Administration of The Regional Unified

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Administration of the

Regional Unified
Numeracy Test
1. Numeracy test is intended as a diagnostic
test, a formative test and a summative test.

2. Numeracy Test was

designed to determine the
mastery level of the learners
of the four fundamental
 The department of education aims to develop learners who are
numerates and who can apply numeracy skills for various
purposes. To achieve this, critical thinking and problem-solving
need to be emphasized in the teaching of mathematics as well in
the design of assessment tools.

 To help mathematics teachers and curriculum implementers get

an idea about the numeracy skills and levels of their learners in
the four mathematical fundamental operations.
What is The Regional Unified Numeracy
 intended for grade three to grade 10 learners in all public and private
schools in DepEd Region VIII. It is designed to measure the learners
competencies on the four fundamental operations in mathematics
(addition, subtraction, multiplication and division). In this test, Grade
3 learners are required to answer a 10-item numeracy test in 10
minutes while Grades 4 to 6 learners are given 15 minutes to answer
a 12-item numeracy test. In Junior High School, learners are only be
given 12 minutes in answering a 12-item numeracy test.
The numeracy test is not intended as a
diagnostic test, a formative test nor a
summative test but designed to determine
the mastery level of the learners of the four
fundamental operations.
Pre test: Last week of the month after the
opening of classes
Post test: After the quarterly examination for
those who are identified as non numerates
Administration of the Unified Numeracy test-
roles of person responsible or involved

1. The school head or mathematics coordinator must

conduct an orientation prior to the actual
administration of the numeracy test.
2. The mathematics teacher shall administer the
numeracy test to all learners in grade 3 key stage one
grade four to six key stage 2 and grade 7 to 10 key
stage three as scheduled
Administration of the Unified Numeracy test-
roles of person responsible or involved
3. The teacher administering the test shall strictly follow the time
allotment and shall observe the confidentiality of test materials
however in case we’re a face to face administration is impossible
the test shall be administered through a learner activity sheet to
be facilitated by any family member indicating the time started
and time ended signed by the facilitator
4. Upon receipt of the accomplished learners activity sheet the
teacher shall immediately check record and interpret the result of
the numeracy test as indicated in the template
Administration of the Unified Numeracy test-
roles of person responsible or involved
5. test papers shall be kept by the teacher for the validation of the
division focal person
6. The school mathematics coordinator or the school head shall keep
custody of the numeracy tool
7. The result shall be reflected in the quarterly school data gathering
tool which shall provide inputs for the school based management
level of practice of the school these results shall further be used as
basis for validation and intervention example SLAC, Action research,
and school banner project
Administration of the Unified Numeracy test-
roles of person responsible or involved
8. the teacher shall administer the next round of test only to
the identified non numerate's priority for the interventions is
the identified emiratesThe teacher shall administer the next
round of tests only to the identified non numerates. priority
for the interventions is the identified non numerates.
9. Learners or takers are not allowed to use cell phones
calculators and any gadgets
Administration of the Unified Numeracy test-
roles of person responsible or involved
10. For the next school year and thereafter the following shall
be observed
10.1 All grades 1 to 3, 4 to 6, 7 to 10 Learners will take the
numeracy test.
10.2. For grade one only addition test item numbers must be
given grade two test items in addition and subtraction only
and for grade 3 the complete set of test items the four basic
Administration of the Unified Numeracy test-
roles of person responsible or involved
10.3 Quarterly test for those identified as non numerate

in all grade level
10.4 Transferees, repeaters and Balik Aral learners and
those without numeracy records shall also take the test.
11. At the end of the school year the teacher shall turn
over the results of the numeracy test to the school head.
Description Interpretation REMARKS Classified
PERFECT If the learner HIGHLY No need of Numerate
SCORE got correct NUMERATES intervention
answers in the
4 sub-tests
and Division)
NOT PERFECT If the learner MODERATELY Provide Numerate
got 1 or more NUMERATES enrichment in
mistakes in area of the
any of the 4 sub-tests
sub-tests which incurred
ZERO SCORE If a learner NON- Provide Non-numerate
got a score of NUMERATES intervention
0 in any of the
4 sub-tests

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