LE - Q1 - PEH 7 - Lesson 1 - Week 1

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Lesson Exemplar Quarter 1


for MAPEH 1


Lesson Exemplar for MAPEH Grade 7
Quarter 1: Lesson 1 (Week 1)
SY 2024-2025

This material is intended exclusively for the use of teachers participating in the implementation of the MATATAG K to 10 Curriculum
during the School Year 2024-2025. It aims to assist in delivering the curriculum content, standards, and lesson competencies. Any
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Development Team
 Angelica P. Rustia (DepEd BLR)

Management Team
Philippine Normal University
Research Institute for Teacher
Quality SiMERR National
Research Centre

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A. Content The learners demonstrate understanding of mental health and target games in promoting personal wellness for active
Standards and healthy living.

B. Performance The learners participate in target games and other physical activities in promoting personal wellness for active and
Standards healthy living.

C. Learning Learning Competency

Competencies Discuss common adolescents’ concerns that can affect mental health
and Objectives
Learning Objectives
1. Identify the characteristics of mentally healthy adolescents.
2. Analyze common concerns among adolescents that affect mental health such as appearance, body image,
negative peer pressure and family expectations.
3. Discuss the common behavioral and emotional manifestations of adolescents that impact mental health.
4. Enumerate prevention and management of common adolescent concerns to achieve mentally healthy

D. Content Characteristics of mentally healthy adolescents

Common adolescent concerns that affect mental health
Prevention and management of common adolescent concerns that can affect mental health

E. Integration SDG Target 3.4 | Noncommunicable diseases and mental health: By 2030, reduce by one third premature mortality
from non-communicable diseases through prevention and treatment and promote mental health and well-being


A. References LD Banati, Prerna; Lansford, Jennifer E. (2018). Handbook of Adolescent Development Research and Its Impact on
Global Policy, Miscellanea, Oxford University Press, Oxford. https://www.unicef-irc.org/publications/987-handbook-
Lener, R.M., & Steinberg, L. (Eds.). 2004. Handbook of Adolescent Psychology, Second Edition. Wiley.


A. Activating Prior 1. Short Review Suggestion: The teacher may

Knowledge Activity 1. Famous Lines (10 minutes) use a toy billiard set if any
 In previous years you have learned about the importance of community gadget is not available.
participation in addressing problems related to the environment. In the
developmental stage of a person, particularly adolescents experience
problems or challenges because of decisions or actions they made. This
lesson will discover how adolescents’ challenges should be handled
 Group the students. The groups depend on the number of classes.
o Members of the group will play one at a time alternately with the
opposing team.
o The teacher will use a billiard game app on a mobile phone or
tablet (if the gadgets are available) so that the whole class
monitors the game on a widescreen through screen mirroring.
o The teacher prepared different situations. Each situation was
written on a piece of paper that was placed in a cup.
o Once the ball shoots in the hole, the team will pick on the cup
and read the situation.
o Sample situation: “When the mother is asking for something, but

you did not respond to it”
o The teacher will facilitate to asking the class to apply common
lines that are usually heard from their parents or other members
of the family.
o Common line: “Ano! Nabingi ka na ba?” - mother.
 The teacher should facilitate the answers of the students to think critically
and see the value or message behind those lines and relate it to some
characteristics of mentally healthy adolescents.
 By reflecting on their thoughts, actions, and behaviors may develop their
growth mindset, embracing challenges and seeking opportunities for self-
improvement. The right people around them like family, teachers, friends,
and other groups of professionals and individuals are helping hands in
developing the path of a successful and fulfilling adolescence.

2. Feedback (Optional)

2. Establishing 1. Lesson Purpose

Lesson Purpose Activity 2. Briefcase (10 minutes)
 Adolescence is crucial stage of development characterized by significant
physical, cognitive, emotional and social changes. Mental health plays
a vital role in ensuring well-being and overall success of adolescents
during transitional stage.
 Objective: To engage in an interactive activity that poster teamwork and
critical thinking through answering the questions.
 Procedure:
1. Prepare a set of questions on a card.
2. Place the card inside a briefcase (it can be a folder with briefcase
design). Each briefcase has a corresponding point inside. Points are
randomly shuffled and covered.

3. Number of briefcases is based on the number of questions.
4. Divide the students into groups.
5. Place the briefcase in front of the class numerically arranged.
6. Instruct the students that they will work in groups to answer the
questions and earn points inside the briefcase they choose.
7. The question inside the briefcase should be revealed first. Wait
for their answer before disclosing the points contained within.
Make the activity thrilling while opening the points inside the
8. All groups will choose one briefcase but one at a time only to
provide time for answering the question.

