Israels Migration 000 Intro

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The key takeaways are that the passages discuss the migrations and future recovery of the 12 tribes of Israel according to prophecies in Isaiah.

The main topic being discussed across the passages is the migrations and future recovery of the 12 tribes of Israel.

The prophecy from Isaiah 11:11 about God setting His hand again the second time to recover the remnant of His people is mentioned multiple times.


Pastor Eli James

Migrations Of The 12
Tribes Of Israel

Migrations Of The 12 Tribes Of
Isaiah, Chapter 11 Verse 11

“And it shall come to pass in that

day, that the Lord shall set his
hand again the second time to
recover the remnant of his
people, which shall be left, from
Assyria, and from Egypt, and
from Pathros, and from Cush,
and from Elam, and from Shinar,
and from Hamath, and from the
islands of the sea.”
Migrations Of The 12 Tribes Of
Isaiah, Chapter 11 Verse 12

“And he shall set up an ensign

for the nations, and shall
assemble the outcasts of Israel,
and gather together the
dispersed of Judah from the four
corners of the earth.”
Migrations Of The 12 Tribes Of
Isaiah, Chapter 11 Verse 13

“The envy also of Ephraim shall

depart, and the adversaries of
Judah shall be cut off: Ephraim
shall not envy Judah, and Judah
shall not vex Ephraim.”
Migrations Of The 12 Tribes Of
Isaiah, Chapter 11 Verse 14

“But they shall fly upon the

shoulders of the Philistines
toward the west; they shall spoil
them of the east together: they
shall lay their hand upon Edom
and Moab; and the children of
Ammon shall obey them.”
Migrations Of The 12 Tribes Of
Isaiah, Chapter 11 Verse 15

“And the LORD shall utterly

destroy the tongue of the
Egyptian sea; and with his
mighty wind shall he shake his
hand over the river, and shall
smite it in the seven streams,
and make men go over dry
Migrations Of The 12 Tribes Of
Isaiah, Chapter 11 Verse 16

“And there shall be an

highway for the remnant of
his people, which shall be
left, from Assyria; like as it
was to Israel in the day that he
came up out of the land of
Migrations Of The 12 Tribes Of

The Dariel Pass

highway, in
verse 16, is
today known
as the Dariel
Migrations Of The 12 Tribes Of

It is the pathway the children of Israel took through the

Caucasus Mountains, thus becoming known as the
Caucasian People.
Migrations Of The 12 Tribes Of

A Painting of
the Pass of
Armenia, 1838

In ancient times, and even to today’s local residents of the

area, the Dariel Pass is still known as “The Pass of Israel.”
Verse 11 describes how the children of Israel will
one day be reassembled from the various places of
their dispersion
Migrations Of The 12 Tribes Of

Verse 12 says it
will be the
children of both

The 2 houses of Israel represented in the Royal Coat of Arms

– the lion = House of Judah and the Unicorn (bull) = Ephraim
– leading tribe of the House of Israel
Migrations Of The 12 Tribes Of
It is not possible for
that regathering place
to be the tiny
nation called Palestine.
The Bible clearly
teaches that the
Israelites will be far too
numerous to be
contained by that small
Migrations Of The 12 Tribes Of

No, the main regathering place of the Twelve

Tribes of Israel is the USA, the New
JerUSAlem of the Holy Scriptures
Migrations Of The 12 Tribes Of

The Holy Bible is the most

misunderstood book in the world.
Migrations Of The 12 Tribes Of

More mythology has been taught in the name of both

Judaism and Judeo-Christianity than truth.
Migrations Of The 12 Tribes Of

Islam is another religion

which has mythologized
and distorted the
historical facts of the

Migrations Of The 12 Tribes Of

As a historian for my People,

Israel, I have developed a unique
perspective about the Israelites
versus the Jews. The two people
cannot be equated. Contrary to
current Judeo-Christian
mythology, the Jewish people
and the Israelite people are not
the same. 
Migrations Of The 12 Tribes Of

The Israelites actually

were a Nordic looking
Migrations Of The 12 Tribes Of
The Sephardic Jews
actually descend
from the Canaanite
people of Idumea,
who have the classic

A Sephardic Jew
Migrations Of The 12 Tribes Of
It was from this
Sephardic group
that the Scribes and
Pharisees emerged. 
Jesus repeatedly
condemned these
Pharisees for their
own violations of
the Law of Moses."

