William Stallings Computer Organization and Architecture 10 Edition

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William Stallings
Computer Organization
and Architecture
10th Edition

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Hoboken, NJ. All rights reserved.
+ Chapter 6
External Memory
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Magnetic Disk
 A disk is a circular platter constructed of nonmagnetic material,
called the substrate, coated with a magnetizable material
 Traditionally the substrate has been an aluminium or aluminium alloy
 Recently glass substrates have been introduced

 Benefits of the glass substrate:

 Improvement in the uniformity of the magnetic film surface to increase
disk reliability
 A significant reduction in overall surface defects to help reduce read-write
 Ability to support lower fly heights
 Better stiffness to reduce disk dynamics
 Greater ability to withstand shock and damage

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Data are recorded on and later
retrieved from the disk via a
conducting coil named the head
The write mechanism exploits the
• In many systems there are two heads, a read
head and a write head fact that electricity flowing through a
• During a read or write operation the head is coil produces a magnetic field
stationary while the platter rotates beneath it

Electric pulses are sent to the write
The write head itself is made of
easily magnetizable material and is
and Write
head and the resulting magnetic
patterns are recorded on the surface
in the shape of a rectangular
doughnut with a gap along one side
below, with different patterns for
and a few turns of conducting wire
positive and negative currents
along the opposite side

An electric current in the wire Reversing the direction of the current

induces a magnetic field across the reverses the direction of the
gap, which in turn magnetizes a magnetization on the recording
small area of the recording medium medium

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sensor Write current


N write element
Magnetization S

Figure 6.1 Inductive Write/Magnetoresistive Read Head

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Inter-track gap Track

Inter-sector gap

Track sector

Read-write head
(1 per surface)


Direction of
Cylinder Spindle Boom
arm motion

Figure 6.2 Disk Data Layout

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Track Zone

(a) Constant angular velocity (b) Multiple zone r ecording

Figure 6.3 Comparison of Disk Layout Methods

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physical sector 0 physical sector 1 physical sector 29


gap ID gap data gap gap ID gap data gap gap ID gap data gap
1 field 2 field 3 1 field 2 field 3 1 field 2 field 3
0 0 1 1 29 29
bytes 17 7 41 515 20 17 7 41 515 20 17 7 41 515 20

600 bytes/sector

synch track head sector synch

CRC data CRC
byte # # # byte

bytes 1 2 1 1 2 1 512 2

Figure 6.4 Winchester Disk Format (Seagate ST506)

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Head Motion Platters
Fixed head (one per track) Single platter
Movable head (one per surface) Multiple platter

Disk Portability Head Mechanism

Nonremovable disk Contact (floppy)
Removable disk Fixed gap
Aerodynamic gap (Winchester)
Single sided
Double sided

Table 6.1
Physical Characteristics of Disk Systems

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+ Characteristics
 Fixed-head  Removable disk
 One read-write head per track
 Can be removed and replaced with
another disk
 Heads are mounted on a fixed
 Advantages:
ridged arm that extends across all
 Unlimited amounts of data are
available with a limited number of
 Movable-head disk systems
 A disk may be moved from one
 One read-write head computer system to another
 Head is mounted on an arm  Floppy disks and ZIP cartridge
 The arm can be extended or disks are examples of removable
retracted disks
 Non-removable disk
 Permanently mounted in the disk  Double sided disk
drive  Magnetizable coating
 The hard disk in a personal is applied to both
computer is a non-removable disk
sides of the platter

