Oscillations, Waves and Optics

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• Drops of water fall from a leaf into a pond.
• The disturbance caused by the falling water
causes the water surface to oscillate.
• These oscillations are associated with waves
moving away from the point at which the
water fell.

• Waves are responsible for basically every form

of communication we use.
• Whether you're talking out loud, texting on
your phone or waving to someone in a crowd
there's going to be a wave transmitting
• An oscillation is a disturbance in a physical
system that is repetitive in time.
• A wave is a disturbance in an extended physical
system that is both repetitive in time and periodic
in space.
• In general, an oscillation involves a continuous
back and forth flow of energy between two
different energy types
• A wave involves similar repetitive energy flows to
an oscillation, but, in addition, is capable of
transmitting energy and information from
place to place.
Periodic and Oscillatory Motion

• When a body repeats its path of motion back and

forth about the equilibrium or mean position,
the motion is said to be periodic.
• The periodic motion in which there is existence of
a restoring force and the body moves along the
same path to and fro about a definite point,
equilibrium position, is called oscillatory motion.
Types of oscillatory motion:

• There are two types of oscillatory motion:

linear oscillation and circular oscillation.
-Examples of linear oscillation:-
1. Oscillation of mass spring system.
2. Oscillation of fluid column in a U-tube.
3. Oscillation of floating cylinder.
4. Oscillation of body dropped in a tunnel along
earth diameter.
5. Oscillation of strings of musical instruments.
– Example of circular oscillation:-
1. Oscillation of simple pendulum.
2. Oscillation of solid sphere in a cylinder (If
solid sphere rolls without slipping).
3. Oscillation of a circular ring suspended on a
4. Oscillation of balance wheel of a clock.
5. Rotation of the earth around the sun.
Oscillatory system:
•Oscillators are the basic building blocks of waves.
•Oscillatory systems are of two types,
mechanical and non- mechanical systems.
•Mechanical oscillatory system: In this type of system a
body itself changes its position.
•For mechanical oscillation two things are especially
responsible, inertia and restoring force.
•Non-mechanical oscillatory system: In this type of
system, the body itself doesn‘t change its
position but its physical property varies periodically.
• PERIOD (T): is the time required to complete one full
cycle of vibration or oscillation.
• FREQUENCY (f): The frequency is the number of
complete oscillations or cycles per unit time. The
frequency of wave is given by:

• AMPLITUDE (A): is the maximum displacement of the

oscillator from the equilibrium
• Example:- On average a human heart is found
to beat 75 times in a minute. Calculate its
frequency and
The beat frequency of heart = 75/1min =
75/60sec = 1.25/sec = 1.25Hz
The time period T = 1/1.25se-1 = 0.8sec
Simple harmonic motion
• A special kind of periodic motion occurs in
mechanical systems when the force acting on an
object is proportional to the position of the object
relative to some equilibrium position.
• If this force is always directed toward the
equilibrium position, the motion is called SHM.
• SHM is a special type of oscillatory motion caused
by a restoring force which obeys Hooke‘s law.
• In SHM acceleration (a) is always directly
proportional in size but opposite in direction to its
displacement (x).
Motion of an Object Attached to a Spring
• A block of mass m, attached to one end of a
spring, of constant k, and oscillating in a
horizontal frictionless floor (Figure below) is
one example of a SHM.
• Assuming the net force on the block is the spring
force which obeys Hooke‘s law:

• The minus sign shows the force is always acting

opposite to the displacement and always tries to
restore the block back to its equilibrium position.
Newton‘s 2nd law, Fs = ma, applied to the block

• Where k is the constant of proportionality called the

spring constant or and is the angular frequency of
the oscillator.
• An object moves with SHM whenever its acceleration
is proportional to its position and is oppositely
directed to the displacement from equilibrium.
• Systems that behave in this way are said to exhibit
simple harmonic motion.
Equations of Simple Harmonic Motion

• Consider the block attached to the spring shown

in the above figure and assuming that the
oscillation occurs along the x-axis,
• In order to give physical significance to these
constants, it is convenient to form a graphical
representation of the motion by plotting x as a
function of t, as in figure below.
• A is called the amplitude of the motion, and it is
simply the maximum value of the position of the
particle in either the positive or negative x
• The constant is called the angular frequency,
and has units of rad/s.
• It is a measure of how rapidly the oscillations are
• The constant angle is called the phase constant
(or initial phase angle).
• The quantity is called the phase of the motion.
• We can relate the period to the angular frequency
by using the fact that the phase increases by in a
time interval of T:
• That is, the period and frequency depend only
on the mass of the particle and the force
constant of the spring, and not on the
parameters of the motion, such as A or .
• The maximum values of the magnitudes of the
velocity and acceleration are:-
Example 1:-
An object oscillates with simple harmonic motion along the x axis.
Its position varies with time according to the equation where t is in
seconds and the angles in the parentheses are in radians.
a) Determine the amplitude, frequency, and period of the motion.
b) Calculate the velocity and acceleration of the object at any time
c) Using the results of part (b), determine the position, velocity,
and acceleration of the object at t = 1.00 s.
d) Determine the maximum speed and maximum acceleration of
the object.
Energy in a Simple Harmonic Motion
• Let us examine the mechanical energy of the
block–spring system illustrated in the figure
• Because the surface is frictionless, we expect the
total mechanical energy of the system to be
• Therefore, the kinetic energy of the block is:

