Types of Dams

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Dams - Gravity dams

Elementary Profile of a Gravity Dam - An elementary profile of a
gravity dam is the theoretical shape of its cross-section when it is
subjected to only three main forces, viz. self weight, water
pressure, and uplift pressure. Moreover, the elementary profile
has zero top width and no free board.
The right-angle triangle is the most suitable section for the
theoretical profile. For reservoir empty condition, a right-angled
triangular profile as shown in fig. 1, will provide the maximum
possible stabilizing force against overturning, without causing
any tension in the base. In this case, the only force is due to the
self weight of the dam acting at B/3 from the upstream face of the
dam and hence satisfies the middle third rule.
(i) Self Weight of the Dam –

Weight of dam (W) = 1/2 × B × H × G × w

where, G = Specific gravity of dam material which is

generally taken as 2.4 for concrete

w = Specific weight of water (9.81 kN/m3)

B and H = Base width and height of dam.

The weight (W) acts vertically through the centroid of

the triangle at a distance of B/3 from the heel.
(ii) Water Pressure -

p = wH × H

= wH2, which acts at a height of H/3 from the base.

(iii) Uplift Pressure -

U = × B × CwH

where C is the uplift pressure intensity factor. It indicates that

the uplift pressure is CwH at the upstream edge of the base. The
uplift pressure (U) acts at a distance of B/3 from the heel in
upward direction as shown in fig. 1.
Base Width of Elementary Profile – The base width of the
elementary profile is to be determined under following two
criteria -

(i) Base Width with No Tension Basis - When reservoir is

empty, for no tension to develop, the resultant should act at
the inner third point A. For the full reservoir condition, let R
be the resultant of all forces acting on the dam, for no
tension at the heel, the resultant R must pass through the
outer middle third point B as shown in fig. 1. The maximum
value of eccentricity (e) is B/6 when the resultant R passes
through the point (B).
Taking the moment of all forces about B and equating it to zero, we get W.B/3 - U.B/3 – P.H/3 = 0

(ii) Base Width for No Sliding - For no sliding to occur, the
forces causing sliding should not be greater than the forces
resisting sliding. In the limiting condition the two forces must be
equal and opposite. It is usually assumed that the sliding is
resisted by the friction only thus,

μΣV = ΣΗ

where, u is the coefficient of friction.

The minimum base width required for the elementary profile should be greater of the
two values obtained from the equations (i) and (ii) However generally equation (i) is
used to calculate base width.
Stresses Developed in the Elementary Profile – The normal stresses
at the heel and toe of the gravity dam may be expressed as

For the reservoir full conditions, the maximum stress occurs at the
toe and the minimum stress at the heel.

For the reservoir empty conditions, the maximum stress and the
minimum stress occurs at the heel and toe respectively.
•The elementary profile cannot be adopted as such. Some
modifications have to be incorporated, to make it adaptable in
•Modifications in elementary profile are necessitated due to
following reasons:
1. Some free board is essential whereas elementary profile does
not provide any free board.
2. Roadway is generally provided at the top of the dam. This
necessitates quite thick top of the dam, whereas elementary profile
does not provide any thickness at the top.
3. Additional load due to extra height, provided for free board and
also due thick top of the dam, induces some additional stress in the
dam section.
•Some extra darn section has to be provided at the base of the dam
along the U/S face to counter act such additional stresses.
•The amount of free board usually provided is 1.5 hw where hw is
the height of waves in metres between through and crest.
•Minimum top width of the dam should be about one-seventh the
First when the reservoir is in empty condition,
When the reservoir is empty on self-weight(W) of the dam is acting
as a force at a B/3 distance from the point of the heel. So, action
line of W will create a maximum stabilizing moment without
causing tension or overturning in this condition.
So the stress distribution in this condition in a vertical manner,
Practical Profile of a Gravity Dam
We have already seen that the elementary profile of a
gravity dam is triangular in shape, having zero width at the
However, a truly triangular section is not practical nor is it
necessarily the most economical section.
The elementary profile of the gravity dam is only a
theoretical profile. However, such a profile is not possible in
practice because of the provision of :
(i)top width or roadway at the top,
(ii)additional loads due to the roadway, and
• Nature of Soil in the Catchment.
• Vegetal Cover.
• Topography of the Catchment.
• Intensity of Rainfall.
Part of sediment load which is held in suspension
against gravity by the vertical component of the
eddies of the turbulent flow. Usually consist of fine
material dispersed through the river cross section. 2.
BED LOAD Part of the sediment load which remains
in contact with the bed when moving with the water. It
consists of relatively coarser materials
Water samples are taken from various depths in river Samples are
then filtered and sediments are collected After drying the weight of
sediments are taken Generally expressed in Parts per million BED
LOAD There is no practical method for measurement of bed load
Bed load is usually 5 to 25 % of suspended load An average valve
of 15% is generally taken

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