The Pharisees
Migrations Of The 12 Tribes Of

The Bible says that the Israelites would be known by

another name, that they would be a great sea-faring
Migrations Of The 12 Tribes Of

a great agricultural people,

Migrations Of The 12 Tribes Of

and great builders of cities and nations.

Migrations Of The 12 Tribes Of

None of
these things
is true of the
Migrations Of The 12 Tribes Of
The Bible also teaches
that King David would
always have a literal,
physical heir sitting on a
throne somewhere on
planet earth, as long as
the sun, moon and stars
rule the skies.
Migrations Of The 12 Tribes Of

Queen Elizabeth II is one of those heirs, and she

knows it. Again, this is not true of the Jewish
Migrations Of The 12 Tribes Of
The Jews have
not had a King
since the days of
Herod Agrippa II,
the last of the
Dynasty; nor
Herod have they ever
Agrippa II laid claim to the
throne of David.
Migrations Of The 12 Tribes Of

What you are about to

experience is proof
positive that the Bible is,
at one and the same time,
the world’s most accurate
history book and the
world’s most astounding
book of prophecy,
Migrations Of The 12 Tribes Of
… for I will demonstrate how
the history and the
prophecies have been
fulfilled only in one people:
the Anglo-Saxon, Celtic and
Caucasian People,
otherwise known as
Germans, British, Danes,
Dutch, Vikings, Goths,
Alans, Sueves, Canadians,
Americans, and many other
Celtic Warrior Chieftains
Migrations Of The 12 Tribes Of

What you are about to

experience is also proof
that the Bible cannot
possibly be understood
without a thorough
knowledge of both
history and prophecy.
Migrations Of The 12 Tribes Of
Since modern Christianity is
totally ignorant of the
complementarity of Biblical
prophecy and the true history
of the Twelve Tribes, there is
little understanding in any of
its denominations.
Migrations Of The 12 Tribes Of

They teach error in

place of truth. They
make wild guesses
where the Bible is very
clear and sufficient.

Billy Graham with the Pope

in Nov. 1982
Migrations Of The 12 Tribes Of
They invent far-fetched
theories, such as
Antinomianism and
Universalism in order explain
away what they do not
understand. Millions Of
Christians believe these
theories, which have no
basis in fact and actually
deny the meaning of the Holy
Migrations Of The 12 Tribes Of

The Plot of the Greatest

Drama Ever Staged
Migrations Of The 12 Tribes Of Israel

Neither Judaism nor Judeo-Christianity

teaches those passages of Scripture which
identify True Israel.
Migrations Of The 12 Tribes Of Israel

Rather, they ignore those passages and

teach self-serving doctrine, which is
unrelated to the true identity of Israel.
Migrations Of The 12 Tribes Of
One of the most
critical subjects of
the Holy Bible, a
subject which
reveals Israel’s
True Identity, is the
subject of the
division of the
Twelve Tribes into
Two Houses.
Migrations Of The 12 Tribes Of
The subject of the Two
Houses involves much
Biblical history, secular
history and hundreds of
prophetic fulfillments of

The 2 Houses of
Israel represented
by 2 olive branches
Migrations Of The 12 Tribes Of

Yet, modern religion is

virtually silent on this
Migrations Of The 12 Tribes Of
Ask a typical Christian
what he knows about this
subject, and he or she will
simply shrug their
shoulders. Many will say
they have never even
heard of the Two Houses.
Migrations Of The 12
Tribes Of Israel
I sincerely hope that this presentation will
remove all doubts as to who True Israel is
and what the Bible actually teaches about
“You must become as a little child.”

Migrations Of The 12 Tribes
Of Israel
A quick synopsis of this story involves the following

1.) Israel is divided into the Ten-Tribed House of Israel and the
Two-Tribed House of Judah.

2.) The House of Israel rebels against God’s Law, adopting

pagan practices, and is taken captive by the Assyrians for this
rebellion. This episode is called the Assyrian Captivity, or,
better, the Assyrian Exile.
Migrations Of The 12 Tribes
Of Israel
A quick synopsis of this story involves the following

3.) Well into the future, these Israelites retain much of their
pagan heritage, bringing it with them into Europe until
Christianity purges it from them.