 The following questions are designed to guide individuals in assessing

whether their actions contribute to their development as a well-
rounded adolescent. Here are the suggested questions:
1. Can you talk about a project or assignment that you found particularly
challenging? How did you overcome it?
2. Describe a time when you felt proud of an accomplishment at school. What
did you do, and why it was important to you?
3. How do you manage your time between schoolwork, extracurricular
activities, or tips that you find helpful?
4. Have you ever faced a difficult situation or conflict with a classmate or
teacher? How did you handle it and what did you learn from the experience?
5. How do you balance your online and offline activities? Do you find it
challenging to disconnect from technology, and if so, how do you manage it?
6. How do mentally healthy students show progress in their personal growth
and development?
7. What are some ways mentally healthy adolescents in Grade 7 handle
their emotions effectively?
8. How do mentally healthy Grade 7 students develop positive social skills
and relationships?

9. How can mentally healthy adolescents in Grade 7 perform well at home,
school, and in their community?
10. Can you give examples of activities students might engage in to reach
their goals?

2. Unlocking Content Area Vocabulary

Activity 3. Think Pair and Share (10 minutes)
 The teacher will post the following questions and the students will
answer them with their partner.
 Questions:
1. What is your definition of a mentally healthy individual?
2. What are the factors contributing to the mental well-being of teenagers?
3. Discuss the characteristics of a mentally healthy adolescent.
4. What are the reasons teenagers make mistakes in their lives?

3. Developing and SUBTOPIC 1: Characteristics of mentally healthy adolescents.
Deepening 1. Explicitation
Understanding Activity 4. Stress Survey (25 minutes)
 Group the students and let the students go around the school grounds.
 Let the students conduct an interview with 5 schoolmates/classmates and
ask the following survey questions. Instruct the students that a participant
of one group should not be a participant in the other group.
 Survey Checklist Form for Participants
Rate the level of stress you experience based on the rating scale.
5 - Extremely stressed
4 - Very stressed
3 - Moderately stressed
2 - Mildly stressed
1 - Not at all stressed

Survey Checklist Form
1. Physical Appearance: 5 4 3 2 1
 Acne and skin problems
 Weight and body image
 Personal grooming and style
 Overall physical appearance
2. Family: 5 4 3 2 1
 Relationship with parents/guardians
 Sibling relationships
 Family expectations and pressure
 Family conflicts
3. Academics: 5 4 3 2 1
 Homework load
 Tests and exams
 Grades and academic performance
 Time management and study skills
4. Technology: 5 4 3 2 1
 Social media pressure
 Cyberbullying
 Fear of missing out (FOMO)
 Screen time and digital addiction
5. Peers: 5 4 3 2 1
 Peer pressure
 Social acceptance and fitting in
 Friendship conflicts
 Bullying or harassment
6. Is there any other source of stress related to your experience that is not
mentioned above? If yes, please specify

7. How do you typically cope with stress? (Select all that apply)
Talking to a friend or family member.
Engaging in physical activity or exercise.
Listening to music.
Engaging in hobbies or creative activities.
Seeking professional help (counselor, therapist, etc.)
Other (please specify)
8. Optional: Please provide any additional comments or feedback regarding
stress management in grade 7.

 After completing the survey, provide time for each group to consolidate the
results of their survey.
 The teacher will facilitate and guide the students in consolidating the results
of the survey. Present the result through a creative graphical presentation.
 Remind each group to create their presentation based on the given rubrics.
 Every group will rate the group presenter based on the graphical
presentation using the rubrics.

Rubrics for group graphical presentation based on survey interview.
Check the box that corresponds and meets the criteria based on the presentation
of the group.

2. Worked Example
Based on the graphical presentation results and discussion the students already
gathered insights and ideas on the common adolescents concerns that affect
mental health. To process the students understanding the class will have a simple
target game.
Activity 5. “Head, Shoulder, Knees, and Toes Challenge (20 minutes)
 Objective: To engage the students in an interactive activity that
fosters coordination, reaction time and critical thinking.
 Material: Plastic Cup
 Procedure:
1. Divide the class into pairs or group depending on the class size.
2. Each pair or group should stand around the circle.
3. Command sequence: “Head, shoulder, knees, toes, and cup”. Each time
the teacher says the body parts the students should touch the body parts
with their hands. When the teacher says “cup” they need to grab the cup
quickly before their opponent(s) do.
4. Begin the game by calling out the body parts in random order.
5. If they touch the wrong body parts or fail to get the cup they are
out of the round and need to answer one (1) question with their
partner/group before leaving the line.
6. The game continues until the remaining students reach the allotted
 Questions:
1. How do adolescents mind the process of academic pressures?
2. What is the process by which adolescents process the experience of their
first romantic relationship?
3. How does peer pressure influence adolescent decision make
4. What are the steps an adolescent goes through when faced with
stressful situation?
5. Can you describe the process of how adolescents deal with the

