Studykay & Fundkay Pitch

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We unite lives together
The platform STUDYKAY was designed and built to encourage children
to follow their dreams so that more students do not let financial reasons
hinder their personal development, to be their “dream builder” and to
make studying abroad and studying at home the same choice.

•Parents and Students alike hesitate to make the choice to study abroad due to many uncertain concerns

like lack of information, financial issues, and the safety of their children's personal property.

•STUDYKAY is based on thinking about you and solving the problems that students face when seeking

to study abroad. So, in choosing a country and school to study in Studykay will understand the student's

personal interests, learning ability, future to make the student's study trip meaningful.

0% Interest
Installment Plan

 Once the student signs up with either the affiliated partner school or
directly from our website, we will proceed to validate the information
provided by the student or the school. Studykay will integrate with
Fundkay to call for disbursement for the school fees required to be
made in advance. Our model is to provide a Good faith facility for our
students. Our protocol is to provide assistance for their education needs
and we do not encourage students to get loans or cash advancement
for their wants.
Necessity of Abroad Study

• To successfully compete in the global marketplace,

multinational and small businesses need employees with
• A Language barriers increase the difficulty and cost of doing
cross-cultural competence and knowledge of foreign
business on the international market.
• According to a report by the University of Wales, 25% of
• More than 100 Chinese companies were included on the
export companies in England and Wales had lost
2016 Fortune Global 500 list, which ranks the world's businesses because of language and cultural deficiencies.
largest companies based on revenue.
• Students who want to work in our deeply interconnected
• Research from the McKinsey Global Institute shows that world must study abroad.
by 2025, 45% of the world's largest companies will
probably be based in emerging markets.
Job Opportunities
• We need many Student Success Officers to be the caregivers for our
students who subscribe to our Kids Care Services.

• This employment opportunity is an additional source of income for many

of our project staff.

• Virtual Admin staff will be engaged for our operation, this will assist many
jobs seekers who are not able to work from the office.


Dependent Pass Application & Renewal

Consultation & School Application Services
for Accompanying Family Member
Studying abroad can be a complicated experience in the situation of
The accompanying visa is processed once the child has
individual students, providing the best possible information on the
officially obtained his or her student ID , student and the
various schools, and giving answers to questions about the various
guarantor. The stay visa issued by the immigration bureau for
services and facilities available in different schools using
the accompanying student guardian is valid for a year and can
combination of DIY (do-it-yourself) and consultation-based services
be easily renewed when the visa expires.

0% Interest Free Instalment Feature

Preferred loyalty programs
The tuition/school fees will be payable monthly instead of
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forking out a lump sum. This enables the students who go
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through us to pay their tuition fee in interest-free monthly
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installments instead of having to pay for the entire tuition
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fee can stretch over a complete We pay the entire tuition
viverra blandit. 7
fee for the year on behalf of the student.

Kids Care Feature

Local Sponsor for Pass Application
To take care of the various problems and worries encountered
Studying A local sponsor is necessary if you want to study by international students and their guardians, we have
abroad. Often, getting a local sponsor can be quite launched a dedicated “Student Care”. The service may involve
difficult. Studykay takes care of such problems as we have taking care of fundamental problems such as:
multiple reliable people who can act as your local sponsor.
• opening a bank account
Scholarship/Bursary Guarantor • arranging transportation card, 
Many international students benefit from these scholarship schemes
• getting the water and electricity connection, 
every year. Aside from the academic performance of the student
• getting the insurance, 
and other factors, to get a scholarship, the student also needs to
arrange a local guarantor with sufficient financial ability, and also in • arranging for leave extension or course extension

good physical and mental condition. At Studykay we are always in • basically any other help needed on the ground.
touch with dependable local guarantors in Singapore.

Entry Visa application for visiting family members

We can arrange single visas for family members. Studykay dashboard to apply for such a visa service whenever you need it. 
You just need to upload all the corresponding materials using the Studykay website dashboard and we take care of the rest.

Source of income
• Students who applied for the 0% interest instalment plan will be charged a minimal platform service fee.
• Vendors managing the pass & visa applications will be charged a fixed platform rate for any referral application.
• Kids Care services is a monthly subscription service.
• Consultancy & Admission platform fees for students who use our platform facilities for enrolment.


Entry Visa application for visiting family members

We can arrange single visas for family members. Studykay dashboard to apply for such a visa service whenever you need it. 
You just need to upload all the corresponding materials using the Studykay website dashboard and we take care of the rest.

Source of income
• Students who applied for the 0% interest instalment plan will be charged a minimal platform service fee.
• Vendors managing the pass & visa applications will be charged a fixed platform rate for any referral application.
• Kids Care services is a monthly subscription service.
• Consultancy & Admission platform fees for students who use our platform facilities for enrolment.

What makes Studykay stand out from the others?

OUR • We care about students, and try to build a long term relationship with them.

UNIQUENESS • We provide a lot of local support to our students when they are studying in

foreign countries.

• We constantly check in on students and get feedback from schools, and

update student parents.

• We leverage technology to link up students, schools, and parents.

Students’ education data will be summarized and viewable by students and


• We do not collect fees from our afflicted partner schools, therefore there’s

no conflict of interest.

• We do not limit our students' choice of schools.

• We provide our students with our internal feature services such as

Marketplace, and 0% interest instalment plan.