4.) The House of Judah is also taken captive, not to Assyria,

but to Babylon. This, the Bible says, is also in punishment for
their sins. After 70 years of this captivity, a remnant returns to
restore Jerusalem to the Law of Moses; and their priest-kings,
Ezra and Nehemiah, re-establish the Davidic Dynasty in Judah.
Migrations Of The 12 Tribes
Of Israel
A quick synopsis of this story involves the following
5.) The House of Judah has the distinct mission of bringing
forth the Messiah through the lineage of King David. Having
fulfilled its mission in the land of Judah, the Judahite dynasty
dies out for good, but only in Judea. The Davidic Dynasty is
alive and well in Europe. They are known as King Arthur and
the British Kings, Charlemagne and the Germanic Kings, such
as the Hapsburgs, the Czars, etc. All of the Kings and Queens
of Europe are, in fact, descendants of King David!
Migrations Of The 12 Tribes
Of Israel
A quick synopsis of this story involves the following
6.) The various Tribes of Israel would found numerous nations:
first in Europe and then all over the world.

7.) These Dispersed Israelites would be redeemed by their

Kinsman, Jesus Christ, and be forgiven for their past sins.
Having recognized and accepted their Redeemer, they would
become known as Christians.
Migrations Of The 12 Tribes
Of Israel
A quick synopsis of this story involves the following
8.) Ultimately, the Two Houses would one day be merged back
together, so that they are no longer a House Divided. This re-
unification is moral, spiritual and literal, taking place in the
physical descendants of the Israelites of Scripture.
Migrations Of The 12 Tribes
Of Israel
A quick synopsis of this story involves the following
9.) The nation where the physical re-unification took place was
the United States of America. Simultaneously with their
prophesied nation-building, a great period of amnesia would
fall upon these same Israelites, whereby all of these things
happen under their very noses and yet they are completely
ignorant of the fact that they are the subject and object of
Scriptural prophecy. The reason for this is that another group
of people have stolen their name and have made a habit of
pretending to be them. (If this sounds like a melodramatic,
tortuous plot, don’t blame me! Blame the Father!)
Migrations Of The 12 Tribes
Of Israel
A quick synopsis of this story involves the following
10.) Just before the Judgment Day, the amnesiac people of
Israel will awaken to their true Identity and prepare to fight one
last great battle, in order to cast off the parasitic people who
are trying to steal their inheritance.

11.) These awakening Israelites will fully come to understand

that the Scriptures are about them and not about the people
who are impersonating them. And finally,
Migrations Of The 12 Tribes
Of Israel
A quick synopsis of this story involves the following
12.) Their Kinsman Redeemer will come back down from
heaven and avenge their enemies during the Battle of
Armageddon. At this battle, not only will the devil’s children be
vanquished, death itself will be vanquished.
Migrations Of The 12 Tribes Of

This is the Great Plot of the Holy

Scriptures, which cannot be
comprehended if you do not know the
history and prophecies that concern
the Two Houses.
Migrations Of The 12 Tribes Of
As I said earlier, this
plot is so important to
understanding Scripture
that, if you are ignorant
of its message, you
simply do not
understand Scripture.
Migrations Of The 12 Tribes Of
You must also
understand that the devil
himself has been
involved in trying to
prevent you from
knowing this story. He
knows how important
this story is to the
fulfillment of Scripture;
Migrations Of The 12 Tribes Of
… and he has
literally massacred
millions of Israelite
Christians in order to
prevent them from
regaining the
knowing of who they
Victims of the
Dresden bombing
Migrations Of The 12 Tribes Of
The Second Recovery of
His People Israel, as
prophesied in Isaiah
11:11 has not happened

Queen Elizabeth’s
Migrations Of The 12 Tribes Of

It cannot happen
until the children of
Israel awaken out of
their amnesia; but
a that awakening is
happening as we
Migrations Of The 12 Tribes Of

Welcome to the Holy

Scriptures, children of
Israel. The Story begins
with King Solomon.

The Most Holy Place

King Solomon’s Temple
Migrations Of The 12 Tribes
Of Israel


To be continued …………
Chapter One: A House Divided
Pastor Eli James
Pastor Eli James

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