area or volume.
Density is not a static property but
can increase or decrease over time
as individuals are added to or
removed from a population.
Dispersion is the pattern of spacing among individuals within the
of the population.

(a) Clumped. Sea stars (b)Uniform. King penguins (c) Random.

group together where and other birds that Dandelions grow
food is abundant. nest on small islands from windblown
often exhibit uniform seeds that land at
spacing, maintained by random and later
aggressive interactions germinate.
between neighbors.
03.Community Ecology
What are some factors that
influence the structure of a

1. Foundation species
are large or abundant members of a community
that provide food or habitat.
Community => All the organisms
2. Interactions between species
that inhabit a particular area; an
Interactions can be classified in three categories:
assemblage of populations of
• Competition: -/-
different species living close enough
• Exploitation: +/-
together for potential interaction.
• Positive interactions: +/+ or 0/+
3. Disturbance
Interactions between species can help, harm, or
have no effect on the individuals involved

-/- Competition

+/+ Commensalism
Can a species’ niche be
influenced by competition?
Ecological Succession
04. Ecosystem and Restoration Ecology
An ecosystem is a basic functional unit
that involves the process of the
interaction of living organisms with
their environment.

1. Inorganic materials
Component Of Include C, N, CO2, H2O, etc. 1. Autotrophic
2. Organis matter Heterotrophic
Ecosystem carbohydrates, fats, proteins,
3. Manufacturer
hums, etc. components. 4. Macro
3. Climate conditions that Organisms
include climate factors, such 5. Decoding
as wind, rainfall, rain, and
Food Chain
An ecosystem of living things is
the transfer of food energy from
a plant's resources through a
series of organisms or through
the feeding process in which
organisms feed on one another
for energy and nutrition from
the eaten organism.

In the food chain, there

are three basic "chains"
that connect between There are two basic
levels of trophic: types of food chain:
1. A chain of predators 1. A grass-fed-chain
2. Saprofit chains 2. Detrius food
3. A parasitic chain chain
Pyramid Of Energy
Hydrology Cycle
Nitrogen cycle
Carbon And Air Cycle
Fosfor Cycle
Sulphur Cycle
Water Cycle
Hidrology Cycle
Restoration ecologists return degraded ecosystems to a
more natural state

Applies ecological principles in an
effort to return degraded ecosystems
to conditions as similar as possible to Biological
their natural, pre-degraded state. Augmentation

A gravel and clay mine site in New Jersey before and after
05. What is conservation?

How it’s started?

A combination of Primack 1998,

emerging threats:
various fields of 1. Acid rain
science in response to 2. Deforestation
the biodiversity crisis 3. Free hunting
4. etc
Conservation area through the Ministry of Marine
Affairs and Fisheries 2021 as much as 800
Ethical Principles In Conservation:
1. Species and community diversity
must be protected Preservation
2. The rapid extinction of species
and populations must be avoided
3. Ethological complexity must be
4. Evolution must continue Conservation
5. Biodiversity has an intrinsic value

UU NO. 5 TH. 1990

What we can do?
1. Stop the over-exploitation of
natural resources.
2. Stop illegal logging.
3. Reducing pollution by using
public transportation
4. Save energy
5.Use recyclable products.
Maknun, D. 2017. Ekologi, Populasi, Komunitas, Ekosistem Mewujudkan Kampus Hijau
Asri, Islami dan Ilmhiah. Cirebon : Nurtaji Press

Apriana, Evi. 2007. Pengintegrasian Konsepbiokonservasi dalam Pembelajaran

Primack, Richard B. 1998. Biologi Konservasi. Jakarta: Yayasan Obor Indonesia.

Utomo,W. Pengertian, Ruang Lingkup Ekologi dan Ekosistem

Masni Veronika Situmorang, S.Pd , M.Pd. Biologi Dasar. Jawa Barat: Widina Bhakti
Persada Bandung, 2020.

Urry, Lisa A. Michael L. Cain, Peter V. Minorsky, Steven A. Wasserman, Rebecca B.

Orr, Neil A. Campbell. 2020. Campbell biology 12th edition. New York, NY : Pearson.

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