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+ Disk
The head mechanism provides a
classification of disks into three
 The head must generate or sense
Winchester Heads
an electromagnetic field of
sufficient magnitude to write and
read properly  Used in sealed drive assemblies that
are almost free of contaminants
 The narrower the head, the closer
it must be to the platter surface to  Designed to operate closer to the
function disk’s surface than conventional rigid
disk heads, thus allowing greater data
 A narrower head means density
narrower tracks and therefore
greater data density  Is actually an aerodynamic foil that
rests lightly on the platter’s surface
 The closer the head is to the disk when the disk is motionless
the greater the risk of error from  The air pressure generated by a
impurities or imperfections spinning disk is enough to make
the foil rise above the surface
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Table 6.2
Typical Hard Disk Drive Parameters
Characteristics Seagate Seagate Seagate Seagate Laptop
Enterprise Barracuda XT Cheetah NS HDD
Application Enterprise Desktop Network Laptop
attached storage,
Capacity 6 TB 3 TB 600 GB 2 TB
Average seek 4.16 ms N/A 3.9 ms read 13 ms
time 4.2 ms write
Spindle speed 7200 rpm 7200 rpm 10, 075 rpm 5400 rpm
Average latency 4.16 ms 4.16 ms 2.98 5.6 ms
Maximum 216 MB/s 149 MB/s 97 MB/s 300 MB/s
transfer rate
Bytes per sector 512/4096 512 512 4096
Tracks per 8 10 8 4
cylinder (number
of platter
Cache 128 MB 64 MB 16 MB 8 MB
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Wait for Wait for Seek Rotational Data
Device Channel Delay Transfer

Device Busy

Figure 6.5 Timing of a Disk I/O Transfer

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+ Disk Performance Parameters
 When the disk drive is operating the disk is rotating at constant speed

 To read or write the head must be positioned at the desired track and at the beginning of the desired
sector on the track
 Track selection involves moving the head in a movable-head system or electronically selecting one head on a
fixed-head system
 Once the track is selected, the disk controller waits until the appropriate sector rotates to line up with the

 Seek time
 On a movable–head system, the time it takes to position the head at the track

 Rotational delay (rotational latency)

 The time it takes for the beginning of the sector to reach the head

 Access time
 The sum of the seek time and the rotational delay
 The time it takes to get into position to read or write

 Transfer time
 Once the head is in position, the read or write operation is then performed as the
sector moves under the head
 This is the data transfer portion of the operation

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+  Consists of 7 levels

 Levels do not imply a hierarchical

relationship but designate different design
RAID architectures that share three common

1) Set of physical disk drives viewed by the

operating system as a single logical drive

2) Data are distributed across the physical

drives of an array in a scheme known as
Redundant Array of
Independent Disks 3) Redundant disk capacity is used to store
parity information, which guarantees data
recoverability in case of a disk failure

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Table 6.3
RAID Levels
Large I/O Data
Category Level Description
Disks Data Availability Transfer
Small I/O Request
Required Rate
Striping 0 Nonredundant N Lower than single Very high Very high for both
disk read and write
Higher than RAID Higher than single Up to twice that of a
Mirroring 1 Mirrored 2N 2, 3, 4, or 5; lower disk for read; single disk for read;
than RAID 6 similar to single similar to single disk
disk for write for write
Much higher than
Redundant via Hamming single disk; Highest of all Approximately twice
2 N+m
code comparable to listed alternatives that of a single disk
RAID 3, 4, or 5
Parallel access
Much higher than
single disk; Highest of all Approximately twice
3 Bit-interleaved parity N+1
comparable to listed alternatives that of a single disk
RAID 2, 4, or 5
Similar to RAID 0
Much higher than Similar to RAID 0 for
for read;
4 Block-interleaved parity N+1 single disk; read; significantly
comparable to lower than single disk
lower than single
RAID 2, 3, or 5 for write
disk for write
Independent Much higher than Similar to RAID 0 Similar to RAID 0 for
Block-interleaved single disk; for read; lower read; generally lower
access 5 N+1
distributed parity comparable to than single disk than single disk for
RAID 2, 3, or 4 for write write
Similar to RAID 0 Similar to RAID 0 for
Block-interleaved dual Highest of all for read; lower read; significantly
6 N+2
distributed parity listed alternatives than RAID 5 for lower than RAID 5 for
write write
N = number of data disks; m proportional to log N