expectations and pressure from society regarding body image?
6. How do adolescents process the transition from dependence to
seeking independence?
7. What is the process by which adolescents form their social circles and
how does it affect their experience?
8. What is the thought process when an adolescent is confronted with
substance use like alcohol drinking, cigarette smoking or taking
prohibited drugs?
9. How do adolescents process and navigate the complexities of online and
social media interactions?
10. How do adolescents process the experience of failure, and how
does this affect their resilience?

3. Lesson Activity
Activity 6. Round Table (15 minutes)
 Answer the following questions by group.
 Questions:
1. What are the characteristics of mentally healthy adolescents?
2. What are the common adolescent concerns that affect mental
3. What are the common behavioral and emotional
manifestations of adolescents that impact mental health.
4. How will you handle challenges? Give ways on how to prevent
and manage problems.

A. Making 1. Learners’ Takeaways (10 minutes)
Generalizations  Ask the students the following questions:
1. What are the factors that contribute to the mental health and
wellbeing of adolescents?
2. How can you promote and enhance these factors within yourself that
will radiate to your actions, family, peers, and community?

2. Reflection on Learning
Activity 7. Short Reflection Writing Task (5 minutes)
 In their notebook, ask the students to answer the following question:
1. From 1 being the lowest and 10 being the highest, how will you rate your
learning of today’s lesson?
2. What are your strengths and weaknesses in the lesson?
3. What do I need to improve my understanding of the lesson?


A. Evaluating 1. Formative Assessment Answer Key

Learning Short Quiz: Multiple Choice (10 minutes) 1. c. Resilience: Mentally
Choose the best answer: healthy adolescents often
1. Which of the following characteristics is commonly exhibit resilience, which helps
associated with mentally healthy adolescents? them cope with challenges and
a. Perfectionist bounce back from adversity.
b. social withdrawal 2. d. financial stability: While
c. Resilience academic pressure, peer
d. excessive self-criticism relationships, and body image
2. Which of the following is not a common concern that affects the are common concerns
mental health of adolescents? affecting mental health,
a. Academic pressure financial stability is not

b. Peer relationship associated with adolescent
c. Body image mental health.
d. financial stability 3. c. Persistent irritability: Poor
3. Which of the following emotional manifestations is commonly mental health in adolescents
associated with poor mental health in adolescents. can manifest as persistent
a. Emotional intelligence irritability, mood swings, and
b. Stable mood emotional instability.
c. Persistent irritability 4. c. Risk taking behavior:
d. Empathy towards other Certain behavioral
4. Which of the following behavioral manifestations can manifestations, such as
impact mental health. engaging in risky behaviors,
a. Assertiveness can impact mental health.
b. Emotional regulation 5. c. Fostering a positive body
c. Risk taking behavior. image environment:
d. open-mindedness. Encouraging a positive body
5. Which of the following is an effective way to prevent and image and promoting self-
manage body image issues in adolescents? acceptance are effective ways to
a. Promoting unrealistic beauty standards. prevent and manage body
b. Encouraging comparison with others. image issues in adolescents.
c. Fostering a positive body image environment. Remember, unrealistic beauty
d. Criticizing physical appearances. standards and criticism can
have negative effects on mental
2. Homework (Optional) well-being

B. Teacher’s Note observations on The teacher may take note of
Remarks any of the following Effective Practices Problems Encountered some observations related to
areas: the effective practices and
problems encountered after
Strategies explored utilizing the different strategies,
materials used, learner
Materials used engagement and other related

Learner engagement/ Teachers may also suggest

interaction ways to improve the different
activities explored/ lesson

C. Teacher’s Reflection guide or prompt can be on: Teacher’s reflection in every

Reflection A. Principles behind the teaching lesson conducted/ facilitated is
1. What principles and beliefs informed my lesson? essential and necessary to
2. Why did I teach the lesson the way I did? improve practice. You may also
consider this as an input for
B. Students the LAC/Collab sessions.
1. What roles did my students play in my lesson?
2. What did my students learn? How did they learn?

C. Ways forward
1. What could I have done differently?
2. What can I explore in the next lesson?


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