• We encourage students to approach us if the selected school is not in our
Studykay Future Milestone:
 Work & Study
This is part of our future milestone and one of the features we would like
FUTURE to enhance to ensure our users who signed up for the 0% interest
MILESTONE installment plan do not default their repayment when they faced financial


 Business Opportunities
We will select & partnership the Visa & Pass application applied for with

reputable vendors. We provide the platform for the vendors to have a

hassle-free application process. All applications will be clearly shown on

screen with the processing flow to ensure all parties are always updated

with the application status.

 Employment Opportunities
Studykay looking for people to be Student Success Officers to look after

the children of students who subscribe to our Kids Care Services. This

employment opportunity is an additional source of income for many of our

project staff.
Fundkay Pte, Ltdy

We Make Lives

We Connect needs with resources via ‘Good
Cause’ Funding.

A fundraising platform to support Studykay all the financial supports

required to enhance, further develop & fund the student assistance scheme
Fundkay do not invest the funds elsewhere, so funders do not need to
worry about our investment portfolio to be assured of the returns.

Good Concept
We connect ‘Good Cause’ funders looking for relatively low-risk investments with
people and schools.

 Investors use their online accounts to easily stake their invested amount.

 We use innovative technology to connect schools, students/parents, and funders

who need assistance with funders who are willing to assist them with a
significant appreciation of returns. 

 Students apply using our simple online form. The students/parents will make
monthly repayments. Funders can make early withdrawals with minimal fees
incurred or restake the principal + returns or restake the principal only.

 Funders can decide at any time to cease the funding once the tenure of the 16

funding selected has matured.

How Do We Work?

 Fundkay will be raising funds from investors

who see the value in our concept and the student
assistance scheme. The funds will be gathered
in a pool to support Studykay with all the
financial support required to enhance, further
develop & fund the student assistance scheme.
Build to Scale

Our Uniqueness  Our model is made to scale.

Our funding can be anywhere
as long as there students need
• Trust
our student assistance scheme.
• Information
• Build to Scale
Information  We do not just fund a student,
we walk them through their
Trust  Technology and data is
education to adulthood.
where we speak, we
 The best way to build trust is to provide up to date figures
be transparent in everything we on each investor account
do. We always separate our dashboard
business banking accounts with
our funding account.
Fundkay Revenue
Generated Strategy

 Our business model is crafted to enable Fundkay
and Studykay to form a tight relationship that will
not be broken. Studykay, an end consumer service
provider platform collects service fees for services
rendered to end consumers. 

 Fundkay a financial support platform for Studykay

collects platform fees from Studykay for a fixed %
cut of the service fees collected by Studykay.
Risk Associated including
Minimization Technique
• Students default the repayment.

• We have a strict underwriting model to ensure students' parents can afford the monthly repayments.

• On the other hand, we disburse partial school fees to schools every 3 months only if students made all repayments
scheduled before the disbursement.

• Gather too many investors and funds but do not have that many students to release and inject the funds.

• Therefore our pool funds are always updated on the dashboard to ensure that the invested funds are put to 'Good cause'
and not resting in the pool.
Our Target Users
• Funders include individuals, corporate and institutional investors as well

as Fund Managers who 'buy' our concept and idea.

• We are looking for funders who are comfortable with low risk

investment and stable returns. And those who would like to fund for a

'Good Cause'.
Security Management
• Authentication and authorization are handled by

• Fully encrypted.

• The funders debit & credit account details will

always be tally and must be the same banking
account to avoid theft, scam, and or fraud of
Benefits for Funders
• Diverse investments are always an important part when it comes to
planning for your future.

• Our belief and focus are on delivering slightly higher and stable
returns as compared with Fixed Deposits.

• We do not claim high returns like other investments but we provide

stable returns.

• Most importantly, our funds are put to 'Good Cause'.

• Updated data on Dashboard to see the performance of the pool fund.

• Exceptional service with dedicated success account managers to be

there for any inquiries.

Funding Procedure

• Funder submits a request form on our website.

• The Investor Success Managers validate & approve the request.
• Funder receives an email with the link to create a login password.
• For the1st time login funder is required to do a KYC and upload the required information
and documents ( Applicable for both individual & corporate funder).
• Funders are required to read, understand and acknowledge the AML & KYC documents
on our website.
• The Investor Success Manager validates the information provided and approval for the
staking will be available.
• Upon approval, the funder is able to stake the pool he is interested in. Funding amount,
tenure, % of returns in APR will be made available for the funder to select.
Funding Procedure

• Credit the funding amount and submit the credit/ transfer receipt online.

• The Investor Success Manager will validate the amount credited and approved the staking.

• Funders just need to drop by whenever they are keen to be updated on the dashboard for the

pool fund information, while waiting for the funding to mature.

• Early withdrawal is available with a minimal early withdraw fee incurred.

• Tenure maturity will allow the funder to either restake the principal + returns or just restake the

principal and withdraw the returns.

Future Milestones
• Launch reward bank (work-study program) to help students earn to pay for monthly

• Add more services to marketplace that help students in their studies and living.

• Onboard student recruitment agencies to the system

• Launch Parents Portal to participate in their kids' education journey. It should also
improve communications between parents and schools/teachers.

• To publish our own virtual payment card/lines available to be used for school fees
payment and to be able to auto generate interest free instalments.
Market Place

In 2019, over 5.3 million students chose to reap the huge

benefits of studying abroad. International students are
always on the lookout for the best countries to study
abroad. Whether you’re looking for big cities or small
towns, hot weather, or cooler climates, there really is
somewhere for everyone

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