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strip 0 strip 1 strip 2 strip 3
strip 4 strip 5 strip 6 strip 7
strip 8 strip 9 strip 10 strip 11
strip 12 strip 13 strip 14 strip 15

(a) RAID 0 (non-redundant)

strip 0 strip 1 strip 2 strip 3 strip 0 strip 1 strip 2 strip 3

strip 4 strip 5 strip 6 strip 7 strip 4 strip 5 strip 6 strip 7
strip 8 strip 9 strip 10 strip 11 strip 8 strip 9 strip 10 strip 11
strip 12 strip 13 strip 14 strip 15 strip 12 strip 13 strip 14 strip 15

(b) RAID 1 (mirrored)

b0 b1 b2 b3 f0(b) f1(b) f2(b)

(c) RAID 2 (redundancy through Hamming code)

Figure 6.6 RAID Levels (page 1 of 2)

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b0 b1 b2 b3 P(b)

(d) RAID 3 (bit-interleaved parity)

block 0 block 1 block 2 block 3 P(0-3)

block 4 block 5 block 6 block 7 P(4-7)
block 8 block 9 block 10 block 11 P(8-11)
block 12 block 13 block 14 block 15 P(12-15)

(e) RAID 4 (block-level parity)

block 0 block 1 block 2 block 3 P(0-3)

block 4 block 5 block 6 P(4-7) block 7
block 8 block 9 P(8-11) block 10 block 11
block 12 P(12-15) block 13 block 14 block 15
P(16-19) block 16 block 17 block 18 block 19

(f) RAID 5 (block-level distributed parity)

block 0 block 1 block 2 block 3 P(0-3) Q(0-3)

block 4 block 5 block 6 P(4-7) Q(4-7) block 7
block 8 block 9 P(8-11) Q(8-11) block 10 block 11
block 12 P(12-15) Q(12-15) block 13 block 14 block 15

(g) RAID 6 (dual redundancy)

Figure 6.6 RAID Levels (page 2 of 2)

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Logical Disk

strip 0 strip 0 strip 1 strip 2 strip 3

strip 1 strip 4 strip 5 strip 6 strip 7
strip 2 strip 8 strip 9 strip 10 strip 11
strip 3 strip 12 strip 13 strip 14 strip 15
strip 4
strip 5
Physical Physical Physical Physical
strip 6 Disk 0 Disk 1 Disk 2 Disk 3
strip 7
strip 8
strip 9
strip 10
strip 11
strip 12
strip 13
strip 14
strip 15

Figure 6.7 Data Mapping for a RAID Level 0 Array

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 Addresses the issues of request patterns of the
host system and layout of the data
Level 0  Impact of redundancy does not interfere with
RAID 0 for High Data Transfer
RAID 0 for High I/O Request Rate
 For applications to experience a
high transfer rate two requirements
 For an individual I/O request for a small
must be met:
amount of data the I/O time is dominated
1. A high transfer capacity must exist by the seek time and rotational latency
along the entire path between host
memory and the individual disk  A disk array can provide high I/O
drives execution rates by balancing the I/O
2. The application must make I/O load across multiple disks
requests that drive the disk array
 Ifthe strip size is relatively large
multiple waiting I/O requests can be
handled in parallel, reducing the
© 2016 Pearson Education, Inc., Hoboken, NJ. All rights reserved. queuing time for each request
+ Raid 1
Level 1
Characteristics Positive Aspects

 Differs from RAID levels 2 through 6  A read request can be serviced by

in the way in which redundancy is either of the two disks that contains
achieved the requested data
 Redundancy is achieved by the simple  There is no “write penalty”
expedient of duplicating all the data
 Recovery from a failure is simple,
 Data striping is used but each logical when a drive fails the data can be
strip is mapped to two separate physical accessed from the second drive
disks so that every disk in the array has
a mirror disk that contains the same  Provides real-time copy of all data
 Can achieve high I/O request rates if
 RAID 1 can also be implemented
the bulk of the requests are reads
without data striping, although this is
less common
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 Principal disadvantage is the cost
+ R
Level 2 2

