Job Descriptio N: Ms. Regina D. Entac

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Jo b

i pt i o n
Descr an intern
cr i pt i o n is
A job des at specifies the job
t th
documen s , j o b d u ties, job
ent required
requirem n d s k il ls
ilities, a
responsib erform a role. Prepared by:

Ms. Regina D. Entac

Academic Head, JHS Dept.
Table of Contents

Class Adviser Activity Club Moderator

01 teacher in charge of a
particular section 03 responsible for the
organization, development,
implementation and
supervision of the Activity
Programs of the school

Subject Teacher Others

02 primarily responsible for the
transmission of knowledge, 04
development of skills, and
formation of students
“The mediocre teacher tells. The good
teacher explains. The superior teacher
demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.

–William Arthur Ward


• Acade
• Princ
• Admi c Head
ssions, Di
Student A
• Guida
nce Assoc
scipline a
ffairs Hea
i at e
Important Notes

Calendar of Activities and

Calendar of Submission of
Requirements are provided at
least a week before the start
of the quarter to give you
time to plan ahead.
Things I Can’t Forget

Efficiency and Productivity

“The tragedy in life doesn’t lie in Effectivity
not reaching your goal. The “The only thing to do with good
tragedy lies in having no goal to advice is to pass it on. It is never
reach.” of any use to oneself.”

-Benjamin E. Mays -Oscar Wilde

Good Pictures
Ms. Fran with some of her former
Grade 7 advisees.
02 Job
Job Function:

The Section Adviser is the

teacher in charge of a
particular section and is
primarily responsible for
organizing, supervising and
motivating the members of
the section into a cohesive
functioning group.
“You must be the change you
wish to see in the world.”
t ie s of
th e
Po s i t io n
Class Adviser’s Responsibilities:

s th e li s t o f s tudents and
1. Kee p
it th a t th e s tu dents report
sees to
the ir re sp e c ti v e sections 2. Keeps tr
ack of the r
to ecords of
assigned their advis
ory class
Class Adviser’s Responsibilities:

e s PU N C T U A LITY in
3. Obser v
e nd in g th e o n li ne class
att 4. Checks
students’ grooming
Class Adviser’s Responsibilities:

. C o n d u c ts th e Homeroom
ti vit y a c c ord in g to the 6. Confers
with paren
e d H o m e r o om Guidance regarding ts
Revis class stand
ed by the and/or beh ing
Program provid avior inclu
absences o ding
Guidance office f student u
care and in nder his
forms the A
Class Adviser’s Responsibilities:

s th a t th e p ro p er or appropriate
7. Ensure e
a tio ns o f th e students are don 8. Coordin
evalu re s of the school ates w
Guidance C ith the
th e p ro c e d u
according to the evaluations
s th e re s ults o f ounselor fo
and report promotion r
of the gene
to all concerned welfare of ral
Class Adviser’s Responsibilities:

d e s th e r ep o r t c ards of the
9. Enco nc e of the
n d th e issu a
section a 10. Accomp
lishes SF’s
same to submits th regularly a
s during nd
e same to t
the end of he ADSA a
each quart t
conference with listing
of absence
er together
Class Adviser’s Responsibilities:

ip a te s in th e d eliberation
11. Partic
h on o r o r f ai li n g students 12. Facilita
tes the sign
of ing of
students’ c
Class Adviser’s Responsibilities:

parents o f failing
13. Confers with
student 14. Participate
recruitmen s in the
t of new stu
Class Adviser’s Responsibilities:

Pe rf o rm s s u c h other duties
n e d b y th e im mediate head
or the Principal
A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words
“The teacher’s task is to initiate the learning
process and then get out of the way.”

― John Warren

• Acad
• Admi
• Princi
em i c H ea
ssions, Di
Student A
scipline a
ffairs Hea
Important Notes

Calendar of Activities and

Calendar of Submission of
Requirements are provided at
least a week before the start
of the quarter to give you
time to plan ahead.
Things I Can’t Forget

Efficiency and Productivity Effectivity

“Do the hard jobs first. The easy “Effective teachers demonstrate a
jobs will take care of themselves.” deep understanding of the
curriculum. They plan, teach, and
-Dale Carnegie assess to promote mastery for all
Good Pictures
Ms. Ignacio during her hands-on
session with some of her former
Grade 7 students.
02 Job
Job Function:

The subject area teacher is

primarily responsible for the
transmission of knowledge,
development of skills, and
formation of students according to
SPCC’s vision – mission,
philosophy, and other objectives.
He/She is directly under the
supervision of the Academic
Department Head.
“You can teach a student a lesson for a day,
but if you can teach him by creating curiosity,
he will continue the learning process as long
as he lives.”
-Clay P. Bedford
t ie s of
th e
Po s i t io n
Subject Teacher’s Responsibilities:

