"Nothing More Nothing Less Only The Finest": Arvin John L. Rodriguez Micah D. Poblador Allen Joshua E. Seva

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Arvin John L.

Micah D. Poblador
Allen Joshua
E. Seva

Only the
PLATO • Postulates that man differentiates itself
from animals in three ways: the soul, which
is immortal; the desire for and acquisition if
knowledge; and the tendency of man to
become social and political.

• A person as a material being develops and

dies while his essential, unchanging reality,
his soul, remains eternal. He believed that a
peron’s soul has its rational side and its
irrational side, that on one side was mind
and the ability to reason and on the other
side was desire.

“Wise men speak because they have

something to say; Fools because
they have to say something -Plato”
SARTRE • Man is condemened to be free; because
once thrown into the world, he is
responsible for everything he does. Man
live in constant anguish, not solely because
life is miserable, but because we are
condemned to be free.

• There is no human essence fixed and

predetermined essence that precede
existence. He reasons that once we become
self-aware, we have to make choices-
choices that define our very essence.

“Commitment is an act, not a

word – Jean Paul Sartre”
• Man is an essential and soul composite.
The soul apart from the body and vice
versa cannot be recognized as the
whole man.

• He believed that humans are morally

responsible for their actions, with his
belief that one’s life is predestined.

The world is a book, and those who do not

travel read only a page –St. Augustine”
SOCRATES • Examining one self is the most
important task one can undertake,for it
alone will give us the knowledge,
necessary to answer the question”how
should I live my life”

• According to Socrates it is the state of our

soul or our inner being,which determines the
quality of our life.Thus it is paramount that
we devote considerable amounts of our
attention,energy,and resources making our
soul good and beautiful as possible.

“The only true wisdom is on

knowing you know nothing.
ARISTOTLE • Aristotle recognized that living things
include plants, man and animals has a
vegetative structure (way of functioning)
which is primarily taking in nutrients,
reproducing and the like. Animals have this
structure plus a sensitive structure which
uses senses to interact with environment
and initiates desire. Man add this rational
structure which makes unique.

• He makes no sense to talk of a soul or mind

without a body, for the essence of a person
is embedded and intertwined with their

“The worst form of inequality is

to try to make unequal things

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