Characteristics Performance
 An error-correcting code is calculated
 Makes use of a parallel access across corresponding bits on each data
technique disk and the bits of the code are stored
in the corresponding bit positions on
 In a parallel access array all member multiple parity disks
disks participate in the execution of
every I/O request  Typically a Hamming code is used,
which is able to correct single-bit errors
 Spindles of the individual drives are and detect double-bit errors
synchronized so that each disk head
 The number of redundant disks is
is in the same position on each disk
proportional to the log of the number of
at any given time
data disks
 Data striping is used  Would only be an effective choice in an
 Strips are very small, often as small as environment in which many disk errors
a single byte or word occur
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+ Raid 3
Level 3
Redundancy Performance
 Requires only a single redundant  In the event of a drive failure, the parity drive
disk, no matter how large the disk is accessed and data is reconstructed from the
remaining devices
 Once the failed drive is replaced, the missing
 Employs parallel access, with data data can be restored on the new drive and
distributed in small strips operation resumed

 In the event of a disk failure, all of the data are

 Instead of an error correcting code, a
still available in what is referred to as reduced
simple parity bit is computed for the mode
set of individual bits in the same
position on all of the data disks  Return to full operation requires that the failed
disk be replaced and the entire contents of the
 Can achieve very high data transfer failed disk be regenerated on the new disk
rates  In a transaction-oriented environment
performance suffers

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+ RAID Raid 4

Level 4
 Makes use of an independent
access technique  Involves a write penalty when an
I/O write request of small size is
 In an independent access array,
each member disk operates
independently so that separate I/O
requests can be satisfied in parallel
 Each time a write occurs the array
management software must update
 Data striping is used not only the user data but also the
corresponding parity bits
 Strips are relatively large

 To calculate the new parity the

 Thus each strip write involves two
reads and two writes
array management software must
read the old user strip and the old
parity strip

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Raid 56

Level 5 Level 6
Characteristics Characteristics
 Organized in a similar fashion to  Two different parity calculations
RAID 4 are carried out and stored in
separate blocks on different disks
 Difference is distribution of the
parity strips across all disks  Advantage is that it provides
extremely high data availability
 A typical allocation is a round-
robin scheme  Three disks would have to fail
within the mean time to repair
 The distribution of parity strips (MTTR) interval to cause data to be
across all drives avoids the lost
potential I/O bottleneck found in
RAID 4  Incurs a substantial write penalty
because each write affects two
parity blocks
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Table 6.4
(page 1 of 2)

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Table 6.4
(page 2 of 2)

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SSD Compared to HDD
 SSDs have the following advantages over HDDs:

 High-performance input/output operations per second (IOPS)

 Durability

 Longer lifespan

 Lower power consumption

 Quieter and cooler running capabilities

 Lower access times and latency rates

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NAND Flash Drives Seagate Laptop Internal
File copy/write speed 200—550 Mbps 50—120 Mbps
Power draw/battery life Less power draw, averages 2– More power draw, averages
3 watts, resulting in 30+ 6–7 watts and therefore uses
minute battery boost more battery
Storage capacity Typically not larger than 512 Typically around 500 GB and
GB for notebook size drives; 1 2 TB maximum for notebook
TB max for desktops size drives; 4 TB max for
Cost Approx. $0.50 per GB for a 1- Approx $0.15 per GB for a 4-
TB drive TB drive

Table 6.5
Comparison of Solid State Drives and Disk Drives

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Ho s t Sys te m
Ope ra ting Sys te m
S o ftw a re
File S ys te m S o ftw are
I/ O Drive r So ftw a re