• The elastic potential energy stored in the spring

for any elongation x is given by

• That is, the total mechanical energy of a simple

harmonic oscillator is a constant of the motion and
is proportional to the square of the amplitude.
• In fact, the total mechanical energy is equal to
the maximum potential energy stored in the
spring when x = A, because v = 0 at these points
and thus there is no kinetic energy.
• At the equilibrium position, where U = 0 because
x = 0, the total energy, all in the form of kinetic
energy is again
• Energy is continuously being transformed
between potential energy stored in the spring and
kinetic energy of the block.
• We can use the principle of conservation of
energy to obtain the velocity for an arbitrary
position by expressing the total energy at some
arbitrary position x as
The simple Pendulum

• A simple pendulum is another mechanical system

that exhibits periodic motion.
• It consists of a particle-like bob of mass m
suspended by a light string of length L that is
fixed at the upper end, as shown in the figure
• The forces acting on the bob are the force T exerted
by the string and the gravitational force mg.
• The tangential component is a restoring force, and we
can apply Newton’s second law for motion in the
tangential direction:

• where s is the bob’s position measured along the arc

and the negative sign indicates that the tangential
force acts toward the equilibrium (vertical) position.
• Since

• If we assume that 𝜃 is small, we can use the

approximation𝜃 𝜃; the equation of motion for the
simple pendulum becomes:-

• The above expression is the same with the

equation of SHM.
• Therefore, the function can be written as

• where is the maximum angular position and the angular frequency is

• This equation reveals somewhat surprising result that the period of a

simple pendulum doesn‘t depend on the mass, but only on the
pendulum‘s length and on the free-fall acceleration.
Example 2:-
A rock swings in a circle at constant speed on
the end on a string, making 50 revolutions in
30sec. What is the frequency and the period for
this motion?
f = 50rev/30sec = 1.67rev/sec = 1.67 Hz
T = 1/f = 1/0.5Hz = 2sec
Damped Oscillation
• In many real systems, non-conservative forces,
such as friction, retard the motion.
• Consequently, the mechanical energy of the
system diminishes in time, and the motion is said
to be damped.
Forced Oscillation and Resonance
• We have seen that the mechanical energy of a
damped oscillator decreases in time as a result of
the resistive force.
• It is possible to compensate for this energy
decrease by applying an external force that does
positive work on the system.
• A common example of a forced oscillator is a
damped oscillator driven by an external force that
varies periodically, such as

• The forced oscillator vibrates at the frequency of the

driving force and that the amplitude of the oscillator
is constant for a given driving force because it is
being driven in steady-state by an external force.
• For small damping, the amplitude is large when the
frequency of the driving force is near the natural
frequency of oscillation, or when .
• The dramatic increase in amplitude near the natural
frequency is called resonance, and the natural
frequency is also called the resonance frequency of
the system.
• Resonance is the increase in amplitude of oscillation of an
electric or mechanical system exposed to a periodic force
whose frequency is equal or very close to the natural
undamped frequency of the system.

• Resonance is a phenomenon in which an external force or a

vibrating system forces another system around it to vibrate
with greater amplitude at a specified frequency of operation.

• A classic example of resonance is the swinging of a person

sitting on a swing. A swing is a very good example of an
object in oscillating motion.
What is a Wave?
• The world is full of waves.
• Sound waves, waves on a string, seismic waves, and
electromagnetic waves, are some of examples of a
• All waves carry energy and momentum.
• Wave is a disturbance from normal or equilibrium
condition that travels, or propagates, carrying energy
and momentum through space without the transport
of matter.
• Pulse is a single disturbance traveling into a medium.
Terminologies in Wave