1. Studies the curric
d sy ll a b us o f th e course
guide an 2. Particip
willing to ates in the
assigned and is ti ng and/or preparatio over-all
ate in it s u pd a n of the Ba
particip Education sic
revision the openin t for
g of classes
Subject Teacher’s Responsibilities:

ing plans/
3. Submits learn ing packets
l um m a p /l e a rn
curricu 4. Maintai
the A c a d e m ic Department ns/enforces
to during onl
ine teachin
Head and class m g hours
Subject Teacher’s Responsibilities:

ong Test and

5. Prepares the L c c o rd ing to the
c e T a s k a
Performan easurements
s o f te s t a n d m
principle on schedule to
6. Checks
e s a m e person
carefully th ally and
and su b m it s th
em ic D ep a rt m e nt Head for e long test
Acad performan and
checking and ap ce task
Subject Teacher’s Responsibilities:

su b je ct g rad e b ook every 8. Confers

7. Submits with paren
cademic Head regarding t ts
quarter to the A he academ
deficiencie ic
s of the stu
the subject dents in
Subject Teacher’s Responsibilities:

ctuality in
9. Observes pun
class and
attending online 10. Accepts
b mis s io n o f r e quirements to substitutio
su assignmen
ead ts when ass
the Academic H by the Aca igned
demic Hea
Subject Teacher’s Responsibilities:

re sp o n sib il it y towards
c ho ol a nd th e s tudents 12. Serves
the s as a model
hours integrity, u of
outside of class prightness
decency to and
Subject Teacher’s Responsibilities:

. Up d a te s h im self/herself
1 3
y b y a tt e n d in g seminars/ 14. Attends an
professionall d participa
rv ic e tr a inin g s and willingly in faculty d tes
in-se e xpertise with epartment
o w le dg e a n d meetings, c
shares kn onvocation
colleagues other facul s and
ty / school
Subject Teacher’s Responsibilities:

a te s in th e d e l iberation
15. Particip
e g r a d e s f o r determining
of th 16. Submits pu
g students
honor and failin year-end r nctually al
Subject Teacher’s Responsibilities:

th e r e cruitme nt 18.
ip a te s in Performs s
17. Partic uch other
of new students duties as m
aybe assign
the Immed ed by
iate Head o
Principal r the
A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words
“Education's purpose is to replace an empty
mind with an open one.”

― Malcolm Forbes
• Princi
• Admi
ssions, Di
Student A scipline a
ffairs Hea
Important Notes

Calendar of Activities and

Calendar of Submission of
Requirements are provided at
least a week before the start
of the quarter to give you
time to plan ahead.
Things I Can’t Forget

Efficiency and Productivity Effectivity

“Focus on being productive “Until we can manage time, we
instead of busy.” can manage nothing else.”

-Tim Ferriss –Peter Drucker

Good Pictures
JHS Department SY 2020 - 2021
02 Job
Job Function:

The Activity Moderator is

responsible for the organization,
development, implementation and
supervision of the Activity
Programs of the school.
“Good teaching is one-fourth preparation and
three-fourths theater.”

- Gail Godwin
t ie s of
th e
Po s i t io n
Subject Teacher’s Responsibilities:

it s to th e A D S A Head
1. Subm
nt the
of the Departme lu b for the
je c ts o f th e c 2. Keeps r
plans/pro ecord of th
e list of
members o
year f the club
Subject Teacher’s Responsibilities:

e lp s th e st u d e n ts, members
3. H
o f f ice rs in im p lementing 4. Submits
to the ADS
a nd
of the clubs the plan fo A Head
goals and plans r the respe
Club Activ
Subject Teacher’s Responsibilities:

E va lu a te s a n d monitors
5. rg a nization
n c e o f th e o
o ff ic e r s a n d m embers 6. Keeps a
n updated
of its logbook
through and makes
during the year it available
ADSA Hea to the
presentations d
Subject Teacher’s Responsibilities:

ub m it s to th e A DSA Head a 8. Submits

7. S
r t o n th e a c ti v it ies of the a portfolio
of all the
repo quarter activities d
t th e e nd o f th e one for the
Club a school year whole
which is pa
their cleara rt of
Subject Teacher’s Responsibilities:

m it s c o n s o li d a ted reflection
9. Sub students
m o d e r a to r a n d
of the
h ich w il l b e in cluded in their
A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words
Prepared by: Ms. Regina D. Entac

[email protected]
+91 620 421 838

CREDITS: This presentation template was created by Slidesgo, including

icons from Flaticon, and infographics & images by Freepik.

Please keep this slide as attribution.

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