In te rfa c e

In te rfa c e SS D

C o n t r o lle r

A d d re s s in g

D a ta b u ffe r/ Erro r
cache c o r re c t io n

F la s h
m e m o ry
co m p o n e n ts
F la s h
m e m o ry
co m p o n e n ts
F la s h
m e m o ry
co m p o n e n ts

F la s h
m e m o ry
co m p o n e n ts

Figure 6.8 Solid State Drive Architecture

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+ Practical Issues
There are two practical issues peculiar to SSDs that are
not faced by HDDs:
 Flash memory becomes unusable
 SDD performance has a tendency
after a certain number of writes
to slow down as the device is used
 The entire block must be read
 Techniques for prolonging life:
from the flash memory and  Front-ending the flash with a
placed in a RAM buffer cache to delay and group write
 Before the block can be written
 Using wear-leveling algorithms
back to flash memory, the entire
that evenly distribute writes
block of flash memory must be
across block of cells
 Bad-block management
 The entire block from the buffer techniques
is now written back to the flash
 Most flash devices estimate
their own remaining lifetimes so
systems can anticipate failure
and take preemptive action
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Compact Disk. A nonerasable disk that stores digitized audio information. The standard
system uses 12-cm disks and can record more than 60 minutes of uninterrupted playing time.

Compact Disk Read-Only Memory. A nonerasable disk used for storing computer data.
The standard system uses 12-cm disks and can hold more than 650 Mbytes.

CD Recordable. Similar to a CD-ROM. The user can write to the disk only once.
Table 6. 6
CD Rewritable. Similar to a CD-ROM. The user can erase and rewrite to the disk
multiple times. Optical
Digital Versatile Disk. A technology for producing digitized, compressed representation
of video information, as well as large volumes of other digital data. Both 8 and 12 cm diameters
are used, with a double-sided capacity of up to 17 Gbytes. The basic DVD is read-only (DVD- Products

DVD Recordable. Similar to a DVD-ROM. The user can write to the disk only once.
Only one-sided disks can be used.

DVD Rewritable. Similar to a DVD-ROM. The user can erase and rewrite to the disk
multiple times. Only one-sided disks can be used.

Blu-Ray DVD
High definition video disk. Provides considerably greater data storage density than DVD,
using a 405-nm (blue-violet) laser. A single layer on a single side can store 25 Gbytes.
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Compact Disk Read-Only Memory
 Audio CD and the CD-ROM share a similar technology
 The main difference is that CD-ROM players are more rugged and have
error correction devices to ensure that data are properly transferred

 Production:
 The disk is formed from a resin such as polycarbonate
 Digitally recorded information is imprinted as a series of microscopic pits on the
surface of the polycarbonate
 This is done with a finely focused, high intensity laser to create a master disk
 The master is used, in turn, to make a die to stamp out copies onto polycarbonate
 The pitted surface is then coated with a highly reflective surface, usually aluminum
or gold
 This shiny surface is protected against dust and scratches by a top coat
of clear acrylic
 Finally a label can be silkscreened onto the acrylic
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acrylic Label

Polycarbonate Aluminum

Laser transmit/

Figure 6.9 CD Operation

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00 FF . . . FF 00 Data ECC

12 bytes 4 bytes 2048 bytes 288 bytes


2352 bytes

Figure 6.10 CD-ROM Block Format

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 CD-ROM is appropriate for the distribution of large CD-ROM
amounts of data to a large number of users

 Because the expense of the initial writing process it is not

appropriate for individualized applications
 The CD-ROM has two advantages:
 The optical disk together with the information stored on it
can be mass replicated inexpensively

 The optical disk is removable, allowing the disk itself to be

used for archival storage
 The CD-ROM disadvantages:
 It is read-only and cannot be updated