• Crests/Troughs: are positions in a wave with

maximum displacements above/below the
equilibrium position.
• Amplitude (A): is the maximum displacement
from the equilibrium position.
• Displacement (y): is position of a wave from
equilibrium position at any time.
• Wave length ( ): distance between any two
consecutive points which are in phase.
• Period (T): is the time taken by a wave to
move one wave length.
• Frequency (f): number of oscillations
performed per unit time.
• Speed (v): is constant in a medium provided
the medium is homogeneous.
Types of waves
• Waves can be categorized as Mechanical and
Electromagnetic waves based on the need of
material medium for its propagation.
1) Mechanical Waves
• are waves produced by the oscillation of particles
of a mechanical medium and need a medium for
• Examples are water waves, sound wave,
waves in strings etc.
• All mechanical waves require:
• some source of disturbance
• a medium that can be disturbed and
• physical medium through which elements of
the medium can influence each other.
2) Electromagnetic (EM) waves
• are produced by accelerated charged particles and
can propagate through both material medium and
• Examples are: Light, radio and television waves,
micro waves, x-rays, etc.
• All EM waves in vacuum propagate with speed c =
3.0 × 108m/s.
• Waves can either move in space (e.g. water waves),
the so called traveling waves, or be stationary in an
enclosure, the so called standing waves.
• Travelling waves transport energy from one area of
space to another, whereas standing waves do not
transport energy.
• Also, points on a standing wave oscillate in phase,
whereas on a travelling wave only points a
wavelength apart oscillate in phase - the rest on that
wavelength oscillate out of phase with the original
• Waves can also be categorized as transverse and longitudinal
waves based on the way they are propagating.

1) Transverse Wave-
• is a wave where particles of the disturbed medium oscillate
perpendicular to the direction of wave motion.
• Examples are: water waves, waves on strings, and all EM
waves. Sinusoidal graphs can represent this motion.

2) Longitudinal Wave
• is a wave where particles of the disturbed medium oscillate
parallel to the direction of wave motion. Example: sound
The Doppler Effect

• Doppler Effect refers to the change in wave frequency

during the relative motion between a wave source and its
• Doppler Effect works on both light and sound objects.
• The Doppler Effect is observed whenever the source of
waves is moving with respect to an observer.
• It can be described as the effect produced by a moving
source of waves in which there is an apparent upward shift
in frequency for observers towards whom the source is
approaching and an apparent downward shift in frequency
for observers from whom the source is receding.
• It is important to note that the effect does not
result because of an actual change in the
frequency of the source.
• The Doppler Effect can be observed for any
type of wave; water wave, sound wave, light
wave, etc.
• A police car receding from a girl and approaching
to a boy.
• The wavelength of a wave gets longer when
preceding and shorter when approaching.
• Let: fo = frequency heard by the observer and
• fs = frequency emitted by the source.
• Let: vo, v, and vs respectively be velocities of the
observer, sound wave and the source.
• The observed frequency due to Doppler Effect is:

• ‖Upper‖ signs (i.e., and ) refer to motion of one

towards the other.
• Lower‖ signs (i.e., and ) refer to motion of one
away from the other.
Characteristics of Waves

• Reflection of Waves
Whenever a traveling wave reaches a
boundary, part or all of the wave bounces
back. This Phenomenon is called reflection.
• Refraction of wave
It is the change in direction of a wave passing
from one medium to another caused by its
change in speed. For example, waves in deep
water travel faster than in shallow.
• Diffraction of wave
It is the spreading of waves around obstacles.
Diffraction takes place with sound; with
electromagnetic radiation, such as light, X-rays,
and gamma rays; and with very small moving
particles such as atoms, neutrons, and electrons.
One consequence of diffraction is that sharp
shadows are not produced.
• Interference of wave
It is the net effect of the combination of two or
more wave trains moving on intersecting or
coincident paths. The effect is that of the addition
of the amplitudes of the individual waves at each
point affected by more than one wave.
Image Formation by Thin Lenses and Mirrors

• Images Formed by plane Mirrors

If the reflecting surface of the mirror is flat
then we call this type of mirror as plane
Light always has regular reflection on plane
• Given picture below shows how we can find
the image of a point in plane mirrors.

– Figure : image formed by a plane mirror.

• At point A’ image of the point is formed and we
call this image virtual image which means not
• The distance of the image to the mirror is equal
to the distance of the object to the mirror.
• The orientation and height of the image is same
as the object.
• In plane mirrors always virtual image is formed.
Images formed by Lenses

• Lenses are commonly used to form images by

refraction in optical instruments, such as cameras,
telescopes, and microscopes.
• A lens is an optical system with two refracting surfaces.
• The two types of lenses are convex and concave lenses.
• A lens is a part of a transparent thick glass which
is bounded by two spherical surfaces.
• It is an optical device through which the rays of light
converge or diverge before transmitting.
• Convex lenses:- converging lenses thickest at
their center and converge a beam of parallel
light to real focus
• Concave lenses:- diverging lenses thinnest
at their center and diverge a beam of parallel
light from a virtual focus
• The distance from the focal point to the lens is
called the focal length f.
• The equation that relates object and image
distances for a lens is identical to the mirror

• Magnification is defined as the ratio of image

height(hi) to object height(ho) or ratio of image
distance(si) to object distance(so).
the image formed by a convex lens has the following feature.

• If an object is brought close to the lens, the size of the image

keeps on increasing.
• As it goes more close to the lens, the image all the more
• So here one can say that the images formed can be of a
variety of types:
• The images formed will be diminished inverted images,
small sizes inverted images, enlarged inverted images and
enlarged erect images.
• So in a concave lens, there is a possibility of
getting a real as well as an inverted image.
Summery of image formation by convex lens
Image Formation by Concave Lens

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