 It has an access time much longer than that of a magnetic

disk drive

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CD Recordable CD Rewritable
(CD-R) (CD-RW)
 Write-once read-many Can be repeatedly written and overwritten
Phase change disk uses a material that has
 Accommodates applications in which two significantly different reflectivities in
only one or a small number of copies
two different phase states
of a set of data is needed
Amorphous state
 Disk is prepared in such a way that it Molecules exhibit a random orientation
can be subsequently written once that reflects light poorly
with a laser beam of modest-intensity Crystalline state
Has a smooth surface that reflects light
 Medium includes a dye layer which
is used to change reflectivity and is
A beam of laser light can change the
activated by a high-intensity laser
material from one phase to the other
 Provides a permanent record of large Disadvantage is that the material
volumes of user data eventually and permanently loses its
desirable properties
© 2016 Pearson Education, Inc., Hoboken, NJ. All rights reserved. Advantage is that it can be rewritten

Protective layer
1.2 mm
Reflective layer thick
Polycarbonate substrate Laser focuses on polycarbonate
(plastic) pits in front of reflective layer.

(a) CD-ROM - Capacity 682 MB

Polycarbonate substrate, side 2

Semireflective layer, side 2

Polycarbonate layer, side 2

Fully reflective layer, side 2

Fully reflective layer, side 1 1.2 mm

Polycarbonate layer, side 1

Semireflective layer, side 1 Laser focuses on pits in one layer

on one side at a time. Disk must
Polycarbonate substrate, side 1 be flipped to read other side.

(b) DVD-ROM, double-sided, dual-layer - Capacity 17 GB

Figure 6.11 CD-ROM and DVD-ROM

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CD 2.11 µm

Data layer
Beam spot Land

Pit 1.2 µm
0.58 µm

laser wavelength
= 780 nm

0.1 µm
1.32 µm

405 nm

0.6 µm

650 nm

Figure 6.12 Optical Memory Characteristics

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+ Magnetic Tape
 Tape systems use the same reading and recording techniques as disk

 Medium is flexible polyester tape coated with magnetizable material

 Coating may consist of particles of pure metal in special binders or vapor-

plated metal films

 Data on the tape are structured as a number of parallel tracks running


 Serial recording
 Data are laid out as a sequence of bits along each track

 Data are read and written in contiguous blocks called physical records

 Blocks on the tape are separated by gaps referred to as inter-

record gaps

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Track 2

Track 1

Track 0

Direction of
Bottom read/write
edge of tape

(a) Serpentine reading and writing

Track 3 4 8 12 16 20

Track 2 3 7 11 15 19

Track 1 2 6 10 14 18

Track 0 1 5 9 13 17
Direction of
tape motion

(b) Block layout for system that reads/writes four tracks simultaneously

Figure 6.13 Typical Magnetic Tape Features

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Table 6.7
LTO Tape Drives
Release date 2000 2003 2005 2007 2010 TBA TBA TBA
Compressed 200 GB 400 GB 800 GB 1600 GB 3.2 TB 8 TB 16 TB 32 TB
Compressed 40 MB/s 80 MB/s 160 MB/s 240 MB/s 280 MB/s 525 MB/s 788 MB/s 1.18 GB/s
transfer rate
Linear density 4880 7398 9638 13250 15142
Tape tracks 384 512 704 896 1280
Tape length 609 m 609 m 680 m 820 m 846 m
Tape width (cm) 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27
Write elements 8 8 16 16 16
WORM? No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Encryption No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Partitioning? No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes

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+ Summary
External Memory

Chapter 6
 Magnetic disk
 RAID level 0
 Magnetic read and write
 RAID level 1
 RAID level 2
 Data organization and formatting
 RAID level 3
 Physical characteristics
 RAID level 4
 Disk performance parameters
 RAID level 5
 Solid state drives  RAID level 6
 SSD compared to HDD
 Optical memory
 SSD organization
 Compact disk
 Practical issues
 Digital versatile disk
 Magnetic tape  High-definition optical disks
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